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Everything posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. Welcome to RLC Ulyana and Marat, I hope you enjoy your stay.
  2. I do think its full..LOL (Image Content No Longer Available)
  3. I have said it again again.." I do respect your comments"..but why do you think that Karol's heart is aching for Amina's..LOL or Amina's heart is aching for Karol's? Who is sad?......I don't think Karol has anything to be sad about seeing that she was given a week or more of her boyfriends dick....surly if she wanted Amina as you has said a million or more times Kim's ass wouldn't have stay all night in her bed like many others have and had to play little girls house with her.....hopefully I won't get in trouble for saying this, but Amina is a "(Derogatory)" who has showed the viewers that she well sleep with any weak female that she can control. I don't think the is capable of handling a man at all. "sorry I know your in brain deep with this girl, but those are my thoughts."
  4. Well it seems that Kenny may has lost his bid with the flat chested snake Amina tonight....Kim did do the do with her....Kenny may want to either start wearing condoms or start getting monthly medical check ups.....Amina gets around and around and around with any open hole she can. Good luck Kenny.
  5. I saw..I see..I seen... And with the help of her house maids "Dalia and Alice" the slimy flat chested snake Amina finally got the chicken egg "Kim" as planed, that Danaya wanted for her self and failed at..lol.. I am glad that she did accomplished her mission and Kim had a chance to lick the spoiled juices of her controlling queen to bad she didn't have any tits to play with...."I am still curious why she can't get her house maids to do the same as she had Kim do...."maybe they have pride and respect for there boyfriends." Surly Kenny go paid for loaning his lady out for a night with the queen snake.."I hope." The question now is, well Danaya ever get her chance, or do she really want to take a chance on getting chlamydia now that Kim has given into Amina "the flat chested snake" demands? I would have given Amina "the flat chested snake" a star for her effort and slick move...but I think Kim deserve it more.....after all she was the real GUINEA PIG!! LOL "Amina you do get a grand standing ovation for your accomplishment. LOL
  6. As I pulled myself away from the great NFL and NBA games...I did catch Smith and Kitty trying to have sex, but it seems Smith is having problems getting it up or keeping it up....Although Kitty is very sexy...her some times bad attitude and behavior could be putting Smith in an undesirable mood...."I wouldn't say that he doesn't love Kitty...but some times to much verbal fighting could change his way of seeing her in a loving way and accepting her in a sexual way. I myself do wish that Kitty would cut down on the tattoos, she has a very sexy and beautiful body.."why cover it up with graffiti."
  7. Looks like Lana and Robert does have company again...some I have seen before...surly things are going well these two.
  8. As I do try and give my weekly summary and opinion on Masha, Dasha and Sasha....."I do think that now that they have convinced "their fans" some but not all viewers that they have some kind of put together love for each other...I do think that they should move on an let others move in to that apartment'.....after alI who really do want to see day after day one man who does nothing but walk around in his panties sit around looking unemployed watching his desk top computer all day.....and his two bed wenches who does nothing but lay around, play card games, gaze out the window as if they was in prison or jail, and or waiting for another heated moment to try and pay their dues to the viewers...surly if this was real voyeurism and real life "all three should be bored as hell" even with sitting in the apartment all day. For me "who is not a big fan..but use to be...I see nothing but posing sex.."in other words....they fuck like the are posing for pictures especially Sasha....who's women has giving him the freedom to screw her friend when ever he wants...as long as her friend eats her out once a week....that's all fine and dandy...but I do feel that they have succeed on what they want us to believe and with that they should either consider on moving out the way for others or change things for the viewers....."it has become a boring show...at least for me."
  9. After checking in on Amina and her borrowed help..."I thought Amina had hired a man...until took a close look and realized it was Amina....she need to buy her some tit's..lol..bad..DAM...maybe I should call her chester the flat chested boy or girl..."but she does want to act like the guys." I guess Alice doesn't want any more part of the scripted show and went to bed..."could be for her own good too.....poor Kim and Amanda.....or should I say poor Kenny and Pablo who may have been told to stay away and let Amina have her way with the girls tonight...."what a snake she is."
  10. Kitty and Smith are back from their short vacation....I did think that they would have been gone longer. Lets hope things start to get better for them and their love for each other.
  11. Looks like Amina is on the attack again tonight..lol this poisonous snake seems to have her a fruit fly "Kim"..tonight....surly she took Danaya's meal from her...lol...as she has done other's in the pass.. lol Well maybe she might just have Kim go down on her while she is still on her monthly cycle, unless she makes Kim sleeps and make out with one of the other girls...."but we the viewers know that Kim well do anything to please her master if needed." LOL "Moving on"
  12. Looks like Kamila and Kaley made it back off there short lived vacation...."whats next ladies?"
  13. Looks like Nora must have had a meeting with Kenny and Kim earlier...."could be Kim has to pay her rent fees, by sleeping the the king snake "Amina" instead of Danaya tonight.....surly Danaya well get her's later. I do feel sorry for Kenny and Pablo who have no control of their ladies at this point of there stay...." I do think now would be a good time for Kenny to make a visit to B1 and have a chance with Danaya...who lost her bid for Kim tonight with Amina.
  14. Its all in fun....just like the games they play with us members......"but little due Kenny know....no matter how much ass he kisses....these women doesn't want his dumb ass there"...when well the rock absorb water and wake up? LOL
  15. Every since her return back to B1 Danaya has been on a pussy hunt....and that hunt wound up being the brain spaced Kim from the vacationing apartment. Although Kim who doesn't seem to give her man "the dumb founded Kenny" any type of respect once she is around the poisonous snakes of "Amina and Karol"..who also seems to be the instigators of this seduction and unrehearsed scripted...Kim well do anything that these two want...even go against her man. As I did view last night with the three Irma, Danaya and Amina bed show...."it seems that Danaya was trying to get Amina attention sexually but did not succeed....Amina did not seem to be turn on to Danaya sexually but only in a friend ship way.....and Irma did not have a chance either, seeing that she is more like a mother figure then a sexual figure......Amina's pet "Karol" was still laying in bed in another room with her boyfriend at the time of all of this. I can't blame Danaya for wanting Kim to eat her muff...as Kenny once did, but why would one put them self's in jeopardy when these "girls" know that Kenny is very jealous. It would have been nice if Kim would have been single and not have a boyfriend...but doing what she is doing now shows her respect towards Kenny. I suggest that Danaya continue to try and get Kenny drunk and maybe she might have a chance to have Kim take a dive between her legs...but me and I am sure some of the viewers think that the only way your going to get Kim to do you, is by letting Kenny have his way "again" with you. "Suggestion for Kenny, "once this is all over and he start to do some cleaning around the house...make sure he gets rid of all his trash....starting with Kim."
  16. Julia and Eric are a strange but real couple....."Julia if not watching T.V has starting to watch her cell phone a lot lately....most likely viewing the well scripted episodes of B1 and B2." I do think that they may need someone to come in with some spark and get them started. I don't think things are going to get any better with these two....whom ever interviewed them upon their arrival might have been wasted at the time. LOL
  17. After checking in on Amanda and Pablo earlier today...I did see that she was crying and upset....later while Kim was talking to Amina on her cell phone and after she seem to be ok. I guess that conversation put a spark into Kim because she was happy...and later she and Kenny got dressed and went to the B1 apartment to be Danaya's treat for tonight. Amanda and Pablo who seem to be the smartest of the two couples went else were.
  18. Looks as though Amina is out again at the B1 apartment at this moment helping Danaya seduce Kim while the dumb and stupid Kenny looks the other way... Kenny who have to be the dumb of dumb men I have ever seen here at RLC...now that Karol boyfriend is gone she well have to go back to being Amina's fish eater once again...even though Amina reminds me of an ant-eat "one who well put his or her nose or tongue in any open hole they see.. LOL
  19. Seems Kamila and her crew Kristy and Kaley fooled all the viewers by taking a vacation all at once, leaving the short and sexy blonde to babysit the couch.. LOL Although the blonde is sexy and sleeps almost nude...."I don't think she is going to give us viewers nothing more then she has since her first arrival."
  20. Looks like Pablo, Amanda, Kim and Kenny are having fun tonight playing games. I guess Amanda may have had some counseling from either Amina or some one much her, she seems to be more open with her body towards the cams.."even though Kenny can't keep his eye's off of her sexy tits"..LOL Kenny do still have a habit of running threw the living room with out any clothing on....but that shouldn't be a surprise coming from him either....I do thing that these four does better when on autopilot then some trying to tell them how to "ACT."
  21. Its good to see that Karol is still holding the viewers with her visiting boyfriend..."its almost like viewing two who is on a honeymoon"....she has definitely been giving him some good royal treatment since his arrival. I do see that all even the visiting Amina and the queen of RLC Nora had a nice evening together. Danaya who seems and acts so negative and sometimes ass-y about things "needs to stop relying on her cell phone and what the viewers are saying and do what she is paid to do....unless she has forgotten already.".....of course Irma does what she does best..."being her sexy self."
  22. Although Dalia is keeping the B2 apartment above water with her sexy masturbation sets...."I do believe Alice well have to figure things out on her own." After viewing this apartment most of the day I really didn't see to much conversation with Dalia and Alice today. As also ways Amina is out..."either sniffing other girls or trying to recruit." I don't see B2 moving upward until Nora or someone higher up fine someone to lead and not just there to hunt every young lady that she see's. "My thoughts and belief's only"
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