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Everything posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. Has anyone ever seen any of the girls masturbate, besides Madam Lola, and that's been over a month not. Or maybe its not in there contract, at least on cam.
  2. If that's Elisa from Barca 1 she should not have a problem living in that apartment. Seems that RLC can't never find the right couple stay there, hopefully things well work out for her and Fima.
  3. I would love for Madam Lola to run the show "with out the drugs" most likely they are out now getting they drunk and high on anyway..lol
  4. Yes I see Kamila is back, I was so getting use to Kristy's sexy friends coming over, or well I guess I well have to wait until Kamila goes on another 2 week vacation witch shouldn't be far off, seeing that's what she does so often. I wonder who does she know to be able to leave like that all the time. Kristy needs her own place for sure, like yesterday!!
  5. I am sure most of the girls do know Carolina, like "Anna, Milena and Jasmin" when they are around her they act as though she was the best peace of pussy they ever had, or vice verse. I am sure from the way she acts at the parties that she do or might have a big reputation going for her outside the house also. I'll well never know what she does outside the house, that's not my concern, its what I pay to see whats in side the that makes most of my judgement's about her that comes from me. If she is emotional she is in the wrong place. I don't see anything personal about her, "wasn't she the one and only one who "ate" went down on Madam lola." and couldn't not live with out Anna? "Only my opinion about her"
  6. I stay on Madam Lola's ass, "but I have to give her credit, she does know how to cook and she keeps that apartment clean," how its going to look after she leaves "I can just imagine." again when it comes to her preparing food and cooking she is very clean. I am also glad they tone down some of there alcohol conception in the last couple of days, "I am sure they are going to make up for it though...lol" They look better when they are not drunk and wasted all the time. Belle is happy in her new home and full of energy, Rebecca is as always sexy and sometimes keeps to herself I notice, Carolina..Carolina..Carolina sneaky, I saw her giving and sending hands signals at the kitchen window earlier this morning, what ever was out there made her run to her room and get on her cell and started texting. "these are just my thoughts only."
  7. All of last year this apartment was slow, back then Sugarbonnie was just plain and shy, at times she would show a little something, she didn't like the cam in her room in the begining, then she began to show a little more, and I think she started reading our blog's and comments on how good she looked, and she started showing more, once that happen Sabrina became some what jealous of her, and thats where the tension began with those two. Sugarbonnie kept moving up, and started looking better, there were verbal fights with Sugarbonnie and Sabrina at times, and at times Sabrina would even get mad at Carina "aka Elvis". Sugarbonnie got on another web site, more less her own, and I guess got tired of the bull and left. Yes she brung a lot of eyes to that apartment at times, and she also started to get a bit out of control having sex with the different guys every month too, "not that it wasn't great to watch"...lol but she started moving real fast with it. I don't think that apartment well ever be the same again, if it does they would have to move some one in who is going to stay and not just be there to feed the greedy dog and cats. Your right, "why is it premium?" now anyway. .
  8. Carina and Sabrina are really true life, a bit boring, I just wished they would get someone in there like Sugarbonnie, that Sabrina can get along with!
  9. Rebecca's shape and tits are the best in that apartment....she could make a blind man see, she sometimes remind me of Irma who is also sexy as hell.
  10. Carolina is another one who does not like going topless I see, "unless there is a wild party going on" or at the end of the day just before bed time, anyway is it that time of the month for her, or is that a set of nuts hanging down from the backside of her panties? Some times close ups of her does make me wonder about her.
  11. Masha and Sasha has company again, seems they have more company than a homeless shelter does. Or it could be family members visiting on both sides.
  12. Masha is a very good singer and not bad with her guitar either.
  13. Anyone knows when Madam lola is suppose to leave.?
  14. That should be easy enough for you to figure out.
  15. Once again, Kristy's sexy girlfriends are over again, I love these girls, they don't sit around kissing and rubbing on each other trying to catch the attention of the cams, like one of the other apartments, more less scripted.
  16. Thanks!! you saved me some typing. I agree with you 100%.... but most of all, "once I seen her catering to Madam lola like she was a trained pet I lost interest in her very quick" the drugs didn't help her credibility either, that even made her look like a used sheep in the end of it all. "so where ever she is at now she can say to herself one more time "I fucked up, trying to make others in that apartment happy" now look where my ass is at.
  17. Your right she was the Queen, I am just trying to figure out, Queen of what??
  18. I got tired of seeing her acting like one of Madam Lola's puppies.
  19. Again, get rid of those cell phones, and that would be living a normal life " most of the people in these apartment stay on these cell phones 99% of the day reading what where saying about them" that's not normal living, I am sure some even have accounts "subscription" with RLC and the chat room, hiding from the cams because they know where to go when not wanting to be seen is another "especialy when they are throwing these wild parties" normal is not hiding under covers when there is the time for those who pay to see, then we have to assume or play a guessing game. RLC is suppose to be the best Voyeur site...."RIGHT or WRONG"???
  20. I see Belle is getting some rest, "she is happy now that she is in the house with Madam Lola and her crew" I wonder if they are going to turn things up tonight, they are well rested from the last party. I am sure the supplies are all full to turn their eyeballs red.
  21. Rebeeca is very sexy, I am hoping she doesn't move to fast, I also believe if she doesn't hang out with "fish lips" Carolina she should be ok. "Fish lips" Carolina might be a bad example for her right now.
  22. You think if Zoya was to start wearing some sexy lingerie Lev would give her more attention? I believe if you took his toys away from him he would cry like a little kid.
  23. Another party went on at Madam Lola's house "AGAIN" it seems that the alcohol was not nearly enough for our so called unresistible wild ladies if you want to call them that, some how drugs was seen "coke" in the bathroom and who knows what else on the patio "by me and other viewers" and that clearly hit the no go spot for me. Now some of you may say leave the girls alone, let them have fun..etc!! well what happen there tonight made these girls looked like they were 6 used (Derogatory) with no respect for them selfs, I may get banned for what I am saying "and that might be ok too" but are we suppse to injoy these girls looking and acting like free meat all the time? I was glad that I wasn't the only one who witness the durg use. If Madam Lola is leaving, I don't think she really gives a shit anyway. Question is "what and who well take her place" as the next queen bitch? I mean you have to be a real bitch to have control of these (Derogatory) "I mean ladies" Sorry for calling these stank ass bitches (Derogatory), they deserve better (Derogatory) I would also think these girls would need just another day of R & R time "rest and relaxation" instead of 2 days, because if it wasn't for that coke in the bathroom Belle wouldn't have never got her ass off that chair and started to dance around like she had a hot piece of coal up her ass. I was up to seeing Stella and Carolina coked up but not the new girls. "dammmm!!!"
  24. With the way things are looking, Carolina might have her sights on Milena after tonight, the way things looked in the bathroom after that coke blow, Carolina does have those big lips, "I bet she could suck a golfball threw a water hose easy."
  25. Nelly and Bogdan, always have great parties and good guest too.
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