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    box_hunter got a reaction from Flume in Funny Texts.   
    This is one tech savvy mum

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    box_hunter got a reaction from Danny in Health And Safety.   
  3. Haha
    box_hunter got a reaction from Shaggy in Priceless!   

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    box_hunter got a reaction from Max 2017 in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    Is just me or when you are really drunk this slightly looks like Paul?????
  5. Like
    box_hunter got a reaction from Max 2017 in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
  6. Haha
    box_hunter got a reaction from Max 2017 in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
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    box_hunter got a reaction from Lisa in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    A woman goes into the Bass Pro Shop to buy a rod and reel for her grandson's birthday. She doesn't know which one to get so she just grabs one and goes over to the counter.
    A Bass Pro Shop associate is standing there wearing dark shades.
    She says "Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me anything about this rod and reel?" He says "Ma'am, I'm completely blind; but if you'll drop it on the counter, I can tell you everything from the sound it makes".
    She doesn't believe him but drops it on the counter anyway.
    He says "That's a six-foot Shakespeare graphite rod with a Zebco 404 reel and 10-LB. test line.
    It's a good all-around combination and it's on sale this week for only $20.00". She says "It's amazing that you can tell all that just by the sound of it dropping on the counter. I'll take it!"
    As she opens her purse, her credit card drops on the floor. Oh, that sounds like a Master Card" he says. She bends down to pick it up and accidentally farts. At first she is really embarrassed, but then realises there is no way the blind clerk could tell it was she who tooted. Being blind, he wouldn't know that she was the only person around.
    The man rings up the sale and says "That'll be $34.50 please".
    The woman is totally confused by this and asks "Didn't you tell me the rod and reel was on sale for $20.00? How did you get $34.50?" He replies "Yes, Ma'am. The rod and reel is $20.00, but the Duck Call is $11.00 and the Bear Repellent is $3.50".
  8. Like
    box_hunter got a reaction from King Hamlet in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    A guy is walking around in a supermarket yelling "Cris-co, Cris-co?" A store clerk says to him "Sir, the Crisco is in Aisle 5". He says "I'm not looking for cooking Crisco, I'm calling my wife". The clerk says "Your wife is named Crisco'?" He says "No, I only call her that in public". The clerk says "What do you call her when you're home?" He says "Lard ass".
  9. Like
    box_hunter got a reaction from Lisa in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
  10. Like
    box_hunter got a reaction from Max 2017 in When You See It.   
    found it.. pic below

  11. Like
    box_hunter got a reaction from Max 2017 in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    A lady goes to the bar on a cruise ship and orders a Scotch with two drops of water. As the bartender gives her the drink she says "I'm on this cruise to celebrate my 80th birthday and it's today". The bartender says "Well, since it's your birthday, I'll buy you a drink. In fact, this one is on me".
    As the woman finishes her drink the woman to her right says "I would like to buy you a drink, too". The old woman says "Thank you. Bartender, I want a Scotch with two drops of water". "Coming up" says the bartender.
     As she finishes that drink, the man to her left says "I would like to buy you one, too". The old woman says "Thank you. Bartender, I want another Scotch with two drops of water".
    "Coming right up" the bartender says. As he gives her the drink, he says "Ma'am, I'm dying of curiosity. Why the Scotch with only two drops of water?" The old woman replies "Sonny, when you're my age, you've learned how to hold your liquor... holding your water, however, is a whole other issue".
  12. Like
    box_hunter got a reaction from Max 2017 in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
  13. Haha
    box_hunter got a reaction from Max 2017 in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    My favorite sex position is the JFK... I splatter all over her while she screams and tries to get out of the car.
  14. Like
    box_hunter got a reaction from Chucky in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    Jimmy Carr is the master of dead pan. If you've never experienced his sarcasm and wit, then checkout the Comedy Central Roast of Rob Lowe. Brutal. Otherwise just read through this list...
    -If only Africa had more mosquito nets, then every year we could save millions of mosquitoes from dying needlessly of AIDS.
    -I said to my girlfriend, you shouldn't eat before you swim. She said "Why not"? I said, you look fat.
    -I'm not being condescending. I'm too busy thinking about far more important things you wouldn't understand.
    -When I was a kid, I used to have an imaginary friend. I thought he went everywhere with me. I could talk to him and he could hear me, and he could grant me wishes and stuff too. But then I grew up, and stopped going to church.
    -Someone came up to me last week and complained about a joke, quite a big-boned girl. She said "I think you're fattist". I said "No, I think you'll find you're fattest".
    -I worry about my nan. If she's alone and falls, does she make a noise? I'm joking, she's dead.
    -If we're all God's children, what's so special about Jesus?
    -I saw a charity appeal in the Guardian the other day, and it read "Little Zuki has to walk 13 miles a day just to fetch water". And I couldn't help thinking, she should move.
    -Years after the Chernobyl accident and am I the only one that's disappointed? Still no superheroes.
    -I did a gig in the US once for the homeless. I said "It's nice to see so many bums on seats".
    -When I was a kid, I used to have an imaginary friend. I thought he went everywhere with me. I could talk to him and he could hear me, and he could grant me wishes and stuff too. But then I grew up, and stopped going to church.
    -I hate those e-mails where they try to sell you penis enhancers. I got ten just the other day. Eight of them from my girlfriend. It's the two from my mum that really hurt.
    -People with Tourettes... what makes them tick?
    -Cats have nine lives. Makes them ideal for experimentation.
    -I realised I was dyslexic when I went to a toga party dressed as a goat.
    -I'm not worried about the Third World War. That's the Third World's Problem.
    -No matter how much you give a homeless person for tea, you never get that tea.
    -I went up to the airport information desk. I said "How many airports are there in the world?"
    -See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Rohypnol(TM).
    -When you eat a lot of spicy food, you can lose your taste. When I was in Mexico last summer, I was listening to a lot of Michael Bolton.
    -A dog is for life, not just for Christmas. So be careful at the next office Christmas party.
    -Jimmy "How olds your boyfriend?" Guy in Audience "He's my brother!" Jimmy "Well stop fucking him!"
    -My girlfriend bought a cook book the other day called 'Cheap and easy vegetarian cooking'. Which is perfect for her, because not only is she vegetarian...
    -The reason old men use Viagra is not that they are impotent. It's that old women are so very, very ugly.
    -Jesus loves you... He's not 'in love' with you.
    -When someone close to you dies, move seats.
    -British scientists have demonstrated that cigarettes can harm your children. Fair enough. Use an ashtray.
    -I live near a remedial school. There is a sign that says, slow... children. That can't be good for their self-esteem. But look of course on the positive side, they can't read it.
    -Throwing acid is wrong... in some people's eyes.
    -Boxers don't have sex before a fight. Do you know why that is? They don't fancy each other.
    -I say no to gay marriage. It'll end up leading to gay divorce, and that'll be bitchy.
    -I broke up with a girl once because she lied about her weight. I say that, she died in a bungee jumping accident.
    -I've got a friend whose nickname is 'shagger'. You might think that's pretty cool. She doesn't like it.
    -I of course, don't have an accent. This is just how things sound when they are pronounced properly.
    -The first guy who persuaded a blind person they needed sunglasses - he must have been a hell of a salesman.
    -My girlfriend recently had a phantom pregnancy. And now we have a little baby ghost.
    -Cats have nine lives. Makes them ideal for experimentation.
    -Has anyone else seen those incredibly powerful advertisements in cinemas where each time a famous person clicked their fingers an African child dies? I watched those and couldn't help thinking "Stop clicking your fingers".
    -In the pursuit of scientific progress, animals have been tortured for the past hundred years. They're still not talking. I'm starting to think they don't know anything.
    -I used to buy lottery tickets every week until I realised you could watch it on TV for nothing.
    -I once did a gig in the US once for the homeless. It was nice to see so many bums on seats.
    -Viagra has instructions: 'Keep away from children' - what kind of man do you think I am?
    Let's face it, the gene pool needs a little chlorine.
    -They say the camera adds 10lbs. Stop eating cameras!
    -My mum told me the best time to ask my dad for anything was during sex. Not the best advice I'd ever been given. I burst in through the bedroom door saying "Can I have a new bike?" He was very upset. His secretary was surprisingly nice about it. I got the bike.
    -Recently my girlfriend asked me if I was having sex behind her back and I replied "Yes, who did you think it was?"
    -My dad's dying wish was to have his family around him. I can't help thinking he would have been better off with more oxygen.
    -I did a sponsored walk, once. In the end I managed to raise so much money, I could afford a taxi.
    -Is it fair to say that there'd be less litter in Britain if blind people were given pointed sticks?
    -Swimming is good for you, especially if you're drowning. Not only do you get a cardiovascular workout but also you don't die.
    -The first few weeks of joining Weight Watchers, you're just finding your feet.
    -There was one time where I failed to perform sexually. My girlfriend said to me "Oh don't worry, it happens to a lot of guys". Okay, there are two things wrong with that. First of all who are these other guys? And second, if it's happening to more than one of us don't you think it could be your fault?
    -I saw that show, 50 Things To Do Before You Die. I would have thought the obvious one was "Shout For Help".
    -My father always used to say "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger". Until the accident.
    -My girlfriend said she wanted me to tease her, so I said "Alright, fatty?"
    -I know a couple who get on like a house on fire. They both feel trapped and are slowly suffocating to death.
    -Did you know you're ten times more likely to get mugged in London than New York City? That's because you don't live in New York City.
    -Saying that you don't believe in magic but do believe in god is a bit like saying you don't have sex with dogs, except Labradors.
    -I have no problems with buying tampons. I am a fairly modern man. But apparently they're not a 'proper' present.
    -Say what you want about the deaf...
    -I'd rather see a pregnant woman standing on the bus than a fat girl sitting down crying.
    -A lady with a clipboard stopped me in the street the other day. She said "Can you spare a few minutes for cancer research?" I said "All right, but we won't get much done".
  15. Like
    box_hunter got a reaction from Lisa in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    A guy was speeding down the road and got pulled over by a state trooper. The trooper said "Do you have any idea how fast you were going?" The driver looked at the trooper and said "Do you see the woman sitting in the passenger seat?" The trooper said. "Yes". "That's my wife" the driver said to the trooper. "Do you see the woman sitting in the back seat?" The trooper said "Yes". "That's my mother in law. She lives with us. They just had a big spat and she said she was moving out. I'm trying to get them home before they make up!!" The trooper wrote him a warning and then gave him an escort home with lights flashing.
  16. Haha
    box_hunter got a reaction from Lisa in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    A guy is walking around in a supermarket yelling "Cris-co, Cris-co?" A store clerk says to him "Sir, the Crisco is in Aisle 5". He says "I'm not looking for cooking Crisco, I'm calling my wife". The clerk says "Your wife is named Crisco'?" He says "No, I only call her that in public". The clerk says "What do you call her when you're home?" He says "Lard ass".
  17. Like
    box_hunter got a reaction from Max 2017 in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    One winter year, these two little fleas headed for the warm sunny beaches of California to escape the cold. The first flea got there and started rubbing suntan lotion on his little flea arms and his little flee legs. Just then, the second flea arrived just a shiverin' and a shakin'.
    The first flea asked "What the hell happened to you?" To which the second flea replied "I just rode out here on a bikers moustache and I'm so very coldddd!" The first flea said "Don't you know the special trick to getting' here? First you go to the airport, go straight to the ladies bathrooms, wait for a pretty young stewardess to come along, and when she sits down you climb right up in there where it's niiiice and warm". The second flea agreed that this was a grand idea.
    The next winter comes along and it was time for the fleas to head for the sunny beaches again. The first flea arrived and began putting suntan lotion on his little flea arms and his little flea legs. About that time, the second flea arrived again just a shiverin', shakin', and mumbling about how cold he was.
    The first flea exclaimed "Didn't you learn anything that I taught you about getting here nice and warm?" To which the second flea replied "I did just as you said. I went to the ladies bathrooms and this pretty stewardess came in and sat down, I climbed right up in there and it was so very warm. Next thing I know we stop at a bar and I fell asleep. All of a sudden I woke and there I was, right back on that bikers moustache!"
  18. Like
    box_hunter got a reaction from Alexander1951 in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    A guy is eating in a restaurant and spots a gorgeous woman sitting all alone. He calls over his waiter and says "Send that woman a bottle of your most expensive champagne - on me!" The waiter quickly brings the champagne over to the woman, and says "Ma'am, this is from the gentleman over there". She says to the waiter "Please tell him that for me to accept this champagne, he better have a Mercedes in his garage, a million dollars in the bank, and eight inches in his pants". The waiter delivers the message, and the guy says "Please go back and tell her I have two Mercedes in my garage, TEN million dollars in the bank, but no way am I cutting four inches off!"
  19. Like
    box_hunter got a reaction from Chucky in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    One winter year, these two little fleas headed for the warm sunny beaches of California to escape the cold. The first flea got there and started rubbing suntan lotion on his little flea arms and his little flee legs. Just then, the second flea arrived just a shiverin' and a shakin'.
    The first flea asked "What the hell happened to you?" To which the second flea replied "I just rode out here on a bikers moustache and I'm so very coldddd!" The first flea said "Don't you know the special trick to getting' here? First you go to the airport, go straight to the ladies bathrooms, wait for a pretty young stewardess to come along, and when she sits down you climb right up in there where it's niiiice and warm". The second flea agreed that this was a grand idea.
    The next winter comes along and it was time for the fleas to head for the sunny beaches again. The first flea arrived and began putting suntan lotion on his little flea arms and his little flea legs. About that time, the second flea arrived again just a shiverin', shakin', and mumbling about how cold he was.
    The first flea exclaimed "Didn't you learn anything that I taught you about getting here nice and warm?" To which the second flea replied "I did just as you said. I went to the ladies bathrooms and this pretty stewardess came in and sat down, I climbed right up in there and it was so very warm. Next thing I know we stop at a bar and I fell asleep. All of a sudden I woke and there I was, right back on that bikers moustache!"
  20. Haha
    box_hunter got a reaction from Max 2017 in Not In My Living Room, A - Z   
    Khloe Kardashian
    The UGLY Kardashian sister. She is big, tall and has a big head Also a slutty alcoholic fat whore of a ex-con

    Khloe Kardashian is a loud disgusting whore with anger issues. She is a lush head with no talent whatsoever. She loves butting into other peoples business that doesn't concern her and needs some of her own.
    a large and hideous humanoid monster
    Khloe Kardashian = Shrek
    1. The Kardashian with the most testosterone

    2. The only Kardashian sister that you actually would lose points for boning

    3. The missing link between ape and man

    4. What a hairless bigfoot would look like
    Guy 1: hey I boned Khloe Kardashian!

    Guy 2: Thats negitive 150,000 points man shes more manlier than your Dad!!
    #kardashian #he/she #he-bitch #bigfoot #ugly bitch #fugly
    Thanks Urban Dictionary
  21. Haha
    box_hunter got a reaction from Chucky in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    Breast feeding in public really annoys me. The baby's head gets in the way you can't see a fucking thing.
  22. Like
    box_hunter got a reaction from Max 2017 in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
  23. Like
    box_hunter got a reaction from Chucky in Funny Signs.   
  24. Like
    box_hunter got a reaction from Chucky in Funny Signs.   
  25. Haha
    box_hunter got a reaction from Max 2017 in need a laugh when rlc is dead #1   
    I was in a pub last night and there was this fat bird dancing on one of the tables. "Nice legs!" I said, to which she replied with a shy smile "Really? Thank you so much!" To which I said "Yeah, any other table's legs would have snapped or collapsed by now".
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