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Posts posted by Booffer69

  1. Hi Booffer,


    Lola sleeps on the inside of Polya's bed, usually in knickers.   She tends to get into bed just before Polya gets home.


    Polya often spends time on the balcony before getting into bed in her knickers.


    Both girls then sleep decorously with no interaction.   Rather dull, unless something happens in the mornings which I miss.



    Thanks  iloner,

    That sucks royally, Why not share the pull out with Irma like Anna did...... Then maybe some of you alls dreams might of cometh true....lol.. Maybe..... Just Sayin.... :):P:)

  2. Dude, The reason to why she is in such high demand, Is because she hasn't showed... As soon as she shows, she'll end up on the chopping block sooner or later anyways... Just like all the other girls in here....For some, it doesn't matter how much they show they end up with bad press anyhoot... Everyone screams bloody murder for some one they'd love to see again, then scream bloody murder to get rid of them if they don't do what you want them to do....lol...Me, Myself and I thinks, (and tis only my opinion) that they have been acting the way they do so that they will never be asked to come back Ever again... Just Sayin... :):P:) 

  3. Going for ratings by using abuse only works against them. No one want's to watch abuse and will quit watching ,I hope

    Was only stating a fact that the fight was all for show... It would be one cold day in hell before I stood there and watched an ass hit a woman.... Any man that hits a woman, is no man in my eyes and will be beaten to a pulp....


    Just Sayin...!

  4. well to put an end to this saga about translation , i heard from a friend of a friend of a friends friend ,that all the girls only speak mandarin. and that the reason they are in that appartment is because they are all post-op transgenders, who are modelling there bodies for the surgeon general who performed the operation. 

    so all you guys that have had a wank over any of the occupants in that appartment , you:ve been bashing the bishop over a confused guy . 



    FUCK.... I heard the same thing.... We must know the same friend of a friends friend.......lol....:P:):P

  5. the simple fact of the "under maintaince" is due to the fact that all cameras are connected through the internet .and there are many reasons for the internet connection to crash ,( yes i know sometimes RLC shut down the connection,that is ussually done for a reason ) but the majority of time its the fault of the server that the cameras are linked through . sometimes the tennants have learned how to crash the internet for privacy ,another reason for the U.M is if a minor as come to there appartment and due to the licencing laws regarding the recording of minors ,All these theories that members think its for an ulteria motive , just take time to think of the issues ive mentioned , 


    Now why would you say something like that BTR.... That sounds to much like Real Life.......LOL... :):P:)

  6. All girls apts would be great, But, What about the female members and from what I've seen some male members want to see guys as well.... They could split into 3 separate sites....1 all girls, the other all guys and then the 3rd couples.... that way there everyone would be happy and log into which ever one they prefer to watch.... Mind you, changing the site in this manner might be hard to keep it Real Life after that....and then again it would end up with 3 sites people can bitch about....sorry complain....lol... Just Sayin... :):P:)

  7. I agree with Majestria, I don't know what or care less most of the time to what they are saying....hearing others TRY to translate whats going on is way funner then knowing the truth....lol...Besides.....Me, Myself and I are very happy with the eye candy.... :):P:)        Just Sayin..

  8. Gotta luv it that they are now getting along........Great to see....... Today they must of mucked out the laundry room.... they came down with 9 bags full of what I think might of been clothes.... Guess they are going out to give them away.......lol.... :):P:)

  9. If you're looking at rlc exhibissionists, you're a simple audience member.

    If you're looking at someone who doesn't know.... trying not to be seen... then you can consider you as a voyeur :)


    No... That's called a peeping Tom........lol... There's no jail time in Voyeurism .Just Sayin...  :):P:)

  10. Well. She wants to be his wife not his mother, thats why you see her bate so much....the only time he takes a bath/shower is when they do actually have sex.... Not her responsibilty to tell him to shower everyday.....He's just lucky they live where they do or she'd probably be gone bye bye...fly the coupe... Adiós amigos..... Au Revoir​..... lol... Just Sayin... :):P:)

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