vortios Posted May 11, 2017 Posted May 11, 2017 This message I put here, but I think I could put any of the other threads open, because I think it can be applied right now to the two houses in Barcelona.This message is mainly aimed at those who still think about becoming members of RLC payment, because they see attractive two houses of girls in RLC ... To tell them that everything is a hoax and a scam ... yes I say well and I reaffirm myself, it is an outrage and a scam. Now I explain my point of view .... I like you, since more than a year and a half I have been RLC customer payment, that with a cost of more than 800 € for me pocket ... figure not at all negligible. In this time, the houses have had better times and worse times ... in them we have seen in the house of the girls, couples living together for a period of time, we have seen some meritorious parties, I have even contemplated parties that have been Memorable, unfortunately in a year, I can only say, that they have been two nights ... (two nights in 365 nights ... I think the figure catches the eye). On the other hand, we have seen, as the girls have used a lot of money, some have seen more than 3000 € in their bed ... a figure that many people would like to have ... or have seen as "visitors" of girls have given Money to the girls ... thing that many people we were surprised to see ... but perhaps of the most surprising thing, is to listen to one of the members of the house, as it agreed a money by phone to have a "meeting" that night ... (how?) ... Yes, yes, dear reader, this we witnessed many people .... But I think the most confusing moment was when the girls, in one of the last parties, used drugs, publicly ... that night, a lot of people wrote to RLC, I think that warning that that had gone too far ... and Indeed, not an hour passed from that fact, the party, it was over ... Well, to be fair, those have been punctual cases ... certainly not the general rule. But lately, if we have had the worst months of RLC, without a doubt, and not because the girls are of worse quality than the previous ones..no, I'm not talking about that. What I'm talking about is, from the point of view of the customers ... the absence of the girls from the houses, night after night ... That's where I want to inform future RLC customers who want to become paid members ... RLC, offers a 24/7 view of people in front of the cameras ... and I tell them ... in most cases, it is true ... because there are some houses with pairs, in which it seems that the People have nothing to do but to be in the house ... and in many cases, what they sell is sex, night after night .... But let's go to what interests us ... the girls' houses, which they now call "holiday girls", in these houses most of what you will see will be girls who spend their days sleeping, afternoons or going for a walk , Or start to get ready, to go out at night ... And that's where I want to send you my message ... you with all the goodwill, you'll want to see these girls, maybe at some party something uptight ... false ... that was before ... now, what More you will see are parties, where you will only see that they paint their bodies ... But you will say ... maybe some bring some "friend" as not long ago have brought the house ... equally false ... the "friends" of the girls, were very special things (not the subject of this comment ) But maybe someone will give you more information on what those visits were. But I hope it is not anyone who works for RLC, or more than information, will misinform. These last girls have quite separated their intimate life outside the house, and the life they carry inside the house. Finally I wish you luck in your decision, and I hope this message serves for what was thought, and is to give real information, that is RLC, without makeup,From there, you are already a reader and possible client to know what world is getting into. Good luck and thanks for reading. (If there is luck and do not delete my message.) toolmaker123 1 Quote
Scotsman84 Posted May 12, 2017 Posted May 12, 2017 I didn't read it... Didn't need to. Create an account to see this content! Quote
vortios Posted May 12, 2017 Author Posted May 12, 2017 Curiosities ... use of the laundry ...Since always, in B1, there has been a room that has always been vetoed to RLC customers ... reason? RLC, always said that in that room there were only things or nothing happened to the customers ... but like everything in life, in the end, things are put in place ... and in the end, and again, RLC LIES to its customers ... At first ... could be true that RLC, was right. But the girls discovered long ago that this is their private room ... a private room? If RLC, it hides spaces, because they could be considered intimate, such as the beating cup ... (well, as can be seen by RLC customers) some of those cups if they come out on the camera ... but in general, it is An area that RLC considers private. But as I always say, this could be another topic of discussion, and that is not the subject of this comment. A we talked about the ghost room ... the laundry room of B1 ... I will tell the readers that in that room, we know that there is the washing machine of the house, a curious question, when in other houses of the same block of buildings, this one is in the kitchen ... and that room becomes a Small studio or TV room ... Well, continuing with the room, apart from the washing machine, we know that some girls have kept their suitcases in that room (but not all of them have kept their suitcases in their own rooms). In that room we also know that they keep the ironing board and the iron itself ... But let's go to what really matters to the reader ... why do we talk about this room? Well we talk, so RLC, and the girls, do not want us to see ... in that room, we have been able to check, because there are recordings, as curious, as girls who have had sex inside that room (but as you know But there are cameras inside?) It is true that there are no cameras inside, but the couple in question was so noisy, that from the main room, you could hear the blow against the wall and especially the moan of the girl ... Many of the readers will remember that I I mean But everything does not end in that, have happened curious things, like that the girls have used that room to consume nonlegal substances ... another issue that creates controversy ... but as I know there will be people who do not believe ... Ask for questions How do Stella and Gina do on a party night, so many visits to a room that is supposed to be nothing? We could get into speculation ... what would it be ... They have to talk about something very intimate and they do not want to be seen ... reasonable ... but on the bottom floor there are a couple of areas where there are no cameras, and where the girls use them when they do not want to be neither afraid nor Seen by the cameras ... and are the toilet and the hall of the house ... They have to talk to RLC and RLC is who makes the girls enter that room ... true, in some occasion RLC or who organizes that house, has made the girls enter that room, but it is difficult for RLC, call So continuously to the girls to that room ... But RLC can talk to the girls ... if, of course, no one who has a company knows that they do not have an eye on their company ... In all the houses, and Barcelona, is no exception, nothing moves If RLC does not approve. But let's continue ... there will be people who say, but that case was punctual, true, that case could be punctual, and that girl is not at home ... well, to say, that night, not only disappeared Stella, Gina also Was with her ... (also?), If so. They left the house, with nothing, but they also came back with nothing ... strange after more than an hour These are some of the things that happen in the room, which according to the RLC itself, nothing happens ... The next time the girls enter that room, I ask ... will they do the laundry? corplchuck 1 Quote
iloner Posted May 12, 2017 Posted May 12, 2017 Hi Vortious, How your English has improved over the year or two you've been posting here. Thank you for commenting always in English, and sometimes with a strange piquancy that makes your posts quite wonderful. Thanks also for sharing your local knowledge of Barcelona. You have committed huge amounts of time and energy to watching RLC and commenting, mostly in chat, here and on CC. My memory is that the majority of your posts are very positive. The two posts you make above do reflect some things about the site that annoy some people, In fact perhaps many people. But it strikes me that you must love and enjoy an awful lot about the girls in Barca 1 and 2 or you wouldn't spend so much time with them and us. So I write this not to contradict what you say which has an element of truth, but to put into perspective that there is much to enjoy as well as some things to moan about. Sometimes it is only right and fair to criticise and point out the negative. Without criticism there would be little improvement. This forum gives us a platform both to praise and blame, say what we love and what we find annoying. It is good that we can have a moan when we think it necessary; so the admonition at the start of each forum Say Only Positive Things is in my view not reasonable (dear Mods, please don't shoot the messenger). I have certainly had a good fair few moans in the past. But having said what needs to be said we should move on for the sake of those who are enjoying everything and having a good time. While I have been typing this Belle and Violetta have both been writhing on their beds in the late afternoon warmth as though they are working up to a bate, with coincidences of timing of when they rollover and stop and get up that made me wonder whether Violeta was on her phone watching Belle for study tips. Probably just my wishful thinking, but it underlines how there is always something to speculate about and enjoy. Quote
vortios Posted May 12, 2017 Author Posted May 12, 2017 It would be hypocritical for me to not admit that yes, it has been a very active follower of RLC, I can not quantify if much or little ... because I compare myself with who? The truth is that since I decided to speak, or comment on several pages, it is true that I have always tried to help colleagues in the forums where I participated. It is true that I have won some enmity, most of the time, to say my point of view, that many times will not be the most pleasant, nor the one that RLC would like to hear ... but as I have always said, it is an opinion Therefore partial, but what I will never do is lie, First because it is of no use, and second because it does no good to anyone. On the other hand, it has never been my intention to communicate with the girls, nor do I want to talk to them, let alone have an affair with them (forgive this little joke, but many of the comments I read lead me to that conclusion) I always speak for RLC clients, and for RLC. My intention was from the first day, to denounce or things that were wrong (always from my point of view) or things that could be improved. We all remember the denunciation that we made day by day of the lack of a camera in the balcony of B2 ... But the need is not created by the customers, but, the behavior of the girls, in passing, some of them hours and hours ... Do you really believe that if clients would have shut up and just say the things that work and we like them, would RLC ever have that camera in place? In my opinion, I think that complaining for a long time, could help to make that camera work. In another order of things, in my experience, as a trade unionist, and a fighter for the freedoms of people, I feel proud, if my comments hurt, you know why? Because the truth hurts, while the lie, only anger and in the end turns against who lies. Contrary to what you may think, or many people think, I do not mind that people are happy in my city, in fact I love it ... because Barcelona really is a beautiful city, it has many things to offer our Visitors ... both day and night. I love that the girls are happy, and that they go out and have relationships with boys ... But everything has to have a limit, especially if we are talking about a business, and if we forget it, or we lose the objective of this page that Is to offer entertainment to voyeur people ... who pay to be in front of a computer watching people, how they live their life ... I think we are doing a disservice to the people who come here to enjoy their time. We may agree or disagree on how many hours can be considered acceptable ... but that would take us too long and it is not a question of that. But only one point ... I think an empty house is acceptable, from my point of view not ... and both? Not to make me too long in this .. just one last thing, when girls make parties, or when girls do things that are nice to most, you will see that I say positive things ... but you will not hear me say "I love you or I want to "one or another girl, because the only woman that I care at the moment is my woman and it is the one I love, and it is the one that I thank God, that tolerates to me day to day. Forgive me if my answer is too long ... Quote
vortios Posted May 15, 2017 Author Posted May 15, 2017 I offer you some fun ... and why not, something to think about ... I'm thinking to ask the RLCF colleagues who follow the houses of the girls, answer a simple question ... but that requires a little knowledge of the behavior of this group of girls ... pretend to be fun, but at the same time , Who has the audacity to know before it happens ... The question is simple ...How many nights do you think the girls will leave empty houses to party?The ideal is that you differentiate between B1 and B2 ... since that way, it complicates a little thing ... On Sunday, we will see who will do more ... Ideally, it should not be reset after Wednesday. Today is easy to respond, but hey, we're not going to be very punctilious either ... Quote
corplchuck Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 6 minutes ago, vortios said: I offer you some fun ... and why not, something to think about ... I'm thinking to ask the RLCF colleagues who follow the houses of the girls, answer a simple question ... but that requires a little knowledge of the behavior of this group of girls ... pretend to be fun, but at the same time , Who has the audacity to know before it happens ... The question is simple ...How many nights do you think the girls will leave empty houses to party?The ideal is that you differentiate between B1 and B2 ... since that way, it complicates a little thing ... On Sunday, we will see who will do more ... Ideally, it should not be reset after Wednesday. Today is easy to respond, but hey, we're not going to be very punctilious either ... quatro..4 vortios 1 Quote
vortios Posted May 15, 2017 Author Posted May 15, 2017 1 minute ago, corporalchuck said: quatro..4 Thank you for your contribution ... Quote
corplchuck Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 Just now, vortios said: Thank you for your contribution ... did you get my response to your'e earlier pm and pic's Quote
gironimo Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 I think that the issues that you have raised here, frustrating though they are, can only be viewed as frustrating and nothing more. The two biggest gripes over the past few months have been that most of the girls don't show/perform enough and they go out too much. Obviously one can relate to the other because IF they are getting " satisfaction " outside the apartments, they are not going to need it inside. Unfortunately, the problem with complaining about this is that the simple response would be that it is not stated anywhere that any actions of a sexual nature are guaranteed, or even possible. This is an expectation based on occasional previous events. None of the girls, past, present or future do anything that they are not comfortable doing, and rightly so. As I have said, the regular absences from the apartments can be particularly frustrating and they happen more now than ever before. When it was Lola, Megan and Amy when I first joined, I can't remember them ever being out in the evenings, but even Lola is at it now. However, bearing in mind that these are girls, primarily in their twenties, living rent free in a big city, with nothing to do, I am surprised that they don't go out even more than they do. In regard to the laundry room in b1, I agree that there shouldn't be a blind spot in a voyeur project which presents itself as it does but, if this room is being used for partaking in suspicious substances, as has been suggested, we should think about why they feel it necessary to have to hide away when doing so. We, as voyeurs, expect to be able to watch these girls 24/7 going about their daily lives. The key word here is " watch ". We are not their keepers and should not expect to judge their actions. We are now seeing the result of the reaction by many to the previous use of substances - which IS a part of many people's lives - partly in these secret actions and more-so in the scaled down versions of the party nights. The bottom line is that the best action from the back end of last year would not have happened without stimulants so, as far as I'm concerned, if that's what they want to use the b1 laundry room for, carry on. texl01, CowArt and iloner 3 Quote
vortios Posted May 16, 2017 Author Posted May 16, 2017 21 hours ago, gironimo said: Creo que las cuestiones que se han planteado aquí, frustrando a pesar de que son, sólo pueden ser vistos como frustrante y nada más. Los dos mayores quejas en los últimos meses han sido que la mayoría de las chicas no muestran / realizan suficiente y salir demasiado. Obviamente uno puede relacionarse con el otro, porque si están recibiendo "satisfacción" fuera de los apartamentos, que no van a necesitar en el interior. Por desgracia, el problema con quejarse de esto es que la respuesta sencilla sería que no se dice en cualquier lugar que cualquier acción de naturaleza sexual están garantizados, o incluso posible. Esta es una expectativa basada en ocasionales eventos anteriores. Ninguna de las chicas, pasado, presente o futuro hacer nada que no se siente cómodo haciendo, y con razón. Como ya he dicho, las ausencias regulares de los apartamentos pueden ser particularmente frustrante y, por casualidad, más que nunca antes. Cuando era Lola, Megan y Amy cuando me uní, no puedo recordar que alguna vez estar fuera por las noches, pero incluso Lola está en que de ahora. Sin embargo, teniendo en cuenta que estas son las niñas, sobre todo en sus años veinte, alquilar vida libre en una gran ciudad, sin nada que hacer, me sorprende que no salen aún más que ellos. En lo que se refiere a la lavandería en b1, estoy de acuerdo en que no debería ser un punto ciego en un proyecto voyeur que se presenta como lo hace, pero, si esta sala está siendo utilizado para tomar parte en las sustancias sospechosas, como se ha sugerido, nos debe pensar en por qué se sienten la necesidad de tener que esconderse antes de hacerlo. Nosotros, como voyeurs, esperamos ser capaces de ver estas chicas 24/7 van sobre sus vidas diarias. La palabra clave aquí es "ver". No somos sus guardianes y no debemos esperar para juzgar sus acciones. Ahora estamos viendo el resultado de la reacción por muchos como el uso anterior de sustancias - que es una parte de la vida de muchas personas - en parte en estas acciones secretas y mucho más, por lo que en las versiones a escala de las noches de fiesta. La conclusión es que la mejor acción desde el extremo posterior del año pasado no hubiera sido posible sin estimulantes así, en lo que a mí respecta, si eso es lo que quieren utilizar la lavandería para b1, continuar. First, thanks for giving your reasoned opinion, it is always nice to know what others think ... If I may, I'd like to make a point to your answer ... First, being from Barcelona, I'm surprised that these girls do not come out more day, with the amount of things in the city there ... and it's a shame, that they get up after noon ... maybe my problem Is that I love my city too much, and I like it both day and night ... Although I understand that Lola and Polya, will already have enough idea of what Barcelona is, but surely there are corners that will never know ... Secondly, I speak of the complaints about the absence of the girls in the houses ... I always think, that if the business is to see people in front of the cameras ... what sense does it have its occupants, are night after night Out of the chambers? The people say that the occupants of the houses are not obliged to do anything ... which I have no clue, since I do not know the clauses of the contract, but it is not logical to think that someone pays some occupants of the houses, For these, leave the houses at the discretion of the occupants ... or you see that normal ... That is why I think it is very understandable, that if some clients enter their schedule thinking that they are going to see people in the apartments, and night after night, just look at empty houses, for me it is very reasonable for customers to leave enraged . I understand, what many people say, and repeats to the full, I've even thought that many of them are subsidized by RLC. But to that, I always say the same, if this were free, people could do what they wanted ... since no one would have the right to claim anything ... but this is still a pay per view, that is We pay for something (I do not go into whether or not there is sexual activity, which would be another point to keep in mind). Third, the laundry, maybe the problem, is that RLC realized that he could take advantage of that room to have private conversations with the girls (of that many months ago, I think almost from minute one). At first, this room was almost unnoticed by RLC liaisons, since the girls were just entering, or their stay, was so short, that many people did not even realize that they were passing through that room ... But "where the law is, there is the trap" or that is said in Spanish ... What is only a room for the washing machine, and for three things more ... having no cameras ... every girl has used it for their own benefit ... either have sex (Vika and Milena, used it) , Other girls have made video calls, even other "strange" things, which are discussed, but of course, it is very complicated to say ... The truth, and in a message I made it known to RLC, hiding customers, things that should not have the greatest transcendence, is bad for the girl, and is worse for RLC, as it is questioned, the image Of the people and of the company. Finally, and although I will never defend drug use, I must agree with you, that the miraculous water, from the blue bottle, I have arrived at will make lack. I always thought, that if people are happy inside the house, customers, we can only speak well of houses and people will be happy. But if the people in the houses are not aware of why they are in the houses, they will not be happy, and the customers will be upset. PS: I would like you to also participate in the little game that asked ... if you have no problem. Quote
Donzi Posted May 16, 2017 Posted May 16, 2017 On 5/15/2017 at 1:52 PM, vortios said: I offer you some fun ... and why not, something to think about ... I'm thinking to ask the RLCF colleagues who follow the houses of the girls, answer a simple question ... but that requires a little knowledge of the behavior of this group of girls ... pretend to be fun, but at the same time , Who has the audacity to know before it happens ... The question is simple ...How many nights do you think the girls will leave empty houses to party?The ideal is that you differentiate between B1 and B2 ... since that way, it complicates a little thing ... On Sunday, we will see who will do more ... Ideally, it should not be reset after Wednesday. Today is easy to respond, but hey, we're not going to be very punctilious either ... 2 easily Quote
vortios Posted May 16, 2017 Author Posted May 16, 2017 Hace 1 minuto, Donzi dijo: 2 Facilidad You play for sure ... since the girls of B2 ... have already left ... :D Quote
gironimo Posted May 17, 2017 Posted May 17, 2017 Hi Vortios, The rights and wrongs of the issues you have raised are a subject that could run and run and its in nobodies interest to keep going backwards and forwards on it, so I'll just say that I think that we are currently viewing the result of the going of b1 going out during the day lol. It must be pretty hot in Barcelona at the moment. My family and I are off to Turkey in July so we will probably end up looking like the girls do now. It is interesting to see my post in Spanish, not that I would understand a word of it if I hadn't written it in the first place! As regards nights the apartments are empty, they don't always go out at the same time and b2 tends to go out more than b1. This is now Wednesday evening so half way through the week. I would say b1 once between now and Sunday and b2 twice. Next week, I think b1 3 times and b2 4 times. Hope you are well. Quote
Ebin Posted May 20, 2017 Posted May 20, 2017 I don't know if this is the proper place for this, as it doesn't address the general complaint of girls leaving the house and the laundry room and such, but anyways. I've voiced my complaints about "they should be having sex more, they should be doing this, and that, etc." many times in chatbox. I'm as guilty as anyone, guiltier than most. Something occurred to me as I was writing a nasty letter to RLC the other night about a guest covering a camera so two people could have sex without anyone watching. I fully stand by that, if you're going to sell us 24/7 coverage of a house, you damned well better deliver. What occurred to me, was that while we pay for this service, we should not dictate content. It's frustrating at times to see things get ALMOST there, and then stop. We all know what we're buying here, if we want straight up porn, there are many other sites that offer that. Regardless of it's billing, this is basically a porn site, nobody wants to see Paul eat a bowl of cereal. We all are here in the hopes that something will happen. If we want a fuck show, we know where to go. We want to see events and situations that lead to that sexual interaction, be it man/woman, woman/woman, woman/woman/woman, maybe throw a dwarf in, whatever. We want to get to know these people and see them interact, and, at some point, get down and clown. If the barca girls just wake up and start going down on each other, that would get old quickly, right? We don't even need to pay to see that, I could go to any tube site right now and see that for free. My point is, we want to see amateur (hopefully) people in Real Life situations getting together sexually. If this means 9 days out of 10 nothing happens, so be it. That being said, Barca could pick up the pace a little. Anyways, my 2 cents. And then some. gironimo, iloner and texl01 3 Quote
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