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Everything posted by Plank

  1. Agree with Dougie, cam placement in this apartment (lounge ) are crap. Also I was expecting these two, disappointed!.
  2. Early days,but I have learnt that Hannah struggles walking in heels. Blame the floor. Hi there!
  3. Absolutely mate, not criticising you at all, just giving my opinion, at least you are trying to come up with suggestions, I haven't got a clue how the forum moves forward. As for the chat room, I've given my opinion on that before,so I'm not going to go over old ground. I agree it needs to change,we were never allowed to comment about the participants private life outside of whatever project they are involved in. I don't know how or why that has changed. I really do not give a flying one about what this girl is having for her evening meal or what shoes she is wearing. Glad to hear you've had something from VHtv, result ! Like you I have limited time that I can get onto the forum & post stuff. Agree, if this site closed down would I join CC.....hell no. We were always a 'friendly' forum. I've always been against the idea of the participants interacting with the forums.I feel leaves the participants open to abuse,unreasonable demands etc Also some of the harsh comments on the forums are not going to be any good for their mental health. I am pleased that you are still in contact with Ari,I always liked her. Agree, I joined & started posting because I wanted to get access to the Gallery. I thought I would struggle with getting to 30 'meaningful' posts. Now look at the amount of shit I have posted. I also wanted a distraction from real life shit I was going through at the time. It worked. Once again, it's the usual suspects that are involved in this discussion, it would be nice to see some of our other members stepping up, and contributing to the site as a whole.
  4. This is all puzzling? Maren & Karel's apartment goes offline, Mira commented that 'they are gone'. Hours later Mira is hastily packing a bag. Then M & K 's apartment is back on the menu stating 'a long vacation'? Why am I not buying this? Maybe because of the recent problems between Mira & Henry. The fact that,when Henry is not in an alcoholic stupor, he prefers to get laid by Annika over at Maren's. Who is looking after Maren's cats & Meerkat? Or have they taken them with them and all gone to the vacation at the Upstate gang-fuck-suck and dope-in?
  5. Interesting suggestion @dougiestyle4u . However I can't see VHtv going for it. They are in bed with CC and they do all their publicity for them. VHtv only bother with us lot when CC goes down. The pics alone might get people to subscribe out of curiosity. But I doubt VHtv will allow video clips to be posted as it rains on their parade as far as the Video Archive is concerned. Also why subscribe if people can get it for free? That's how I've been feeling when it comes to this place. Why should I use my subscription, to entertain the free-loaders. (Also have my pics stolen for use on CC,don't get me started) I don't mind posting stuff for the benefit of our membership,doing my bit and all that shit. However,I get disheartened when I know how many folk have viewed my post,yet there are two likes and no comments,debate,discussion etc. So maybe the fault also lays with our membership, who don't want to get involved? Like most social media platforms,scan through,look at what grabs your attention then fuck off on to something else? I don't think the problem is with VHtv, I think the problem is with the other sites who prohibit anything of theirs being posted, or else. My view on that is,if they don't play ball with us,why should we advertise them? As @dougiestyle4u mentioned above,we all witnessed the shit hitting the fan when rlc started throwing around DMCA notices, and just look how their site has suffered since then! I've already had chats with @StnCld316 about leaving our forum open so that non-members can view our stuff, I'm against it. If it is left open where is the incentive to join? Maybe there is scope for a trial period, a week or whatever. But the problem with that is everyone goes over to CC anyway & I don't blame them. There are far more members posting stuff,so it's more immediate,up to date etc. There are only a few of us posting anything on the VHtv side, we can't get to it all,or spare the time. After all this time of promoting their site,I haven't seen them offering any sort of discount or goodwill gesture for services rendered. Have you had anything @cyberleader....thought not. And to sum up,I don't know what the answer is to this forums general torpor? 🤔
  6. It doesn't happen that often,but I love it when I'm proved right! I posted this on September 3, 2020. "Deborah & Ian. I wonder how long before Ian & Val get together & Deborah gets her heart broken?"
  7. Yeah I know I'm obsessed,so sue me! I see that there is a blonde guy sniffing around at the moment. There has been some smooching & groping but he is getting nowhere. Princess Alice doesn't show us anything on cam, I seriously doubt she will have sex on cam. If she does it will break my heart. 😭 Good luck to him, I'm only jealous! 🙃 Anyway, very Lara Croft.
  8. We have seen this couple often at Kataleya & Archi's apartment, now they have their own place. They both like dressing up, very cute in a wig & fishnets. Cute au naturel.
  9. Spotted this new girl at the apartment. Hang on a minute, let's rewind. I recognise those tattoo's. And no it does not count as a Hair Update, because it's a wig. 😁
  10. @RUBBERMANSounds like a plan mate,next time we are on together we'll have at it. I have got a lot to say on some of the tenants,old guard as well as the new ones. Fair warning, my language might be industrial strength. 🤬
  11. It should be labelled Prisoner Cell Block H. It looks like a female correction facility instead of what used to be one of the top apartments. So sad. PS Where is Dax Alcicat & what the fuck have they done to Bonya? 🤬
  12. Exclusive Hair Update. And the kids are back.
  13. 3/3 Round 2 M having a great time! H.....not so much? Guest guy cums again. Mira is going to want this guy to visit again. Not sure if Henry's ego can handle that?
  14. Finally, a guest guy that Mira is really into! Post split into three lumps. 1/3 To be honest,Henry could/should have left them to it. I wonder what Mira wants?
  15. Oooh I can't wait for the download & install process.
  16. So pleased that the guest girl-friend got rid of the locks. She is a deep throat specialist,it is a sight to behold.
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