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Everything posted by Plank

  1. Well that sort of explains it,thanks mate.Shame I've got some great pics of her from yesterday,full make-up,short checked skirt,black fishnet stockings. Ah well,I enjoyed it. 😜 So I assume we can't post pics that have been censored,like this? Example,not Stephanie. But it does make you wonder that if she is being stalked,why would she stay on the site and put herself in the spotlight? Are we sure it's not one of the Barca fanboys that has gone rouge? 🤣
  2. Re above pic. They slept on the floor because Kataleya was in their bed,no idea why? Don't know why the wouldn't utilise the Guest room sofa. Or is that reserved for the guy who does the gay cam shows in there? And despite the nice event of a few nights ago Marta's apartment is gone?
  3. Re Stephanie. I don't know why,maybe an oversight,but Stephanie has been back on VHtv for a while now,yet her apartment is not on the VHtv apartment menu? A while ago when she was sharing her place with Alexa,posting was suspended for whatever reason & we all abided by that decision. Yet it seems as though she has been forgotten about,or those posting restrictions are still in place. I would like to know why as it can not be any good for her viewing figures if no one knows she exists. Which is a damn shame as she is an attractive woman who can look stunning when she wants. Alexa visits now & then & she also has blonde friend who is very nice.Stephanie is not shy,ok we all know that she's playing the game,but still,very nice to watch. Unlike some of the new apartments,and I need to be careful not to 'fat shame',but big boned women & a heavily pregnant one,do absolutely nothing for me. Call me old fashioned,but I also don't like women who are covered in tattoo's and look like they should be working down at the docks!
  4. 2/2 Isn't it nice to see Serg having fun! By this point they are singing at the top of their lungs. Well Krista & lovely girl are singing,leather trousers....not so much. Then the door bell rang,obviously one of the neighbours or the police? Now this is brilliant by Krista. As she is going to the door she is taking off her dress. 'And that girls is how to disarm an angry neighbour.' It didn't stop them. Serg left with Krista,I hope he wasn't driving. The other two had food in the kitchen. I can't say if anything happened after that, there was a blank timeline. By the time the line was back up Theresa had returned. That was a fun evening/morning for Serg, he was back to how we used to see him,enjoying himself with friends. We all know what a legend Krista is, and I for one want to see more of her,& her two friends,especially the girl in the pink dress.
  5. Two parts 1/2. Sorry for the pic quality,lousy cams & lighting. Earlier in the day Serg was slaughtered drunk,laying on the bed talking to the tv,the walls and generally ranting. No idea where Theresa was & don't care. Later he had visitors. My beloved Krista & two of her friends. They were singing when they fell through the door. Awwww! Party moved to the living room. The music starts & so does the fun. The girls decide that Serg's clothes should come off. In the words of Stevie Wonder, 'who put that fucking table there!?' No.....sorry, 'Isn't she lovely'. Krista starts to strip.
  6. 2/2 Massage time. And you. I tell you what would be easier..... As the guy is screwing Marta he massages Mil. Nice view! Hands begin to wander. I thought he was going to go for gold here,he considered it,Mil was aware of it & dismounted. Marta cums. Nice evening had by all. The sad bit for me was later on Antonio turned up & was welcomed with open legs arms. Has she learnt nothing from this week? Seems not.
  7. Two parts, 1/2 Marta & guy turn up for cards,drink & smokes. False start. Mil left to get drinks leaving Marta to get into it.
  8. Meanwhile over at Archie's. No penetration,but he has learnt fuck all from this weeks events! 🤬
  9. Ok so half an hour after the pic above they were shagging on the living room rug. So it's looks like all is resolved. I won't hold my breath.
  10. See Antonio & Milagra's page.
  11. Sorry to be negative but, what is the point of this apartment? 💩
  12. In case you were wondering what the drama-llama-ding-dong is with these two,it goes like this. A few nights ago Milagra turned up at Marta's with Anita's male friend,(don't know his name & don't care.) There were drinks and games,a bit of topless massage between the girls,that was it. Meanwhile Anita arrives at Antonio's,after a while of cards & horse play in underwear, they ended up having a couple of rounds of sex. No condoms btw. Afterwards Anita went home & had a session with her returning guy. Did Antonio/Anita seriously think that Milagra wouldn't find out? She knew before she got through the door. Words exchanged,she started packing a bag. A couple of friends turned up to do the counseling session. Antonio has spent the last two days trying to do repairs. It hasn't worked,and I'm not surprised,he has humiliated her in a very public way. He certainly did a good job on Anita,unlike what he serves up to Milagra. It's no wonder she spends so much time playing with her dildo machine. At the time of writing this,he is packing his bags. Good! She can do so much better than him. The long goodbye.....& then the feed went down.
  13. Big being in context. 🤣
  14. Looked at the name. Became excited. Logged in. Had my hopes & dreams dashed against the rocks. PS. Anyone makes a joke about walking the plank etc, wins a free slap!
  15. I don't think we have seen Alisa since November 2020, that is six monthes ago. Sadly I am beginning to accept that she won't return. 😢
  16. So Maren, are you enjoying your vacation? No signs of Mira?
  17. Cut Kira a bit of slack guys,her back is wrecked. She's not going to be feeling amorous when she's in pain. No excuses for Masha & Lex?
  18. Interesting dynamic in this place to say the least. You name it they've already done it. 2m1f, 3m1f, girl on girl........next!
  19. Seems like these two have an 'open' relationship, there has been various sessions with changed partners,threesomes etc,however it has been in mole vision which I can't be arsed to cap.
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