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Everything posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. I see because of the two visiting football players Masha's sister slept with her and Sasha. At least she slept on the end and not the middle, "I wonder what would have happen if she did sleep in the middle and woke up with her ass up against Sasha's dick?"....lol Oh well we know that's not going to happen................................................................YET
  2. They just had make up sex, and he lasted 35 seconds.....lol
  4. I am learning that Vanessa can be very sexy and a dam good teaser.
  5. Smith up early this morning, "must have been another fight" he and Kitty not speaking, she is still in bed, while he goes off into his hid away lab "hallway closest" and do some experimental work. He reminds me of a big kid around the house "leaving his toys everywhere". Maybe he well decide to grow up today.
  6. Vanessa and Thomas had some good sex this morning with out covers "nice" I think they need to give their friend "Smith" a few lessons.
  7. After watching and keeping a very close eye on these two since day one, I often wonder why they were taken in by RLC? They do have a lot in common when it comes to fighting "witch is mostly daily" as for their sex in bed "between 10 being good and 1 being poor" I would have to give Smith himself a -2, for him to be as young as he is and in shape, he has to be the sorriest lay in the world, I wonder if it has anything to do with the medication he and Kitty are taken or doing..lol. These two have all so become experts in hiding from the cams "at least they think they have" I wish RLC would put two more cams in this apartment one for the balcony, to witch they like to go out and hid "no matter how cold it gets" and the other in the hall way closet "medical lab" that Smith, Kitty and their guest like hid in at times, I've seen one go in and come out a different person, "I wonder why they take a fire lighter in with them when they go in there "these question might be a bit to "high" for me right now"..lol I would think that Smith would seek some kind of doctor to save what little bit of a relationship he has lift with Kitty, because I sure she is not happy with his lack of performance in bed "they should have named him Quick Draw"..lol, I seen her more less sneak a masturbation set while she was in the tub and another night while he was sleep on the couch. I don't no weather these two are going to say around or what, but if so, I wish the fighting would stop "its starting to be a big turn off" and RLC should get some more cams for these two wanna be in the closet "blind" mice.
  8. I agree, Belle stuck under Lola a lot, with her two room mates now I am sure she feels like she's in a convent for nuns, Belle loves to dance and get her drink on, she has always had that up and go energy. Belle is very sexy and not shy at all "Belle can make a blind man see."...Lol With the way things are in B2 now I wouldn't be surprised to see Belle leave soon.
  9. Seems that when Kristy and KIamila doesn't have any company, they love to sit around and rub up against each other, but nothing never happens. "I would guess its a day teasing for us." making us think that something is going to happen, that teasing can some times last up to 8 hours...lol I would love to see both their boyfriends and the two of them get together for a round of wild sex one night.
  10. lets have the funeral today, and send them all home.
  11. I notice tonight how Belle tried to get some kind of excitement going on in B2, but Jasmin and Rebecca went to bed, I wonder why B2 has gone so dead, unless they are waiting for another Madam Lola to come and take control. seems with out her these 3 puppies are lost.
  12. I see Kamila mother is there for a visit, I wonder if she is going to meet Kamila's boyfriend? If he comes by I hope they don't have sex, "mom might just hear" I am also thinking Kamila's boyfriend may not be far from her mothers age too.
  13. Elisa just pleased her man "Fima" with a morning blow job "he knows he has a good woman" With the energy level in that apartment these two could teach some of these young new bees a thing or too. And its for sure there not just in there for free rent, they are keeping it real "nothing fake"
  14. I see Rebecca has her web page up 01:30am, I wonder well she ever give us more than what she is doing on her web-page. Looks like Jasmin and Belle is just sitting looking bored and counting down the days.
  15. Yes Kamila boyfriend did give it to her real good "for a minute I thought I saw smoke coming from her ass" she should be set for a few days after that one. Kamila been keeping us watching that apartment a lot lately, "me anyway"
  16. Lev is back, and playing with his games already while Zoya lays in bed alone......Zoya pls kick his ass out for good.
  17. Sasha's sister is looking very sexy lately, I had a chance to see her take a bath today "all good completely nude" she is starting to show more "still a little shy but she is getting use to the cams." I see more high ratings for Masha and Sasha in the future.
  18. After last night, what happen to Vanessa and Thomas guest?? did they throw her out??
  19. I have never seen her with another except Paul, most of her sex is masturbating alone. "unless something is happening outside the door that we don't know about"
  20. I see SugarBonnie is visiting "Carina and Sabrina" for Holloween, lets hope she has a change of heart and stays for good.
  21. Hope fully these to can over come their problems and stop fighting so much, I have also notice they love to hid on the balcony alot and are using the hallway closet for shelter, I hope they are not another big mistake for us and RLC. Its seems to take only seconds to please himself when having sex, "she can't be satisfied with what he is doing half the time" "Dead Dick Smith, I have seen fire matches last longer than you"
  22. Stesha and Marco has company again "Jug head and his girl friend the slim dark haired one" I think he bullies her a bit to much and he really needs to grow up. The last time he was there, he pushed her out of the bed with his feet. "what a dick"
  23. In the short time of being there these two "Elisa and Fima" has probably had more sexual activity in that apartment than B1 and B2 has.
  24. Belle and Rebecca gave us a good show last night, even though a lot of it was fake, they did do something. They both were even sexier when they were dancing in the living room.
  25. Belle and Rebecca is not the problem in B2, its sister Jasmin "the nun"... blow smoke up her ass.
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