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ShaKa ZuLu Forum VJ

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Posts posted by ShaKa ZuLu Forum VJ

  1. Here a good suggestion for RLC. How about a video archive for paying members only. For your members who have a job they have to report to. These members sometimes miss everything and have to rely on other members and sometimes they are just S.O.L, But if they had a way of playing back the day they would be much happier   

  2. I'm really getting sick of this Hector and Suzan saga. RLC if this is your script it's getting pretty lame. Either have Suzan bang one or both or all three. In the words of Nike Just Do It!  I'm sick of all these damn guest. I'm sick of the couple in N&B not because they don't have sex or bathe. They are just plain boring. When you had F-him and the Nympho in the apt at lease you had viewer. I'm sick of all these empty apt. Where is your back up plan? I would have standby's for when my tenants went on vacations. I'm sick of both girls apt. The girls are easy on the eyes but boring as hell. I'm sick of the division in the chat room. When I first join members had a lot more respect for the tenants and other members. Now it's just a free for all. So what are you sick of? And if it's me get over it cause I ain't going nowhere.  edit: one more thing I'm sick of is the I'm not here for the sex, But constantly bitching when there is none. 

  3. With the exception of Lulu aka Sugar-B and F-Him and his Nympho why are the other guest around? At D&D The Starving Artist who is he? why is he there? At S&H same question. The chick at N&K also. Are they temporarily homeless? I don't think so. I think they are strategically placed to cause excitement and havoc. Let's start with The Starving Artist. On boring night in the RLC pond S.T. decided it would be a good idea to take his shirt off and jump into bed with Dasha,who by the way was dress only in panties and t-shirt. Dasha being the modest thot ran him off. The chick at N&K don't know much about her, but when they have family time on the couch the submissive one don't seem to like her. The guest at S&H is the most intriguing of all. He openly flirt with the thot Suzan with as of now no consequences. Now me thinking like most of you are, why don't Hector or any of the other tenants just throw them out on their asses? And please miss me with the hector gay talk.  I think they can't. so what do you all think? 


  4. I sure hope she fines something else to do to make money. If it's doesn't feel right doing it than it's probably not right  hope she don't turn into to Olivia  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QN79ouaUEgo[/youtube] @RUBBERMAN there is a difference between doing something because you want to and doing something cause you feel you have too as mikeusa said she know it some form of prostitution but feels she has to in order to get money for what ever reason

  5. Ok guys go back to page 23 look at hotwal(gallery moderator) photo of Danaya 8:37am watch as the legs open the photo is interrupted now watch very closely as the interruption ends and before the picture blinks Danaya is getting ghost fucked you can see the dick in her pussy  Did anyone else catch this 

  6. Yes and if you happen to enter the chat and you see this many blues and reds RUN!!! Lol just playing.  If you are obeying the rules and regulations  of the chat you will have nothing to fear.


  7. I totally agree most here. BUT here what get me. Why do these girls have to be selling themselves ? Why can't they be working models? Most models put in 12-16 hour days. But that would be too much like right, Right? All these hearsay accusation and translations are just that hearsay. and as we know hearsay is not admissible in court  The fact of the matter is We Don't Know What They Do!! And I personally don't care. Which brings me to my next problem. Personal Business. I thought this shoutbox is about all things related to RLC and NOT about your personal life or problems or business adventure. It's sad that members have problems but we all do and if we all aired them in the shout than the shout is no longer about RLC. Now I know I have step on some toes here and I'm sorry. But your personal business is just that Your Personal Business. I find it funny as hell  how some member wanted K&K back and now that you have them ya can't stand them. why? RLC never said Kami & Kristy were lover or lesbian or a couple. This is something we as member came up with. It never happen in Barcelona  and it will never happen in Moscow.  You K&K fans said it yourself Nothing going to happen with K&K yet everyday the same thing in the shout.  go figure!  Well I've had my say and I will probably get a warning or banned either way I don't care because what was once a lot of fun is now just a lot of bullshit. And when the shit starts running over the top of your wader's boots it's time to take a step back and reevaluate the situation. Take it on the run 


    and it may be time for me to fly


  8. @rsarver152 Wow! Really? Sir you keep on believing you have that right city jails always have room for one more. Turner Brown could use a new cellie. The notion that you got to hit a woman back or you are a pussy is utterly absurd. Respect is earned sir and from the way you sound in your response your not earning much.  If you need to hit a woman back to prove that your not a pussy well sir you are already a pussy. Maybe you should try and find a better class of women.      for rsarver152 and judgedredd

    now accepting new members   
  9. @judgedredd I have never disrespected a member here at RLCF  but for you sir  an exception first your response  is that of someone who might have hit a female or two "it was a reflex" or "if she's going to act like a man' and so on. Sir that's the bitch way out and as I'm sure you are about to find out that bulls#$t doesn't fly around here. There Is no way spin doctors like yourself can justify what was seen on the video. your buddy Hector is a bully plain and simple, always putting his hands on someone in the apt not just Suzan. So now his little tough guy act might cost him a place to stay and more importantly his woman  and for what it takes second to grab your coat and take a walk. One last thing just what exactly was she suppose to learn?             bullying fail

      (YouTube Video No Longer Available)

  10. Will someone please show me where RLC advertisement for the girl apt or any apt I would like to read where  it says three girl in an apt there for your pleasure they will stay home and walk around nude for you they will lick each other pussies and masturbate everyday for you Please someone show me this I can't seem to find it anywhere What I can find is this  RealLifeCam The private lifes of other people 24/7  And to me that's exactly what we are getting 4 young ladies Danaya, Ilona, Kamila and Kristy doing what young ladies do they go out and stay out all night come home and sometime sleep or shower and leave again this is what young ladies their age do they do not sit around and lick each other out all day they do not masturbate all day everyday like Leora check this if Leora had a man banging her gut out three times a week and a man secure in his manhood that she can go out when ever she wants how often do you think you would see Leora at home   The K&K apt  RLC never said they were a couple people just assume they were because RLC put them in an apt together but they were not a couple when they left so why should they be now just to young ladies who like each other and if it gets sexual bonus viewer So basically you are getting what's advertise The real lives of people 24/7 it is what it is is it fare to the paying member I don't know but I will say this before you buy a car you test drive it first    okay line up and shoot me down

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