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Everything posted by Booffer69

  1. I always test the place on how they make their clubhouse... Thick and on home made bread... they found a new customer......lol
  2. So that was his brother.... well for one, his brother is a dick for even trying to hit on her.... and Hector would be a walking corpse if He would of been around here hitting her... Yes it's madding but never, never hit a woman.... !!
  3. LOL... Good one... Would be a great day indeed....
  4. Not knocking sobriety, but mine is back into the hair of the dog that bit yea.....
  5. Awwwww... Hell you had to throw that in my face didn't you.......lol... She's one with male issues....lol
  6. True....Lots were asking for them to come back, and there they be... I don't expect anything more then what you see now with them, They are GREAT eye candy.. And I'll be happy with that for now...lol...
  7. Hang on a second.......Oldie, Oldie, Oldie...........LOL :P
  8. Jack Daniels with a beer chaser..(Molson Canadian)
  9. Well, 3 quarters of you all will probably hate me after you all read this but... I don't Care... I use to come home and log into RLC with great enthusiasm, wanting to see these young couples live out their daily routines, and have some fun days and boring days.... Was expected from a site called REAL LIFE... I'm pretty sure I found this site from their beginning or if not shortly afterwards.. Loved watching them... THEN, I found you all in this forum... At first I loved it here, (Pre Irma)... And now all I hear is the same old crap, day in and day out... You all might twist the words here and there, but all in all "it's the same crap" all around being said about these couples and the one and only GIRLS APT. The girls were brought in for purely entertainment, so hook ups are strictly what your all pretty much dreaming about. weither or not it will ever happen, I think we all have a better chance at winning a lottery... These couples live out their lives on cam 24/7 while god knows how many people are watching them... ( no pressure what's so ever ). Some are married and some are not... Just cause some of us don't like their mates don't mean they are going to split up because your suggesting they should.. Yes there some dead beats in here but, they all seem to be fairly happy with each other.. and yes even Zoya with Lev.... Paul and Leora seem to be haven a bit of difficulties right now, but which couple hasn't.. plus those 2 never seem to go out.. so eventually, they will get on each others nerves... I'm just tired of hearing the same old crap about this website over and over again... I know, Freedom of speech and all... But eventually even that gets a little tiring after a while... Some if not most of you are married or have been hooked up for many yrs... Are you all still haven sex everyday the way you expect these couples to do... if so Koodo's to you.. but most of you'll will have to think hard about that one...and yea anyone can type in bull about their sex lives... Well enuff venting.. I'll be floating in the background for a while till the conversations become fun again.. Luv's you all, but we need to wake up folks... it's only a simple voyeur website.. not a porn site..
  10. ​Mike like I said in an earlier post, what we seen between Irma and Anna was a once in a life time thing for this website.... It was unfortunate that Irma raised the bar for these girls, cause now everyone expects to see these great massages and some lezzy action from these girls that were hired to bring in nothing but entertainment...I'd love to see Irma come back, But that'll probably never happen...The other girls in this apt., never walked around topless as much as these girls have been lately...Me thinks we should just enjoy the eye candy that they have given to us, and quit making assumptions That this apt. is going to become the next lezzy apt. on this site....Unfortunately the other couples are getting some what boring to some of us because they have been there to long... Well unfortunately we have no control over how long these couples will and or get to stay there rent free.... Hell if I had rent free I'd stay forever and wouldn't care ​a dam about what some forum has to say about how I live my life....lol...There is always going to be some couples that'll give more entertainment then others...and in some cases, guests.. ...Not everyone Humps like bunnies everyday... Fuk if that was the case then sites like this wouldn't need to exist.... Just Saying..
  11. Taboo and Zoya are sisters me thinks... They look to much a like .....
  12. Doubt anyone of us would kick her out of bed for not shaving...... lol
  13. I'm thinking, smoking is pretty common around the world... Just Saying...
  14. ​Bouncy Bouncy......lol... Gotta just love that tittie play...
  15. I've never seen them fight about anything really.... And they do make great hosts for sure...Their party's are never boring.... And usually the guest that stay the night usually give some type of entertainment as well... If they are alone on the couch that is.... some still get a little touchie feelie when the third party falls asleep......lol
  16. Good Times and Entertainment is what it's all about...
  17. Now, Now... Be nice, The dog gives us more entertainment then Paul......lol..
  18. Well said....So let's say for the heck of it, you and your woman was in one of these apt's and your parents came to stay with you...Should we expect them to perform for us....Hypothetically speaking that is. NOT meant to disrespect your parents...We can't expect everyone that pays their friends a visit to play to our likings. I know what your saying about the apts being owned by RLC and what goes on in them.. But unfortunately we expect way to much from a simple website.... Just Saying....
  19. The girls apt. was the last to be added in this site... All the other apts we've been watching first were the couples and lez apts... The main point for the girls apt. is to attracked subscibers so to do that they keep changing the girls in there to keep the viewers happy...Irma unfortunately raised the bar in that apt and now everyone expects more, more, more...It's not going to happen unless the girls choose to do it... And if they happen to be making money on the side while they are there... who are we to judge them for what they do to make a living...some don't agree with what they do, but you need to remember what part of this world they come from...Human trading is one big problem all around the world, so who knows.. They could be doing it freely or otherwise....
  20. Well, I'd say, if they are in here or any other chatroom... you'd think they'd be reacting a whole lot more to all the negative comments they've been receiving....... Just Saying...
  21. I'm assuming your talking Soccer or out there called football... unfortunately bro, couldn't tell yea... I don't watch it...
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