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Everything posted by Booffer69

  1. Here's a 60 yr old honey for yea...
  2. Well I understand what you are sayin vetteguy, But, if your sitting around or laying around the apt. doing sweet fuck all....how dirty can their clothes really get.... Just Sayin...
  3. Well. She wants to be his wife not his mother, thats why you see her bate so much....the only time he takes a bath/shower is when they do actually have sex.... Not her responsibilty to tell him to shower everyday.....He's just lucky they live where they do or she'd probably be gone bye bye...fly the coupe... Adiós amigos..... Au Revoir​..... lol... Just Sayin...
  4. WHO IS JEALOUS OF PAUL Well..... You all should be...Look who he's Fuckin........lol.... Just Sayin...
  5. Love is a bit strong.... Yea, But I'd still Fuck her....lol
  6. All I have to say is that if Hecnutts knows whats going on in that apt. and is in any way allowing it to happen, then he needs to just walk out that door never to return.... he is in no way a man if he can't stand up for himself and boot those lazy ass fucks out of there.... Not just one but now 2 fucknutts are living there with them........lol....And from what I hear in here about what seems to be going on in there... WTF... BOOT wouldn't think twice about it either....... Just Sayin.....
  7. The only thing I find funny about that is he had it hidden in pieces of clothing in his suitcase...Never seen the finished version of it , so hard to say....But If it is an air gun he could of carried it in a case...unless he went by bus or train... Not so sure about their gun laws out there... but hiding the pieces in his suitcase does make it a bit suspicious ..... if they would of caught him.... lol
  8. Probably wouldn't if we could see what the heck you were talking about,,, lol.... Your pic didn't turn out Bro....lol
  9. I'll second that motion... Those Lazy Fuckin Bastages......lol... Where do I sign up...
  10. Well it's kinda hard (excuse the pun...lol) To control the amount of lotion when your using both hands........lol
  11. I'm not very sure here but a few of you might be exagerating a little bit in here.. LMFAO .....
  12. Nice of him to bring her some napkins to whip herself off with wasn't it........lol
  13. Have you seen her baten in the tub......lol... She seems to like it that way....
  14. She's being very still and quiet.....she's afraid to attract Adele when she's that hunger... doesn't want to become her next meal...lol... 3 times this morning in the kitchen so far......lol
  15. With the return of Nelly and Bogdan, this morning the nymph was packing and Efim didn't look to happy yapping on his phone.... Looks like they might of got their walking papers....lol... Hope they weren't trying to see if we were going to choose them over N&B.... lol... Cause that's a no brainer... WELCOME Back Nelly and Bogdan....
  16. I'm sure another reason behind no smoking policy in the apts' is the time and cost it would take to clean them everytime they change tenants... I'm a smoker, and after I do spring cleaning, I could see how much smoke and dirt would build up over the winter months... the walls, and furniture get pretty dam dirty, and to get the smell out of the house takes a long time.... I still do spring cleaning, but it only takes a few pails of cleaner to clean up now, not 20....lol
  17. Earlier Danaya and Aide were in the kitchen talking and Adele was sitting at the table eating...surprise surprise .. they looked like they were getting along, then Danaya said something to her about the face cream she had on and Aide washed it off right away.... They had a little laugh then Aide went upstairs... Danaya said a few words shaking her head then ran out and whispered what she said to Aide to Adele, looking upstairs to make sure Aide wasn't listening ... Obviously it was doing something to her forehead that Danaya thought was funny and had to share....Hmmmm... Me, Myself and I were not very impressed by what she did... Goes to show just who's side she has taken.... Shame... Thought she was a good kid...
  18. Hell no...They've invented these new things called planes....lol.... Amazing where they can take you....
  19. True that.... with age comes experience.....lol... But not to many 20 yr olds hit up 50 yr olds....lol.... unless your Long Dong Silver....lol..
  20. Well if she just had her 21rst or 22nd birthday...then I'm over twice her age......lol... I'm 53...
  21. WTF........ LOL... playin in their poop are they......lol
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