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Everything posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. I don't believe that they are allowed to do that anymore in some of these apartments...LOL "its forbidden."
  2. Welcome Leona to B2, I am sure you well do better then the last person who had that room. I was glad to see that Renata from B1 went over and talked to all three ladies "Zlata, Irina, and leona" that was a good idea for RLC to do that, I don't think they can go wrong with Renata, " I think maybe they "RLC" should have put Renata in B2 after Lola left anyway, seems all she have in B1 is two two faced use to be friends "Sher and Regina." With Renata showing up today I did see more smiles in B2 then I have in awhile.
  3. Looks like Lola "aka Mr. Ed the talking horse" "aka Madam Lola" "aka lady Pimp" has left the stables...lol Great great great...and now what well happen to B2 and who well carry out her wishes? Since Irina's return from her short vacation she has been keeping a low profile "I wonder what made her do that, and maybe she has been reading the viewers comments while away" and taking a real good look at herself following behind Lola. But I am sure Irina is going to spring back into action any day now. Zlata doesn't seem to be to promising for B2 as a new leader, there is really not to much to say about her because all she does is just sit, cook and watches T.V most of the day. Lola if your reading this, "you have a safe trip and please take all the time you need to come back." "Giddy up Giddy up my old stallion"
  4. Looks like Lola "aka Mr. Ed the talking horse" "aka Madam" "aka Lady Pimp" has left the stables....lol Great great great...and now what well happen to B2 and who well carry out her wishes? since Irina's return from her short vacation she has been keeping a low profile "I wonder what made her do that, and maybe she has been reading the viewers comments while away" and taking a real good look and herself following behind Lola." But I am sure Irina is going to spring be into action any day now. Zlata doesn't seem to be to promising for B2 as a new leader, there is really not to much to say about her because she just sits, cook and watches TV most of the day. Lola if your reading this you have a safe trip and please take all the time you need to come back. "Giddy up Giddy up"
  5. I see that Efim has two of his bulling friends over again, earlier they was trying to dunk his head under the water and he acted so useless, I wonder why he invites these guys over and let them run the house. Aanbel seem to stay in her place and just watch, maybe one day RLC well banned them "his dick headed friends" from there before things get out of hand. Efim is such a weak set of NUTTS.
  6. I see Kitty and Smith has been having some more problems again, lately she has been doing a lot of crying, I think these two may need to take a vacation with out each other. Kitty loves attention "all the time" and sometimes Smith would rather play with his toys instead of playing with Kitty and giving her the love that she expects from him. Kitty has been giving the viewers a lot of sets "nice ones too" and I hope she sticks around much longer. Maybe Smith needs to take that vacation and leave Kitty and one of her girlfriends with us for a week, the viewers well keep an eye on her for sure maybe she well give us more. Cheer up Kitty it well get better!!!
  7. Now that Zlata has been there at B2 for awhile, I wonder if she is there to just house sit or be a part of the couch she sits on all day watching TV? has anyone seen any type of masturbation, does she get horny, is she horny?? I would figure by now we would has seen something!! I think it would take a gas powered dildo to get her in the groove of things, or maybe she's just there for some time off and R/R "rest and relaxation" from her other job..LoL She has to be one of the hardest "ROCKS" that Lola has had so far...LOL.....but we still have time...I guess.
  8. Martina and Alberto seems to be enjoying there stay and has become very comfortable with the viewers, they do have sex but are starting to use there hiding spots in side the apartment when they don't want to be seen, I have notice that they have put on some weight, maybe from sitting watching a lot of tv, and playing games but that haven't stopped Martina from looking as sexy as she is either, I think if this keeps up they may have to ask RLC for some kind of exercise equipment soon. I think that RLC may have to add one or two more cams in that apartment to stop the hiding with them.
  9. Kamila's sexy blonde hair friend who is now visiting has been there for a few days, she sometimes seems to be shy in front of the cams, I wish she would open up a little more then she does "a little masturbation." I am sure she has been there before and knows that the viewers can't help but to watch her and her other sexy friends "Kamila, Kaley and Kristy" We the viewers won't bite...but would love too!
  10. Leora the queen of RLC, who can get tired of her sexy looks and the way she keeps a lot members waiting for her each day? When all the other apartments are failing Leora has been there, she never give us viewers to much or to little. Thank you Leora.
  11. Ilona, Tim, Yana and Ricky was at B1 yesterday having a great time, dancing laughing and drinking wine. Ilona seems to be reminiscing about the days she was at B1, she and her boyfriend also seem to be giving Regina and Sher some advise. I wonder if she "Ilona" told them how she left the first time at B1, because she didn't have a lot of fans either, a lot of members wanted her gone just like Terzera. I was glad to see that she "Ilona" and her room mates did come and support Renata.
  12. I think that these two Adriana and Daniel may need some kind boost like other apartments have an outside guest or couple over for about a week or two that would bring some spark into the apartment. Adriana is sexy, but may have gotten a little bored with the cams. I also notice that Adriana doesn't have a lot of girl friends that come by either. I don't think they should leave, but start having more company over and a few parties "might help." "My thoughts only"
  13. I agree, Eva is very sexy and loves sex and she brings me to this apartment all the time, she and Sam has brought this apartment to a high level. I still see Dasha visit every now and then, "I wonder if she messes being there?" or is she trying to get another apartment?
  14. Its not hard to see that Renata doesn't like or want to be around Tereza and there is some friction that soon well turn into fire. Sher and Regina sucks up to Tereza like to hungry cats but when Tereza's not around they "Sher and Regina" is looking for Renata for some free orgasms and sexual advise that Tereza has no idea of doing, so Tereza she uses her night life skills instead, witch she is very good at for those that don't know her and her sneaky ways. I think that Renata feels abandoned by Sher the most. I am sure Renata like some of the viewers was hoping that Tereza was gone for good. Tereza is very sexy but has her sneaky ways, she never do anything around the apartment except eat and sleep and loves the streets, she tries to be to sexy just before heading out the door for an all night swing, I was hoping when she got to B1 she was going to take it to the top again, but Renata did that for a moment, Renata knows how to bring that energy to the apartment and Tereza may be somewhat jealous. "Just my thoughts only"
  15. Efim and Anabel doesn't seem to be doing great as they use to when they would visit and spend the night at Nelly and Bogdan's, seems there sex drive has taken a nose dive. They do love to have parties, I often wonder do they know who most of the people are that come to these parties they have, I also notice that once the parties start he like to take them into his closet in the hallway so the cams can see. Some times Anabel doesn't seem to as happy as she use to be anymore. Efim some times looks like he is on cloud nine "high as hell" or to drunk to stand. I see tonight they have company, a couple, the girl looks like she could be Anabel's sister, the guy who is now acting like a leaking dick head in the spa seems to be bulling every one, he to might be on something other then water!!! and Anabel doesn't seem to like him to much either. I watch this apartment when all other's have either went to bed, or just not worth visiting. Anabel and Efim needs to pick up the energy, and stop hiding some of it in the closet's. I thought they would have given us viewers more, or have they gotten what they wanted from RLC?
  16. Masha and Sasha has been getting a lot of company in the pass few months, I wonder if its by choice? or is RLC having these people stay there. I am hoping they start getting some that loves to play like that do "sexually" instead of Sasha's brother and wife. Either way they "masha and Sasha" do keep the viewers entertain weather its just them or with out company. I am looking and hoping Masha's sister make another visit and stay for a few days, she really opened up a lot her last stay.
  17. I have read that some think Nelly is trying to get pregnant or is pregnant, she may not be able to get pregnant. But is she is trying I don't think that they would stay at RLC if they could. Nelly and Bogdan is a nice couple one of my favorites and am hoping they have one of there October parties this year.
  18. Zoya and Lev has one foot out the door, and I am wondering if they have had more friends to come by would they have been leaving now? It seems that they kept to them self's most of the time and Lev was not the type to have a lot of friends, at least to come by and visit. Taboo was the only one who ever came by and 2 years ago some guy did visit Zoya. I also remember once Zoya visited Nelly and Bogdan while they was having a house party, and she didn't seem to be to comfortable with being there so she left. Anyway I am going to miss seeing her sexy slim body and her very sexual masturbation sets. Maybe she well return one day.
  19. Yana and Ricky seem to have a lot of fun when Renata comes over, Ilona and Tim are ok, but I think to much of being around another couple all the time gets some what boring. And I am sure Renata may feel the same way about her room mates too. "when ever they are home."
  20. Now that Irina has moved in one of her clents or studs Zlata has lost what little privacy she had. As long as Irina's hero stud lives there the viewers won't see to much nudity unless its Irina entertaining him, and I am going to see how this is going to work with anyone new that comes there. I think that Irina with the help of Lola has made her own rules at B2, I wonder how much did Lola get with this deal? Also Zlata has proven to the viewers that she didn't come desperately looking for a man like Irina has done, but I wish she would start doing and showing something besides watching tv all day. I figure once Lola gallops out of B2 Irina and her hero stud well get the big room for the bed "that's if he haven't been replaced by then."
  21. Olivia and Nick are definitely freaks who loves lots of sex, they almost have Masha and Sasha beat, but I think sooner or later Olivia and Nick may find them another couple to join in with them, I am hoping its Taya...lol I also believe all of the slapping around that he "Nick" does with Olivia is part of there sexual fun and excitement "something like an aphrodisiac to get them started." I try not to miss much of these two, Olivia keeps Nicks balls drained...lucky man..LOL
  22. I see that Renata has two friends come over today "Yana and Ricky", I think its good to see other's come from different apartments and visit at times instead of B1 and B2 all the time. If I was Renata is would kind feel bad with the apartment a bit messy though especially when her room mates are female, you'd think they would be a little more tidier. Yana and Ricky seems to be enjoying them self's and from my point of view needed the get away.......Renata seems to have that touch of making people happy.
  23. I see sticky fingers Irina is back from out all day with her new man this one looks like he is p&%$y whipped, I wonder what happen to the last guy she had there, who she gave a hand job to on the balcony? I think he was married also. She really gets around....and fast too.
  24. Does anyone know if Irina have moved out of B2,? seems she just comes home take or get new clothing and freshen up. I think she may have also took the viewers on a sucker trip since her arrival because she has done "NOTHING" but chased men, I am hoping she is one of Lola's suitcases or handbags when she leaves B2. I can't call her what I want to call her, "but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it must be a duck. Another one of Lola's products.
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