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Everything posted by PeterGrey

  1. Alot of freecams today as well. But it seems controlled, like someone sitting there changing cams here and there. And if it gets too explicit, they shut it down. Looks like B1 and B2 are off limits, no freecam. Wonder why.
  2. Yes you could be right, but it's weird to see her in the room full of stash. She can't live like that for long.
  3. Guess it worked after all, they just needed some time to set it up lol All apts open, apart from B1 and B2(?) (mila lola etc) Dang, was good to see Rad again 😁 But, they had to close the cams when she found her spot on the table in LR. Not sure what she's up to, a public bate? lol
  4. "And on the eight day, there were freecams!" ... Damn, it didn't work lol
  5. Yes you're right, it doesn't take much to be top cam these days. But I still think they value her before others. Will be interesting to see what plans they have for her.
  6. Great news! lol Been thinking about Uly, she's a hottie for sure and was hoping for her return. Now I'm wondering what plans they have for Rad - she never unpacked, like it was for just a short time, and then returning to B1. But now I don't know what to think. Is her time up or do they have a new place for her? She's on top cam most of the day, together with Leora.
  7. (Dunno why I don't have a quote button anymore, sry). Yes, they had sex after (ref chat) lol And Nelly went to Martina to cool down - think she's as tired of RLC as the rest of us 😂 Have no idea about Replay, but my News-button shows up empty...
  8. @Scorpio 2.2 Any interesting daily moments recently. 🤣 (Where is my quote button??) As I said in a post on Sat: "Not much to report these days - miss the freecam, but haven't given up quite yet 😁" So yes, not much going on atm. And no freecam at all, not even the sporadically teases they used to have. I think they're trying to get gid of us freeloaders lol But on the other hand, it's the tenants who are freeloaders now: Freeloader - "a person who uses money, food, a room in a house, etc. given by other people, but who gives nothing to them in exchange". haha!😂
  9. Was gonna call him Rob, but Lone Ranger works as well lol
  10. Saw the "masked" dude at the apt yesterday, talking to "Foxy". Seen him around several times in different apts., often when making a video. But can't say for sure if it's the same dude every time. And with mask, I don't mean the covid face-mask, but a square cloth you fold into a triangle. Like the robbers in old western movies lol
  11. Is Miru back from her adventures? I think I see some activity on the couch by nekkid ppl lol Or is it another couple maybe - many ppl in LR last night. Not much to report these days - miss the freecam, but haven't given up quite yet 😁
  12. Yes, that place is getting weird. Maybe it was the landlord lol
  13. Good to see "freecam" is still a feature lol Got 5 mins with different apts, including "Rubislava's" new palace. And looking at the state of her room, she won't be staying long. Will be interesting to see what they have done with B1. And good to see CC is up and running again. Thought we were a bunch of weirdos, but now I'm not so sure lol
  14. Weekend is not quite over yet, but is this the 1st weekend ever without freecam? I'm not watching 24/7, so may have missed it - but did anyone else see anything?
  15. Or maybe a food-lift for Rad, from kitchen to her room - "Tomatoexpress" 🤣
  16. B1 is gone from list (for good or renovating?)- who will be next, B2? lol Was this the start of the end? Must say I was surprised when they moved Rad to GP - maybe it's not the end after all, or they're just delaying lol Edit: Sry, spoke too soon - "Radislava’s apartment requires renovation and will be back soon"
  17. She already looks very "at home", and it didn't take her long to be top cam. (It has to be said that not much is going on lately lol) It's easy to say now, but maybe she should have been at GP from day one.
  18. I agree. But for some, it seems like RLC is the enemy lol But ok, I'm done and I will move along to other topics 😁
  19. So you're saying this site is kept alive by ppl talking shit of rlc - now that's really funny lol Joke aside, I know you are one of the few members that keep this site going. By posting lots of pictures and trying to get the conversation going - you are very active. It's just so sad and boring to see all the negativity against rlc everythime I log on here. I know it's not like it used to be, and probably never will be. But it doesn't help to talk shit. I'm not sure I understand what will come out of it, what is the goal? They never listen, we can't do anything about it. And with all this negativity, Xcamfan becomes a bad site as well.
  20. Didn't get to see much myself, but read there was some magic going on yesterday. This is what RLC used to be, but can't get to work anymore. It's sad to see how a once great site now fades out. But we should treasure the good things like yesterday. It's not often we see anymore. Thanks Rad and Mila :) I'm sure some of you will find ways to talk bad of this as well, 'cause that's all you do. No matter what happens, everything is shit. I don't know why you still hang around here tbh - move along guys.
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