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Everything posted by Booffer69

  1. That he does... And he's doing a dam great job of it as well....
  2. Me, Myself and I think that's a great idea.... BUT.... Virtual Reality cams are expensive as hell... Can you imagine how much $$$$$$ the subscription would be to join after they set something like that up.....Just Saying....
  3. That's ok Rob, Rita's a hot little minx also... all the better, more eye candy for me.... lol..
  4. Shit.... Now do I want to be a good guy or a bad guy.....lol.. I do know I'm a curious guy thou...
  5. Dude, Not every guest will show... some actually go there to visit....
  6. Me, Myself and I agree with every word Plank copied down....lol.. sorry said... Hopefully EVERYONE will read it...
  7. YUP.. I agree.... she's a sexy little minks, and funny as heck to boot... I likes her...
  8. I can barely remember what I had for breakfast, You expect me to remember a few years back.......lol...
  9. Anna has been, and always will be one hell of a sexy gal.... Miss them dearly..
  10. I'd be smilen from ear to ear if I was that bear in her bed also......lol
  11. So this is a random thought forum.....hmmmm let me think...ok ok i got one...why is it when a dog pisses in the wind, he don't get any on him......LOL.... just a thought...
  12. I'm here for the eye candy, and so far, it's been lookin pretty dam sweet to me.....
  13. He's covering up her soft screams so the neighbors won't hear her... hims a good watch dog......lol
  14. The fight might of been real or for ratings...all I have to say is I lost some respect for the 2 of them last night when I seen them laughing it up afterwards.....Her given him a smack down, him hitting her back...his lip bleeding and he spits it on her.....wow... are they that desprite for ratings...
  15. Two words... *Dana and Irma* ..... Just sayin...
  16. Dude relax, It's just 2 girls haven some fun....I see girls do shit like this all the time....never expect them to hit the sac because of it....
  17. I like her... It's like some one said earlier...If it wasn't for her little quirks here and there watching them wouldn't be as fun....
  18. Love blondes, big boobs, and a great ass......She has 2 out of 3.... And one hell of a sexy lady....
  19. I'm thankful every pain killin day....lol..
  20. Well That's putting it out there pretty bluntly now ain't it.......lol...
  21. Cheryl Cole... one tastey honey...
  22. LOL... you sent her money...ohhhhhh man... you've been duped... and yea, it looks photo shopped....
  23. You have the right to speak your mind just as I do... But let me tell you...you hit or slap a girl in front of me... expect a good hurtin... If your upbringing taught you that it is ok to hit or slap a lady..... There's something wrong there....
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