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Everything posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. Yes Michelle's cam session was good, and maybe RLC should just start hiring all web cam girls, "seems its heading that way" Michelle is very sexy, has a lot of energy when its time to have fun, more so then the other two "Sia and Candy" For the second time I have seen her masturbate under covers and she-it looks so fake, I guess what I am saying is "if you can show your whole ass and pussy in front of a web cam, with a big ass dildo" then why are you hiding when its RLC's customers watching? She reminds me of Kamila, who fucks all over the bed when her boyfriend arrives, but she masturbates under covers not to be seen. But fake or not, she "Michelle does give us something" I haven't seen her room mates do to much of anything but watch there cell phones.
  2. Candy seems to be under some kind of stress, and she doesn't have "come on and do motivation".
  3. Now that two of Vanessa and Thomas friends "Smith and Kitty" have been booted off to live in the park again, I wonder well they every appear again on RLC cams as guest? I am sure that Vanessa and Thomas feel bad, they did visit them and I am sure tried to talk to them, but as we know "a hard head well get you an unnoticed kick in the ass."
  4. Now that Belle is gone, we have to watch the new show at B2 call "Phone and Lap-top Watch", I am assuming the show starts off with each night a different girl holds and watches the Lap-Top and report to the others whats going on in the blogs and comment sections. The one who gives out the most information gets to get out of the apartment for a couple of hours the next day.
  5. I believe you @Benfold, I was just joking...lol
  6. Sorry but the last time I was there it wasn't a "mirror" over there, when where you there last?...lol
  7. Seems Sia, has a hidden spot in her room that the cams can't see, she hid's in that corner all the time, why does she hid in that corner, what does she do in that corner that we can't see?? We know she sits and monitor ever thing that we say on her lap-top, "she even keep that turned away from site when she is using it. I think Sia might be on the wrong site!! Its bad enough that she and others hid on the balcony from the cams, now this too...woow, whats next?
  8. As I posted back in Oct, these two was a very bad mistake, I could not see them holding that apartment the way they was carrying on, and some love to see them fight daily. I really knew they wouldn't last the night there female guest got very sick and passed out. That was not good for RLC. As I watched Kitty packing things around the apartment I notice how Smith kept trying to comfort her, as though he was ready to go anyway, he never helped her do anything, "All this sorry ass did was make some fucking popcorn" while she did everything. I hope she learned something from all of this, and I do hope after leaving RLC she well get some help for her self. As for Smith all he is doing is taking Kitty down a hill she may never be able to climb back up as long as she is with him. He needs a lot of rehab "a person with out eyes can see threw him" Kitty is very pretty sexy and smart in a lot of ways, and she needs to get even smarter and let that zero "SMITH' go. Smith if your reading this, "your the worst of the worst"
  9. I see that Kamila's girlfriend is paying another visit, I think that RLC should make her part of the apartment instead of a guest. It would also make up for Kamila and Kristy when they go on vacation.
  10. Its a very long story about them two my friend, you well have to go back and read some of the older posts. If your waiting for something to happen between these two, your be waiting a very long time. "just like the rest of us."...lol
  11. Stesha and Marco seems to be very low key, they do have their nice parties with the guests who don't mind showing it all either. I can't wait to see what kind of New Years party they are going to have, unless they have it some where else. I notice that Marco's friend isn't around as much as he use to be. By the way Stesha is a tease, nice body too.
  12. Kitty and Smith has not been fighting lately, "witch is good" they almost started before bed but I think they got it under control and just went to bed with out speaking to each other. The fighting and the arguments may have stop, but they are still visiting their hallway closet daily, and coming out looking tight eyed and whipping there noses...Lol As I am typing this, he and Kitty just had sex in less then 3 min's "I am truly surprised that she haven't been masturbating more alone" Smith doses not please her at all, the blue pill is not working, ecstasy is not working..lol "he need to just tie his dick up in a knot and say fuck it"...lol Kitty if your reading this "witch I know you well" call Sasha or Bogdan, or anyone with a real dick...Lol "3 minutes dam" Weak fucker!!
  13. Belle well be missed, she was always the starting energy, was and still is sexy. When she started out in B1 I was not her fan, because I think she could have stayed and ran that apartment, but she wanted to follow Madam Lola, and she never gave B1 a chance once Anna left, "of course Anna pushed her to the side once Carolina came into B2." Once she "Belle" got into B2 she did open up and really kept things going, with or by herself. I do feel that once she is gone B2 may go down hill, I don't see a real leader in there now, Sia could be that leader if she would open up a bit more and stay off her Lap-top 6hrs a day, It would have to be somebody who is able to stay up pass 12am, and not one of the new girls are able to do that...lol Belle was not one who was shy, I well miss her sexy dancing, Belle was more open then most of the girls that has been at B1 and B2 all year long, "besides Lima" I do hope Belle return again one day. It would be nice to see Belle get her own apartment, like Elisa did.
  14. Once Belle do leave, all you might see in B2 in a bunch of tumble weeds rolling around. Candy well be in bed early, Michelle well be in her room with the hair dryer on, and Sia well still be monitoring her Lap-top sitting in the same spot.
  15. From the looks of Kitty, all Smith is doing is boring the shit out of her, but then again his fingers may last longer then his dick.
  16. "Loose Lips" Sia is B2's informant, she keep the girls aware of whats going on and being said about them from the chat room and our Blog comments from her Lap-top. Yes she speaks and understands english very well.
  17. Zoya and Lev just had sex again, very sexy, Lev seems to be getting better with her and more attentive to Zoya's needs lately. Zoya is and have always been very sexy in my book and who wouldn't want to have here sexually? Lev should want to eat and lick her sexy pussy daily, as much as he wants to play with his tv toys..lol Three stars for Zoya and Lev from me. "I some times wonder if Tabu "Zoya's sister" ever hear them having sex?
  18. Notice Dasha went to visit Nelly today, and got one of Bogdan's massages, she seem to really enjoy it, she should have took Demid with her.
  19. Last nights party went off pretty good, with the sitting on the couch teasing, and then the changing of clothing alone with the dancing. After Sia good there it kind of picked up some, I just wished she "Sia" wouldn't ware that wig, makes me think she is hiding from someone or something." Belle of course shows us her moves since day one, "she is still sexy and do know how to pull us in" and Candy who also made some of us sit on the edge of our seats was sexy, Michelle I believe well keep us coming back for more once Belle has gone because she does have that kind of energy "if she doesn't go to bed on us"..lol Sia is not a late night person either, "once she has done her work, she goes to bed", I think she also needs to stop feeding the other girls information from her Lap-top about whats going on "the comments and our Blogs", I think it putting the other girls feelings on edge and not wanting to perform. The one thing that I didn't like was the girls going out to the balcony staying so long. They know its not a cam out there and we can't see whats going on, and that's when all the assumptions start up, leaving us mad with the girls and RLC for not having a cam out there. Three stars for B2
  20. I see Masha and Sasha finally got away for a weekend, good for them, because they never go anywhere.
  21. Nice party tonight HuH? "I SEEN IT ALL ON THE CAM ON THE BALCONY"...LOL YAA RIGHT!!
  22. Seems the girls "Belle, Candy, and Michelle" are preparing for a party tonight, But Sia "Loose Lips" isn't around. Well anyway this B2 apartment is over due for something exciting and new and un-scripted. Belle seems to be controlling things pretty well, her task now is to try and get Candy out of those sweat pants and into something more revealing.
  23. I think if Smith learned how to give Kitty some foreplay before he dives between her legs, there sex would be even better and Kitty would get something out of it, besides cleaning up his goo off her chest. "And he just might last a littler longer." He is more of a hurry up and get if over with guy "kid" instead of enjoying Kitty and giving her passion, and letting her do the same with him.
  24. If any sex lasted over 3 min, yes you watched a record set....lol
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