I really don't think its over, I think this may go on as long as there are a big amount of viewers, I did not see the first night and a few minutes of the 3rd, but I did see the second night witch I made my biggest comments on, being as honest as I can I felt bad for my comments "not saying that I did not like some of the things that was going on" but I truly felt that there was drugs going on that night, weather some of you said "there were no proof of any drugs" Well that word "can you prove this or did you see that" sometimes I think I am talking to a few cops or Detectives in the discussion room, weather some one has proof or not thats their opinion, why spoil their fantasy because you don't have one. Yes this girls may have label themselfs but I am sure they knew what they were signing on too. I just wish I couldn't feel the drug part of it, "I wasn't born yesterday, and I have been around a lot of things in my life" I just feel drugs was a big part of all of this. I am hoping know one gets hurt in the up coming nights of their fun before all this starts getting boring. My lesson for the year is "be careful what you ask for" you just might get it, I got it, liked some of it, but hated as lot of it.