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Everything posted by Booffer69

  1. I Luvs that chick....She's quirky, my type of girl.... to bad i'm twice her age.....lol...
  2. Myself and I is trying to get Me to start an abuse page....lol... But Me doesn't want too... What say thee 300 Rob's....
  3. OH BOY, There's going to be a lot of Deleting goin on now......lol
  4. Is that confirmed by all 300 Rob's.....lol.... Me, Myself and I think you maybe haven a relapse.....lol..
  5. Well.... Not to sure about you gents... But, Me, Myself and I couldn't care less if it is fake or not.... If a Honey that fine lookin wants to spread her legs and start playin with herself in front of me.... I'm fine with that.... ... Just Sayin....
  6. I think its more like Kristy doing things to get her friend back.... Just Sayin...
  7. Yes, they do bring in more action then most right now..... BUT.... that'll change as soon as they would get a apt.... All a big show to hopefully get a second chance i'm sure...... Just Sayin..
  8. IRMA for sure...... Then Kristy.. Loves the little perky ones too... But, Me loves the mouthfulls the most...
  9. I don't know why she doesn't just kick the contract to the curb and walk out.....She's not being treated to nicely right now with that dickhead there...it's a no wonder she hides from them....it's like she doesn't exist when Kami is with " it " ..... Me, Myself and I think she should just walk out the door.... Best thing for her....... Just Saying... !!
  10. Poor kid.... Not liking it that's for sure... What do you think is wrong....maybe she see's she is slowly loosing her friend....I'm a big sucker for tears sorry guys.....lol...
  11. This is amazing.... Everyone seen her as a guest of C&S and cried like hell she would show more.... Now she has her own cam4 show to please everyone and nobody can shut the fuck up about RLC..... I guess everyone wants her to quit showing now.... Sit back relax and enjoy her show people.... 1 site has fuck all to do with the other....She's in there warning people to shut up about it and she has mods now that have started giving banned warnings...so if you don't like to watch her...her mods will fix that for yea.....ENJOY..... Just Saying.
  12. I'm pretty sure 99.99% of us is hoping she leans towards the sexy whore part......lol
  13. That's funny, I was about to post somewhat of a similar post.....lol... you beat me to it...
  14. I don't know Blue or Bonnie as well as you all do... I've seen them online but have never had the chance to chat with them...No matter what it is always a sad feeling when someone you care for so much is ill... My best of wishes go out to you and your family...and may the good lord have mercy on a great man...
  15. Must of been the oldest and softest Robwin..... Rob300.... We might have to get him laid again to wake him up......lol
  16. You sir, can eat what ever she cooks.....ME, I'll just eat her......lol... And Hotwal... Keep up the great work Brother...
  17. I agree to a curtain extent... She is the type of girl that needs the comforting... And yes I'm sure she would luv for Adele to join her in bed just like Ilona did...BUT... You all need to remember when Adele first arrived how Ilona and Danaya excluded her from everything.. How they treated her... I don't think she has forgotten that easily... For her to include Danaya into her plans is a bonus to Danaya only... She only started to include her when she was all dressed ready to leave and was talking with Danaya on the couch.... Danaya looked like she was going to have a break down if she was left there alone again....seen her holding back her tears... and then I guess Adele said she could go and happy endings since....maybe not so much for us, since they are out ll hours till morning...But at least they are happy....Just Saying..
  18. lol...Tis easy when you have 299 other Robs backing you up.... awwww but Me, Myself and I never fell for your evil ways.....lol...
  19. I'm not to sure guys... But everyone wanted them back so they came back.... It's a good possibility that these girls could be acting this way so that once they leave there once and for all.....no one will ask for them back ever again...Then they would be able to live their lives without being under the microscope and critics....I know if it was me, myself and I living in one of those apt's, once my time was up, I'd never really want to go back....try it then move on with life... some think otherwise like Efem who tries to get back in but those fools are few and far in between.... It's like I mentioned before... Irma raised the level to high for this site... Now everyone expects it.... Just Saying....
  20. You know what I find strange about these girls......NOTHING.... You notice that the same guys that cried for these girls to come back, are now the ones crying the blues because they aren't fucking each other everynight...OMG was a surprise that is......LMFASSSSSSOFF......WOW
  21. Ask BTR to send you the pics he got of her taking a shower that morning.....
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