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    mikeusa reacted to Booffer69 in Same BullShit   
    Well, 3 quarters of you all will probably hate me after you all read this but... I don't Care...
    I use to come home and log into RLC with great enthusiasm, wanting to see these young couples live out their daily routines, and have some fun days and boring days.... Was expected from a site called REAL LIFE... I'm pretty sure I found this site from their beginning or if not shortly afterwards.. Loved watching them... THEN, I found you all in this forum... At first I loved it here, (Pre Irma)... And now all I hear is the same old crap, day in and day out... You all might twist the words here and there, but all in all "it's the same crap" all around being said about these couples and the one and only GIRLS APT. The girls were brought in for purely entertainment, so hook ups are strictly what your all pretty much dreaming about. weither or not it will ever happen, I think we all have a better chance at winning a lottery... These couples live out their lives on cam 24/7 while god knows how many people are watching them... ( no pressure what's so ever ). Some are married and some are not... Just cause some of us don't like their mates don't mean they are going to split up because your suggesting they should.. Yes there some dead beats in here but, they all seem to be fairly happy with each other.. and yes even Zoya with Lev.... Paul and Leora seem to be haven a bit of difficulties right now, but which couple hasn't.. plus those 2 never seem to go out.. so eventually, they will get on each others nerves... I'm just tired of hearing the same old crap about this website over and over again... I know, Freedom of speech and all... But eventually even that gets a little tiring after a while... Some if not most of you are married or have been hooked up for many yrs... Are you all still haven sex everyday the way you expect these couples to do... if so Koodo's to you.. but most of you'll will have to think hard about that one...and yea anyone can type in bull about their sex lives... Well enuff venting.. I'll be floating in the background for a while till the conversations become fun again.. Luv's you all, but we need to wake up folks... it's only a simple voyeur website.. not a porn site..
  2. Like
    mikeusa got a reaction from RUBBERMAN in hypocrits annonamous   
    know what i'm going to add to this also. when we watch the girls apartment we and up thinking there going to be a hook up between these girls in which my opinion i see these  girls straight as an arrow. reason why i'm saying this cuz there hopefuls out there thinking theres going to be a girl on girl action in the girls apartment in which i do not see that happening at all. p.s. I also notice we be staying the same thing over and over again like Ilona and Irma are going to hook up nothing happen , like Irma and anna are going to hook up nothing happen and also Layla and Irma are going to hook up nothing happen now i'm also hearing that danaya and Ilona are going to hook up and I see nothing happen between them at all.
  3. Like
    mikeusa reacted to Mooka in hypocrits annonamous   
    Damn I was just about to create a similar thread to this!
    Every day I log on here eager to read the latest theory about the tenants.  Just in the last couple of days I have found out:
    Ilona is pimping Danaya around town to any guy that can afford the price (hence why Ilona is resisting the charms of Danaya)
    Ilona has a sugar daddy (who bought her the stuffed dog - wow big spender)
    Ilona also has a boyfriend (this is of course why she spends so much time on the phone/laptop)
    This of course adds to the growing list of:
    Ilona was the madam for Layla, Irma and Anna (again because she was on the laptop a lot making bookings)
    Both Paul and Lev are gay (it must be true they don't ravish their partners 24/7 like a normal couple would)
    Carla and Mario are making money by web casting their sexual adventures (hey they have a laptop remember)
    Anna has an STD (the reason is she peed more than she should and therefore wouldn't fuck Irma)
    Every girl that has gone into the girls apartment is either a hooker, high class escort, stripper or porn star.
    And the classic, all time favourite - everything that happens in all the apartments is closely scripted by RLC!
    I must admit, I am impressed by the imagination some people exhibit here, they can pick up the minutest detail and form a rock solid conclusion with it.  And they don't like being queried about their new found detective powers, I am now proud to say I am blocked by at least two regulars in the Shoutbox for daring to ask where they got their information from.  No loss there I can assure you. 
    So why do people here get so caught up in the lives of well strangers on a screen?  Is it that they have to invent these stories to justify in their own minds the fact that they are perving on them 24/7? 
    On a slightly different topic, I would like to publicly thank B.T.R (and the other Admins of course) for putting a stop to the cyber stalking that was damn near epidemic here when I first joined.  It was a very dangerous practise that would only lead to trouble and I think the Admins should be applauded for putting a stop to it.
  4. Like
    mikeusa reacted to Benfold in hypocrits annonamous   
    I think some of the conspiracy theories that fly around are pretty ridiculous, but I also think that as the girls are getting free room and board and god knows how much payment, and the majority of this comes from RLC subscribers, we're allowed to express our opinions on the girls, negative or otherwise. If it starts causing friction between members, then it becomes an issue (and I've been guilty of that myself) but what we say or do on here makes no difference to the girls' lives so I'd suggest they're fair game
  5. Like
    mikeusa reacted to toolmaker123 in hypocrits annonamous   
    Hypocrites Anonymous ?
         Sorry my spell checker corrects even the smallest mistakes.
       It appears you are making a personal vendetta against RealLifeCam.com and RealLifeCamFan.com.!!
    Why would you state something like this when these are MERELY FOR  entertainment ONLY sites......
       We come here to see real life antics (either real, scripted or fake, BY opinion), critique, praise and criticize them.....making 'first day' assumptions and then seeing that the assumptions are just that, is what makes the forum and it's members what we are. WHO cares if the first impressions don't match after a few days.
      Please stop judging others by your comments,  judging others makes you in fact a HYPOCRITE
     Quit taking  life so seriously; DUDE, cause, in the end, we all DIE.
  6. Like
    mikeusa reacted to Luis in hypocrits annonamous   
    Well I'm going to add my bit even being a little off the topic.
    Turns out that I've already cracked myself with laughing with the story of the girls being escorts or belong to some obscure Russian organization that I'm too shy to name its purpose.
    Undoubtely that it made the imagination of some fly, as much as another James Bond movie plot would with all the ingredients including an evil plan to rule the world.
    Gremlin22, there's a reason for so much interest on the girls apartment (or will it be the Charlie Angels apartment?)
    Plain and simple said the girls are HOT and the rest is story.
  7. Like
    mikeusa got a reaction from bravelight in Fan Page Danaya   
    good job i found that pic where danaya is putting the sticker. good brave light
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    mikeusa got a reaction from tim stoakes in where do you get the most enjoyment . RLC or RLCF   
    rlcf the shoutbox is a lot of fun you talk to same cool ass people when real life cam gets boring
  9. Like
    mikeusa got a reaction from gowdpei in Leora Fan Page (2015 - 2016)   
    like leora ass her body is kicking
  10. Like
    mikeusa reacted to ShaKa ZuLu Forum VJ in So Long And Goodnight   
    Well guys and girls it's been a fun ride til now. Do you guys remember t.v. before cable when in some places you only had 6 or7 channels? And try as you might sometimes there was just nothing on. RLC has become that  6 or 7 channels with nothing on. Back then we complain to mom and her answer would be "well then carry your ass outside and play " something a lot of moms need to say now, But that's a different topic. RLC as slowed so bad that it's got it's paying members up in arm saying wtf. You see it in the shout and in the forum topics everyone is pissed off. They are threatened with cancellations to no avail. RLC can't seem to figure out how to get cable or how to spice up their channels. So instead of me crying about it in the shout or forum I decided to do as mama said and go outside and play Now RLC has one less watcher just think of what would happen if a lot of you came out to play too As my dad would say "sometimes your up sometimes down just try to stay in the middle and you will be happy"  So Long And Goodnight  see ya when things get better All aboard king shaka airways destinations outside

  11. Like
    There are many reasons for watching RLC. for many its because they want to see real people have sex or to be naked , for some its because they have a hidden demon deep within them that they dont know about or dont care to accept , it can be classed as vourism /pervertion .or in some cases an illness but whatever the reason we all have one thing in common and thats addiction, now before many of you start going into a deffensive mode and start saying your not addicted , ask yourself this "how often do you check in on RLC being either a paying member or a freeloader , even after months and even years of negative comments on fansites about RLC ,yet even after seeing the negative comments you still go back and check out the site again time after time "still not convinced your addicted"..OK .i wonder if you could abstain from even looking at RLC site for 1 week ,now i can imagine there are still a few out there that are saying yes i can do without RLC for 1 week , BUT CAN YOU?,....i have accepted that im addicted to adult entertainment be it real life or make believe ,REAL LIFE! that is a hard one to swallow knowing that all the tennants on RLC know about the cameras,and lets be honest how many people act normally if you know theres a camera watching your every move. Then there is the flip side to that argument ,if you think about it in all our lives we at some time are being monitored by cameras ,thats the society that we have all come to accept as the norm , so are we really living in real life, SO when we complain about RLC not being what they say. think about this ,,,,,,,if you lived in a appartment with free board,and all you had to do was to go about your normal routine , could you do it , OK not so loud , I heard that loud shout ""YES!", OK add into that equation over 200,000 people watching your every move .MMMMM that "YES" wasnt so loud , now add into the equation that maybe 5% of them 200,000 are well lets just call them (sickos) and again the "yes" is getting quieter,So instead of complaining about RLC not being reallife ask yourself this do you really know what reallife is ?if your life was what you expect RLC to be like ,then i doubt you would be even reading this or watching RLC ,because your life would be one long fukfest and you would have no time to sit at a laptop /comp..YES! im a cunt for making you realise that your life is as boring and mundane as the tennants of RLC..................maybe i will make many enemies by posting this , but if it stops all the negativity that corrupts many post /chat etc , then hopefully it will bring in a more enjoyable enviroment , of course its human nature to expect more ,but dont use that to leave you feeling agrieved because you didnt see what you wanted,I want this site to be a fun and constuctive place to be , The reason for this post was to see if  you guys /gals really understand the concept of reallife.i want to hear from you what your outlook is on this , 
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