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ShaKa ZuLu Forum VJ

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Posts posted by ShaKa ZuLu Forum VJ

  1. Well guys and girls it's been a fun ride til now. Do you guys remember t.v. before cable when in some places you only had 6 or7 channels? And try as you might sometimes there was just nothing on. RLC has become that  6 or 7 channels with nothing on. Back then we complain to mom and her answer would be "well then carry your ass outside and play " something a lot of moms need to say now, But that's a different topic. RLC as slowed so bad that it's got it's paying members up in arm saying wtf. You see it in the shout and in the forum topics everyone is pissed off. They are threatened with cancellations to no avail. RLC can't seem to figure out how to get cable or how to spice up their channels. So instead of me crying about it in the shout or forum I decided to do as mama said and go outside and play Now RLC has one less watcher just think of what would happen if a lot of you came out to play too As my dad would say "sometimes your up sometimes down just try to stay in the middle and you will be happy"  So Long And Goodnight  see ya when things get better All aboard king shaka airways destinations outside



  2. HELL NO I couldn't and I suspect most members can't it's one thing to beat the puddy up in the privacy of your own home a whole new ball game in front of camera. but I also like to argue the fact that they sign a contract (one day I would love to read what it entails) maybe they are holding up there end of it and if not why dose RLC allow it to continue

  3. RLC What is the problem?  You don't know? Here let me help.  Apartment number 1 L&P right now it's a keeper as Leora seem to still gather rave reviews when ever she bates or walk around nude.  #2 M&S unless you like watching cats and the dog this apt is no longer entertaining reboot. #3 D&D For the last month all you got from this apt is Dasha doing homework on lap top at kitchen table and they went from sex in the open to blanket fucking. Give them a call tell them to get their shit together or reboot. #4 N&K is a keeper. #5 Z&L This one is really hard to call. If you get rid of Ipadman and give her a chance to find someone new or stay by herself and see what happens apt maybe is a keeper. #6 C&M Enough said. # 7A&D They had fell off for a bit but got back in the saddle keeper. #8 C&S First of all tell Blue to produce or get out. next this apt is boring sleep all day watch internet all night they look like three grannies sit on the couch. Reboot. #9 S&H They just got back and seem to be getting back in the swing of things give them a few more weeks. #10 N&B This apt should have went under maintenance when they left on vacation they don't need a house sitter, He is their playing up to the cams in hope of getting back in call him up and tell him It's never going to happen bud.Keeper. #11 MA&SA  Keeper. #12 and14 reboot. For C&J They seem a little nervous right now but give them time young and free you'll never know might just become your #1 apt.  RLC when your paying members are unhappy and potential are like there is nothing to see here than it's time for change. just saying  


  4. here lately Masha has been doing a lot of masturbating in the tub. Now i'm just guessing here but I think masha is looking for a new horse to ride and I think it will be the thin man I think masha and her sister want to swap but sasha doesn't  if this happens you heard it here first

  5. I'm going to try and get my point across with out being long winded. The Gallery(The Newbie's Holy Grail) It is what I search for when I was a newbie. Around and around I went looking for topic I could reply to. At First some of my replies were simple couple words here and there but than one of the moderator replied to one of my replies and ask me to elaborate and I did to make this short I found the grail from black to orange the key to the gallery. When I started it was 25 posts now it's 30  why you might ask because some seek the key to gain access for devilish reason. Making the key harder to obtain may deturd these heathens.  So today as I enter the hollowed hall of The Gallery I notice unrest with end. Now after taking a look I see  it is a small easily solvable problem for all parties involved. But here's my point. This forum is here for all RLC fans and non fans I got here by accident hung out liked it stayed and a big part of what makes it work is RESPECT for member for the shout for the gallery the fan pages. Because if we don't have RESPECT than a lot of little problems becomes a lot of big problems and big problems are solved with big solutions. I think I made my point.    for all you who think who the f*# k is this guy and this sh*t  is kind of cheesy remember this as the door slams behind you My cheesy ass will still be here man twerking in the gallery 


  6. @rob(forum moderator) well sir it appears that I have been beaten. You and your troops fought with the heart  and of souls lions. So in my defeat I offer my spear so that thy may puncture the hearts of all Leora naysayers and my shield to block the slanderous slang spit forth at thy Queen.  I sir wish you luck as you stand before your Queen Leora and speak in the immortal words of Cesar " Veni, Vidi,Vici" 


  7. @ webmail111111    Frist of all I never call any member of this forum hopes childish. What I did say was Ilona is childish and immature . 2. I never stated as fact that it will never happen what I did say is Ilona will never dyke for us  yes she will rub and tease but thats it and if you read further in my statement  I said Anna might if it wasn't for the cameras and her shyness and the fact that instead of competing with Ilona for Irma affections she just gives up and goes to her room. 3.also I stand by what I said about the shout box I really do find it funny how it lights up when it comes to the girl apartment.4. two women rubbing and kissing  each other tits is very exciting just not for 3hrs.

  8. @Voops i'm not pissed off I find it funny how at the slight hint that some might happen the shout box goes completely nuts Ilona is a child out in the world very immature she will tease and that's it Anna is straight but a little bi curious and the same with Irma alcohol or not  I don't think it will ever happen. so the reason for my post was the fact at how crazy the shout get when they think it will member be like is someone recording ,get some picture post it in the forum it's complete and utter madness in the shout box. but as soon as it's over and nothing happen now most everyone is pissed  but to me it's not that hard to understand you are dealing with a child and a young lady who is very very camera shy if the shower had black curtains you would probably never see her nude in there. so just like I stated in the beginning of my post I find it amazing  p.s. if I came in drunk with a young lady and did not get it in the first 30 minutes we are in bed it is safe to say I won't because after 30min of rubbing i'm sleep so 3hrs is a total no good lol

  9. The fact that you guys still expect something to happen simply amazes me.    1.The Child this is Ilona she WILL NOT bate for you 2. she WILL NOT dyke for you 3. The only thing she WILL DO is that same old stupid dance she always do. Why is she a child well lets take a look  A child hates to be out done,A child can't hide it's emotions. Ilona hates to see Irma and Anna together So like a child she will do anything to have the attention focus back on her like making Irma think she might dyke with her and letting Irma rub her up. Once she has succeeded in forcing Anna out she drops Irma like a hot rock No Kissy Kissy No Licky Licky. Next Up Anna she could get her freak on with Irma .The only thing holding her back is the cameras and the fact she has no back bone she should stand up for what she wants stop letting Irma sniff around Ilona like a bitch in heat.  And last but not lease Miss Irma what is wrong with you it's apparent  you are NOT going to get any from Ilona . It's also apparent that you don't know how to break Anna out her shell so why waste your time go out do you. And now for us members This is my opinion and you know what they say about opinion At the rate things are going in the girl apt nothing explicit will happen just a lot of touchy feely shit so if you looking for more you are looking in the wrong apartment  As for RLC if this is your best bait for new paying member well your fishing in a dead pond. the fish are fed and are not biting  P.S. Ilnoa just accomplished what she set out to do she made Anna go to bed and she got Irma to give her a back rub also she got you all to talk bad about Irma and Anna and she comes out smelling like a rose  in her mind ALL EYES ON ME is what she thinks

  10. While discussing  efim and his girl in the bathroom at nelly's with the light out for over an hour I used the phrase border line rape in the shout and was quickly reprimanded by a newbie I don't remember his call sign but anyway  rape is a strong word to use all willy nilly and although I meant what I said it was wrong of me to throw it in the shout like that so for that i'm sorry

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