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Everything posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. Looks like the two guys that are still at the apartment with the girls "HECKLE AND JECKLE" are not going to give the girls any free time, then again they might be orchestrating anther "john" script for "Easy Glasha" who plays the welling (Derogatory) that well screw anything that moves with balls and with no remorse for herself as a woman. I do wish that she "Easy Glasha" and dumb acting Angie would take the money that they get for there participation in the next script and buy Sonya some new shorts...LOL she has been ware'in those same shorts day after day since day one, I sure that they look about as bad as "Easy Glasha's" muff after last night's give away....LOL
  2. Now that Yana and Ricky have the apartment to them self's they should be able to have a lot of fun together in bed loudly..lol until the next couple comes in.
  3. I thought Glasha was going to stick with one guy but I guess her sexual drive when she is drinking showed to be wrong. I think that RLC needs to reconsider on having her there with the other two "Angie and Sonya" seems she is turning that apartment for men to come in and have easy sex for an exchange of alcohol putting the other girls in danger at times. I truly believe she does has a drinking problem, and its making he look bad each week. I notice there are two guys left in the apartment, and still drinking, I believe if they give Glasha a drink one may be between her legges with in minutes....she is to easy. I wonder what kind of work did she do in the past.
  4. Seems like Nelly and Bogdan has a guest couple "the couple that watched the apartment when they was vacation" Nice couple, I am hoping they do get an apartment, they are not shy of the cams at all.
  5. Renata, I sure is leaving today, she started out as one of my favorites until she did Victoria wrong, "in my book friends just don't shit on each other" I hope she well return again one day in the future.......future, and not give all her remaining time to her boyfriend while working for RLC. Renata have a safe trip and hope to see you again one day.
  6. Looks like sexy Ilona and Tim is leaving today, nice couple, Ilona has changed a lot "not a bad thing" I hope to see them again one day. Ilona and Tim have a safe trip back home, come and see us again one day.
  7. Angie did fool me and I sure some others, the party was great, these girls are very live not to smart when it comes to men and drinking......once they have had a few drinks they give them selfs a new name "drunk w&^$@" and that's what they act like. It seems that Glasha has tried her best to get next to Angie's man and he her too, I have seen Glasha with a new man almost every week that she has been with RLC, we may have to change her name to "DOOR KNOB" seeing that every man she see is turning her out and getting in, she changes men like she does her panties.. slow down baby you just might catch something besides a hard dick. I wouldn't trust my dog around Glasha...lol Angie seems to drunk to almost notice anything going on, but then again it seems she doesn't care "what a dummy" The guest girl who is there is trying to keep the piece in the apartment...that might work..some times, Seems Sonya is the only one who has common sense in the apartment. I wonder why such pretty looking ladies as these let them self look like trash? Glasha needs to start respecting her self as a lady, if its not to late, seem she is down with everyone who has a dick and balls like I said last week "who's next in line?, what a way to show her friend "Angie" by flurting with her weak ass man. I was hoping she "Angie" would have put his dumb ass out of the apartment....but she didn't....lol Angie, Glasha, Sonya and the guest...stay away from the booze, its not sexy. Watching this apartment is like watching three dysfunctional women when it comes to drinking. Scripted or not they still looked the parts. Sorry to say after what I have seen tonight...Glasha has sleep with 3 guys in least then a month...."Hooker, easy,sl%t or what?" she as a used up puss!!! I wonder how many miles is on it?
  8. The girls Glasha, Sonya and guest looked very sexy yesterday "last night" even though they skipped out the door on the viewers and came back a bit more drunk and sloppy looking, I notice Sonya came in and went stright to bed still in her panties and bra, 3 min later Glasha came in pretty well off lit up too and the guest did wash her hands and got in bed with sleeping Angie. I wonder why Angie didn't join in on the fun and went to bed? and who is the woman that she shares the bed with? Well Sonya every bring her boyfriend back to the apartment, Well Glasha bring her boyfriends back to the apartment or well they both continue to keep them out side of the apartment. "Oh well, I am still trying to make good of these three, but its hard too." maybe next week? "
  9. Why is it so hard to get into the chat room? 1. Is it because there are some who thinks they own the site and chat room? 2. Is it because some have there own rules that they want you to go by or else? 3. Is it because some don't want you saying nothing negative about one or two of girls "that they my be in love with and they have in they mind they might just meet one day?" and they some how took them time to fine out their hole back ground "and they think they know them personally even what they think and do and what kind of family they came from? 4. Is it because some are groups that if your not apart of they just won't talk to you? 5. is it because you have to lose your thoughts and opinion when you sign in "Ha Ha Ha"...that's funny. When I first join this site "being a retired vet and love to talk to people anyway" I couldn't wait to sign on and talk to other members daily, talk about the apartments, the people, weather it was men or women, members would tell a few jokes and have fun. Now signing in is like taking a bar exam, your your dammed if you say the wrong thing "what is the wrong thing? You might lose a good friend, most of the time you don't even know who to trust, after going threw the questions 1 threw 5. Its to many chiefs in the chat room now and not enough real members. What is the purpose of having a chat room if you can't express yourself?
  10. From a friend to a friend...don't be afraid to express yourself about any of these females..I don't think any of those members own this site.  "some can be assholes as times."



      And its so true!!!

  11. I guess its no secret that Victoria loves to dress very erotic, "and she looks good with her outfits too." Seems she is more open now since Renata haven't really been around much to school her. I think she's starting to come out of the shy mood and is giving us viewers more, "even if she has to do it by herself."
  12. I agree that Neia and Beatrice do love to entertain each other "they do laugh and joke a alot" sometimes I wonder if they are acting out Victoria or Renata.
  13. After watching Glasha take a shower I see now why the guys turn into wolfs when they are around her...she is sexy, I am hoping she does step up to the plate even if she has to bring her boyfriend over every once in a while, Angie is sexy also but not my type "to perfect and to high maintenance" I really don't think that she is going to give us much, but some shower show and good looks. Sonya I am still trying to figure her out, sometimes she seems like she is Glasha's sister or just best friend...I do notice they stick under each other lick glue. Sonya has been shy since the first sexual sightings in bed...lol she may open up again.."one day". I guess we well have to wait another week. From the looks of things these pass two weeks, I don't think we are going to see a lot of naked bodies and tits walking around like most of the other apartments either. "My thoughts only"....I might be wrong.
  14. Kamila and kaley seem to be doing a lot of teasing today.."why don't they give the viewers something special?" they both love to rub on each other and the way Kamila is looking today "all eyes are on her for sure." All three of these girls need to give us something special!!
  15. A hockey team had finished its daily practice session. A large turkey came to the ground and walked up to the head coach, and demanding a tryout. Players were amazed and grew silence as the turkey caught pass after pass and ran right through the defensive line. Finally, the turkey returned to the sidelines, where the coach was waiting for him. The coach shouted, "You're terrific!!! Sign up for the season, and I'll see to it that you get a huge bonus." The turkey replied, "Forget the bonus. And, tell me, does the season go past Thanksgiving Day?"
  16. Looks like Angie is house sitting again today, Glasha and Sonya had their turn yesterday, and I sure its giving Glasha and Sonya some time to spend with their tail wagging studs. I wonder how long are they going to keep this up "most likely as long as they can get away with it" and RLC don't notice. Angie must be getting bored today, she goes from room to room singing as though she is giving us a tour of the apartment "like we need another one"...lol I figure after about another three or more weeks these young ladies well realize what there purpose there are, or are we viewers being taken on another "its not working ride." Surely Glasha and Sonya well be home later tonight for some rest, t.v time shower and go to bed, and then it well be Angie's turn again.
  17. I am glad to see that Efim and Anabel are starting to pick up the past somewhat with the viewers, there parties are fine sometimes to much drinking and who knows what goes on in that hallway room, until they invite some of his bad boy friends who don't respect his lady "Anable or her friends" or his apartment. There sex seems to be great, Anabel is very sexy and she knows how to please Efim and he does the same for her...I do like she has started to give us some masturbation now and then with out him. With the company they have I am waiting for one of those night that an all out sex party may start...."just a thought"...LOL
  18. I see that Markus's company is visiting again taking over the apartment, most in the kitchen "sucking on a water pipe" smoking up the hold dam house, while Adeline is in bed, I don't think that Adeline get's to much privacy when at home in one week alone. Seems that when her and Markus are home alone he spends most of his time on the computer until one his buddies come over.
  19. Andrew was laying down carpet in some woman's home. As he was finishing, he got a craving for a cigarette. He looked around and discovered that his cigarettes were missing. He did, however, notice a bump in the carpet and figured that he had laid carpet over the pack without noticing it there. He decided rather than to take up the carpet, he would get a hammer and pound it in to the ground so no one would know. When he finished that, the owner of the house walked into the room and commented on what a nice job he had done. "Andrew, The carpet looks wonderful" she exclaimed. "Here are your cigarettes; I found them in the kitchen. Oh yes, by the way, have you seen my cell phone?"
  20. I know I have suggested this once or twice before, but I think that RLC needs to get rid of those cell phone's, some say it well never happen, but why not keep trying!!! I think that if the people in these apartment can't read what where are saying about them then thing would be more better in these apartments. Most of the day we watch mostly "girls, ladies" checking their cells all day...seems after one has done some kind of sexual activity they check their phones "are they looking or ratings or what?" I say again get rid of them in these apartments.
  21. After reading your comment, I was waiting to see the answers you were going to get, for me its like looking threw a loaded cocked gun and hoping its just blanks in it. Anyway I believe that most of these new girls that RLC is bringing in are just here for some free room and board and some for just some R and R, and of course the money, I also so believe that a few are just there looking or a man on the outside to take care of them. When these girls arrive we see them and say how sexy they look and "she is going to do this and that" and I am sure they read this and get the big head...lol, but in turn they don't do what we thought or had in mind "then we have these members that say give them time" that could turn out to be 3 to 4 weeks and another sign up for us members "mean while these girls are going out having a good time meeting tom dick and hairy and coming in late the next morning giving us some lazy shows and a lot of sleep doing the day." And some still say give them time "because somewhere doing a shower sense they fell in love with this girl"...lol Well I think when it gets close to time to leave thats when they want to start doing what they were paid to do...now they want to start to do there job, but where ready for there asses to leave, "because they haven't done shit in days or weeks"...lol I am glad that RLC is starting to get new people, but I just wish they would start making them do there job on the inside of there apartments "I could really care less what they do on the outside, where there from, where they live" just give me my money's worth. I guess its like getting a lap-dance, it doesn't get good until its almost over.....then we pay for another thinking its going to get better but it doesn't...all we did was pay for the same woman to do the same thing that she did the last time...LOL Yes I am sure some of them want to come back..."they made easy money, for doing nothing" some where so comfortable "B1 and B2" that they stayed gone more then they stayed in the apartment. I am afraid to give me opinion of the female species, I want to keep what little friends that I have here..LOL Like you I can almost tell when its time for them to leave the project "thats when they want start doing." "THESE ARE JUST MY THOUGHTS ONLY"
  22. Even though she did do the do to Victoria, Renata seems like she is in the dumps and don't have that get up and go power she use to have for RLC...she looks like she have been working 3rd shift at an assembly line...lol Renata needs to get up and go visit her two friends Sher and Regina at B1 before they leave and give them a wild party...."if its not to late"...LOL
  23. Even though Kitty is not showing her new breasts a lot, I think it must being doing something to Smith sexually, lately he has been going after Kitty alot "and keeping up with her too"..lol I also thinks that what Kitty wants from him and needs, "of course I still like her masturbation sets."
  24. Seems Glasha had her another date to drop by "nice looking guy." but it seems they all just want to have sex with her and she doesn't mind putting out...seem she went out side with him for a few min's they came back in she went straight to the bathroom and brushed her teeth "BLOWJOB" no dought...LOL lucky him...who's next, Dam that was to easy!!
  25. Besides kaley, Kamila and Kristy, looks like all of the sexy ladies are at there apartment tonight, Kaley looks like she has had a few to many drinks "laughing and dancing"...lol she is still sexy though we don't see much of her this way. I am still waiting for that all girl pajama party...LOL
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