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Everything posted by vampire

  1. Do not know if they areActors or not. But no one can act 24 hours a day. Has to be some truth in their relationship. If Lev being a lazy piece of shit is acting, I think most of us could do that with out any lessons. So my opinion is most of what we see is real. There was no Acting when I saw Lev kick Zoya in the back and stuff a Thats why I do not watch this apartment very much. Lev is a real SLUG of the Human type. shoe in her face or hit her in the back of the head.
  2. There have been visits by numerous parents in the apartments. As for the cameras. Don't think anyone would let their parents come and visit with out telling them about the cameras.
  3. Robberman--You can rest easy, SugarBonnie is back in her bed and sleeping. Rasta dude Is in the living room with Carina and Elvis. If he stays I guess he gets the couch. Have to wait for this story line to develop.
  4. ShaKaZulu--Love the topic, could be fun. But the truth is those of us that put down the money for RLC feel that it gives us a right to complain,Bitch,Moan,get pissed off at other members and dislike the Mods and all people in general. Now that I think about it, Its well worth the money--LOL
  5. I often come to this Forum to escape real life, if only for a little while. But unfortunately it seems there is no longer such a place in this world you can do that. May all the victims of this horrible event find peace and love in another place. The families I hope can get some solace in that. Like them we should not forgetthat each one was a human being, a person. A mother,father, son and daughter. Peace and love for all are great thoughts, but not all beleive we all have a right to that. Untill that day happens we will again be here offering prayers for the fallen. I wish a speedy recovery for the injured. May the purpartraters of such acts rot in Hell---AMEN
  6. Enjoyed seeing Kristy and her friends all take showers. As I suspected Kristy has the best body by far. She is very fit and hot as hell.
  8. You talking--Hockey,Soccer,Have no clue but I think Masha and Nellie have scored more then all of them---LOL
  9. sKippy--You are never to old to go to school or to learn new things. But you are right about their no work history and their chance of employment. I have seen it happen many times on RLC. New people arrive and seem to be going to school or have a lob. Shortly after realizing they can live for free and do so very well it leads them to quit their previous endevers . They do not seem to think of the future. Remember young people often do not. They do not seem to realize that RLC is just a short stop in their life travels.
  10. My guess there are more guys screwing 70 year old women then they know. In this age of plastic surgery and exercise machines , You can stay young a lot longer. Hell given the right women age is not a problem. Just hope its not one of your mothers--lol
  11. This is my theory on the state of the Russian male today. (HISTORY)--WW2, Was devistating on Russian males. A large percentage of them were killed. Thus the women started taking over the previous male dominated jobs. Doctors, Teachers and all other areas. Through the years there has been 2 different reactions. One is OK--Let the women support me, The other resentment by the male. So we see these 2 dynamics working out in their culture--Just a thought -lol..
  12. Hey the Guy is a Tool, What do you exspect--LOL---And yes studies have shown that women who live together over a period of time have their Menstral cycles start to coincide. .
  13. In my over 4 years on RLC lev is with out a doubt the worst male ever on this site. He is a Sloth, A slug, No redeeming values that I have ever seen in him. Totally absorbed in his own world. Hes not a Man, No man could ignore a women like Zoya. Well at least he does not beat her--OH wait He did that too.
  14. I have liked Sugar Bonnie since day one. Looked so cute and innocent. Not quite so innocent any more but still a fan. Thanks for the picks and vid.
  15. SugarBonnie,s hair looks deep purple on my cams. Hell she is young, trying to find her identity. Not a fan of the tats but that is her choice and will have to live with it. Bottom line, as long as she is happy and not hurting any one else with her decisions its OK. Better then being a heavy druggie. Do wish she practiced safe sex when having multiple partners. Other wise party on, You only live once.
  16. In my mind there is no doubt. Lev is the worse exscuse of a male human being I have ever seen. He can sit on the couch for 6-8 hours with out moving. He must wear depends so he does not have to get up to go to the bathroom. He is so lazy he has no energy to make love to the beautiful Zoya. Loser with a Capital L, witch stands for LEV.
  17. I think there is truth in part with all of the comments above. First of all I am a Kristy fan and would take her over kammi any day. As far as kammi-- I think she is using her boyfriend and us for her own gains. Do not know if she is a model, hostess or whatever. She is using her assets to get what she wants. Hey--Nothing wrong with that. She may be using us but we in turn are using her. I have no allusions that she cares one iota about us or RLC. I just sit back and watch the show. I get what I want and she gets what she wants and I have no problem with that.
  18. woods 71--You can download a free proxy app. that changes your IP Address every time you log on. You should be able to watch the free cams that way.
  19. BobZ---The bear grins and smiles. The Boyfriend has a smug ( I,am hot shit look) on his Face. Not the same-lol Kammi has a Yes, I know that you think I,am beautiful-Look. Kristy has a beautiful smile and a look in her eyes that makes me grin.
  20. Iam afraid our friend the bear has a drug problem. No one keeps a smile on his face all the time unless you are high on something.Also seems to keep falling out of bed a lot. I blame Kami because she is gone a lot lately and the bears sex life is dwindling and is very lonely. Kami either spend more time with Mr. Bear or get the help he obviously needs.
  21. Here is what I heard on Cam Caps. Kammi is pregnant with twins. The bear is the father. He said he was drunk and has no knowledge of the event. She now is having frequent sex with boyfriend so she can say it is his. Kristy was fighting with her boyfriend because she realized the bear is a bigger stud. RLC is now going to give the bear its own apartment.--Stay tuned for updates--lol
  22. I must apologize to the bear, haven't been watching out for its well being lately. See you have been left on your own quite a lot lately. But the trooper you are , that smile persists. Just remember that I love you. And you are welcome to live with me any time. Don' t forget to bring Kammi and Kristy with you.--lol
  23. If you don't advertise,you don't sell. Cant imagine why there are not at least 1 free cam in every apartment RLCs strategy baffels me,as does the blurred thumbnails. Again,Advertising, You are not going to buy what you can't see. If you see interesting actions on a free cam or thumbnail you may just say, Hey I want to check that out. Walla RLC, a Membership--lol
  24. Yes kami is beautiful, but dosen't seem to offer a whole lot more then that. Kristy on the other hand is nice looking,has a great fit body and a quirky personality. Goes out a lot more and does not sit in apartment all day. If I was a young guy looking for a person to spend time with I would pick Kristy hands down. Think she is a great girl. If kristy was not available I then would have to go with the bear-lol
  25. Sleep during the day, and live at night. Hey I can relate to that. lol. Not sure why so many of these people stay up so late, as for most does not appear to be because of a work schedule. As for me Iam a night stalker (Oops, I mean)Night owl because years of working evening and night shifts. And when you no longer do that it is really hard to go back to normal hours. So some of us are forever doomed to wander the night, watching late night TV and logging on to web sites my mommy told me not to. (sorry mom).
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