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Everything posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. If you look at it as a whole....there is nothing we can do about anything....."but comment on what we think and see."
  2. I agree, but for me...so far both couples has been treated as if they are going threw a college fraternity or pledge by there borrower and controller "Amina" when needed...weather they want to or not. Amanda and especially Pablo doesn't and won't give in as easily as Kenny or Kim who well do any and everything Amina ask's of her. For the MONEY!!! your right. In the beginning when they arrived, I enjoyed viewing them, they were being real....,.but now they are like robots, siting around waiting to be told what to do....."for me hopefully they well be leaving soon. "My thoughts and opinions only"....about these four.
  3. I have to agree with you on your comments about these two....and I am glad that they started out letting the viewers know what kind of sex life that they have and what they are into. Some and a few tenants that's been here at RLC for awhile seemed to "Try" and open up and do things in a desperate way trying to get viewers and wind up making there relationship look bad for those members that have seen them in only one way.
  4. Kitty seems to be crying.....this seems to happen at least twice a month...I thought that a vacation would give her and Smith some time away from the cams....."going back to the drawing board...maybe its time for her to get some space of her own....or as some would call it "ME TIME." I was hoping she would have brought in some of her sexy girl friends for an over night stay...its been awhile. Like Sasha...Smiths needs an outside job....and just maybe Kitty would give more to the cams. Smith seems to be more focused on the T.V most of the time then he is with Kitty a lot of the time. Kitty maybe witty and sometimes strange acting..."but she is sexy too" and does give the viewers some great masturbation sets. (Image Content No Longer Available)
  5. This young girl looks like she is about 12yrs old and when they have her in bed doing what they want with her she looks as if she has been drugged or something....unless your some kind of pedophile I really don't see any thing sexual about what Jane and Dick are doing...."at least they could have found some one who looked more mature."
  6. Looks like Jane and Dick talked their visiting friend into having another section with the both of them..."I do think they need to feed her and put some weight on her if they plan on keeping her as there bed winch." Dick seem to have had better sex when he was screwing Masha...and lasted a lot longer too....."maybe Jane was the one who needed the outside help!!" (Image No Longer Available)
  7. It looks as though Irma is giving Danaya a nice massage at the moment...I wonder if Danaya is going to return the favor? Karol is back at B1 after spending a night with her actor/actress friend Amina, giving the viewer another well scripted lesbian show...."and as I speak "Amina" has brought in Kim and Amanda to help try to bring in some viewers for the sliding down hill B2."...I do think maybe Amina should try talking Nora into coming to be B2 for an all night visit...."it might help."....surly she is running out of suckers. LOL
  8. Yes Paul is home a lot...but I guess he is doing what Sasha is doing...nothing but staying on this computer most of the day, and waits for Leora to give him some loving time...."at least he is not screwing the dog." LOL
  9. I just watched Angie give the viewers a very nice an openly masturbation set. I do have to say she has come a very long way since her arrival at RLC...more then her pass room mates who once lived there....who I think are now living up stairs as magical magicians....and only comes down when there is space to be filled. Angie does seemed more open and she and her room mates Samantha and Emily has taken their apartment to a higher level.
  10. Although Nelly and Bogdan are one of my favorite couples, they seem to be dropping down the charts when it comes to viewers....their party last night was good, but I have seen them have better ones too. I still do think that they are taking many vacations....."yes I know some members are going to say "they need time off and there are other apartments to watch..etc" but I don't recall getting any extra free days on my membership plan either. LOL
  11. Looks as though Jane and Dick did accomplish their mission very early this morning there time, by seducing their visiting guess "who didn't look to happy once it was all over"...I do hope she didn't sign a years contract with the two"...lol....and I do hope they share their bonus reward with her. Now that that's down and out of the way, I wonder well Jane and Dick continue to seduce this young lady as there teachers "Masha and Sasha" are doing with Dasha...until things get bitter boring or well they move on. I do think that Dick needs to contact Sasha and help get him a job any employment some where out side of the apartment, surly some or a few of the viewers are tired of seeing him walk around the apartment day after day in this panties eye balling this computer all day waiting for one of his winches to kick a leg up..LOL.
  12. Kristy's return off her last vacation haven't been pulling in any viewers or comments since August....since then I have seen her do maybe one or two masturbation sets. Like some say "there apartment might just be a resting area for these three." Kaley does earn her stay most of the time....while Kamila gives us viewers four steps a month then take back three and does nothing but rest as she has been doing lately....its hard to believe that Kamila and Kristy was once two of the top ladies to view in B1 a few years ago. I guess it could be worst....."they are being them self's...and don't follow a weekly script.
  13. I was glad to see Irma when she arrived at B1 and did think she was going to be do great things "for B1 only and not for all three apartments" for me she has been boring...."but still sexy"...but seeing her reach out to Amina who seems to run things in her own cave, the three in bed "Dalia Irma and Amina" may as well be "Opie Taylor and Andy Taylor in bed with Aunt Bee" from the Andy Griffith Show.....weather all three was drunk or not....I didn't see NOTHING sexy at all..."if it was suppose to be for the viewers. Yes it does seems that Irma is making big bucks......"for nothing"!!
  14. A few days ago Eric and Julia's apartment was down for maintenance almost a whole day...."what ever the case after they came back they seemed to be closer and more open to the cams"...it could be that RLC may have talked to the both of them about their short feud. I did notice earlier around 3:30 am their time that Julia seemed to be either drunk or on some kind of unknown substance....she wasn't her self and lay naked in the guess room on the bed while Eric played on the desk top computer...."Seems every time she got up she did want sex from Eric, but he kept brushing her off and wouldn't give in....they finally went to bed. I have seen her this way before, and Eric doing the same. What ever happen a few days ago hopefully we the viewers may start to see more from the both of them.
  15. After all the vacationing with Nelly and Bogdan this year...I am surprised that they are not having some kind of party like they use to each year around this time....they have had a lot of house sitters this year.
  16. I did get a chance to visit Ulyana and Marat's party last night...for me it was nice...everyone was mature and I saw nothing scripted or fake. The ladies didn't all pile up in a bathtub to get the guys attention or had to fake strip....it was all fun. I am hoping there is more to come from these two in the future.
  17. Welcome Varvara and Fedor, I hope you enjoy your stay.
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