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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. Masha is so comfortable parading around naked which I love and she seems so confident about herself. She is one of the best, if not the best that RLC has as a real life tenant. Sasha has a right to show off his "mass weapon of destruction". I always say "if you got it - flaunt it or show it" Masha has a big cavity to fill. Too bad RLC doesn't use the Masha and Sasha apartment as a template/model for other apartments because they are excellent to watch in their daily routines. Great clip of the couple Heywood Jablowmie - appreciate it.
  2. Can't figure out RLC !!! Either they allow the constant fighting because they think subscribers keep asking for "REAL LIFE" action OR the owners/managers (or whatever you call them) condone bad behavior and they are getting their rocks off themselves by watching the domestic violence (or is it tough love?). The good, bad and ugly all in one apartment. No RLC consultants available or under maintenance time out for corrective actions? Is RLC really this pathetic? I think so.
  3. Smitty was drunk and half asleep but able to stroke the big fella to incompletion (you snooze you lose - he was so fucked up). Kitty and Smitty are both so weird that curiosity empowers me to try and observe their daily struggles. As far as other jerkers - Mario had a constant habit of jerking and playing with himself without cumming. Either he loved the feel of being hard all the time or he just loved his cock that much (he actually had a nice one - not that I noticed - haha). Caught Sasha jerking off while he was watching his laptop in the living room. He was watching porn OR communicating with someone else because at times he was talking to the screen OR he was reviewing RLC sex videos of Masha and himself on RLCF forums (remember RLC is not a porn site - yeah right). Sasha only half jerked because one hand was using the keyboard and the other hand on his big meat (with the size of his cock he needs both hands to work it - lol). Saw Bogdan choking the chicken watching probably porn on his laptop a few times when Nelly would go away for a few days. Years ago a male tenant (maybe Ruslan, if I remember right) use to jerk off quite often in front of the cams and blow his load. At the time, I think he didn't realize that the cams were 24/7 but maybe he thought only during the day??? Anyways I had the pleasure or was it displeasure to see him cum to fruition - lol. Come to think of it (or is it cum to think of it) - was it just a coincidence that I kept catching him jerking off or was I searching for it - NO - just bad fucking luck as a voyeur - LMFAO. Needless to say, he didn't stay long with RLC.
  4. You would think Kitty would be aware of Zoya and Nelly's small titties and they are well liked. She might be self-conscious about her tits being too small but hiding them is doing a disservice to herself and us. Kitty, show them puppies more often so that you will gradually get comfortable and give us the viewing pleasure to appreciate them (a lot of guys and girls do like small boobies). By the way, nice butt.
  5. Not sure what the exact issue you are having. For me, once I click onto Gallery and it opens then I click anywhere in the smaller rectangle box that says Members Albums Category and then it will open up showing all the recent member posts and the page numbers to look further back. I haven't had any issues with it. The search option works good for finding something or someone more specific to what you want.
  6. I might have to start watching this apartment because this couple might be the comedians that I was hoping RLC would bring to liven up the boring apartments. Smitty dresses up in a funny goofy way (kinda like Elvis of Carina and Sabrina apartment) that he might provide some laughs. Both Kitty and Smitty do provide the WTF moments. So i'll give them a chance - previously wrote them off.
  7. Currently have access to RLC again but lost all hope with RLC's owners/management and their IT Department. Asleep at the wheel? Obviously they don't have any employees watching or monitoring their own site for any apartment/tenant issues or overall site problems. Either they are too busy counting their money or doing one-on-one job interviews with potential tenants. As far as I know - no communication whatsoever! What's next?
  8. Now it appears that I am fucked as well. RLC sure is helping Tim for his upcoming business. RLC shot themselves between their legs - them dumb fucks. Hey everybody do you like their communication and customer service? What about a refund for NO SERVICE? If no RLC then I guess no RLCF since it will die out. Keep in touch with TIM at VOYEURSUN.com - new similar site starting soon (maybe?). Never did like RLC on how they managed their site and it FUCKING shows how pathetic they are. Oh well - back to REAL PORN - no FAKE/SCRIPTED PORN for me. Is it goodbye to Masha and Desiree? Is it goodbye to all the great chatters, posters and distant friends on RLCF? Who the fuck knows. In the meantime - more "me time" for now. One advice to paid subscriber - don't bitch - just cancel NOW. Hit their pocketbook for being total ASSHOLES - unless you approve of their message (more new subscribers than those cancelling).
  9. Yes, seeing women dress in a very sexy teasing way is awesome. How about full body fishnet or lycra/spandex? Full nudity is great but also the type of clothes that gets your imagination triggered to the point of wondering what she looks like undressed. Nipple flash, see through outfit, low neckline top showing cleavage, bikinis, crotchless panties, etc. When will an apartment of girls do a fashion show by trying on different clothes for us to see them in different outfits. More or less - haha.
  10. That is what I want to see - LOL. Actually not THAT extreme but there are some very beautiful shapely mature women out there - give them a chance. These young kids are disappointing - most of the time. Can RLC find better young girls? - not likely.
  11. Yes it does take time. The first time I read though past shouts I only had to hit the "more" button about 3 or 4 times because there were only about 30 comments since it was reviewing the night when not much shouters online (in 12 to 24 hours there are slower times of chats). Well, it is a different story when there are many shouters during the day and couple of comments per minute. Fuck, I almost gave up but I hate missing out on things so I would say it took about 10 or 15 minutes to back track to where I last read the shouts (about an 8 hour time span to get caught up on). Once I got there I went phew or about time, and enjoyed reading the shouts in order but skimmed through certain apartment or side talk that doesn't interest me. More work and time to back peddle (depending if quiet or busy in the chatbox) but I am more into RLCF (more things to look at) than watching RLC and waiting and waiting for apartment activities to happen. So I don't mind the extra time to search the chats since the old chat archive will never be available. I keep RLC on a separate tab to periodically check the apartments or thumbnails for any action while I review the chats. So basically, figure out the possible amount of chat activity that you might have missed and if it is worth the 5 or 10 or 15 minutes to go back in time to keep updated on things (the funny comments are priceless to me). It would be ideal if the ADMIN can help us with the "more" button by moving back about 20 or 30 posts at a time (instead of about roughly 9) or 30 minute increments which would speed things up quite a bit. ADMIN - can you make a change to the LOAD MORE button? When scrolling backwards in time - if a new current message in the chat is posted the scroll reverts back to the current time or jumps ahead and I have to restart or keep clicking the LOAD MORE button. THIS IS A ROYAL PAIN IN THE ASS!!!. Obviously whoever programmed this option never used this before to be aware of the flaws in accessing prior chats over the day (ADMIN, I know it is not you because this came as a "prepackage" included in the forum upgrade). Once the LOAD MORE is clicked - it should prevent further new chat messages posted until done reading the old chats. Then a CANCEL button would restart the new added chats. SIMPLE ENOUGH. I worked with IT before and made suggestions for possible inclusion to a program and most of the time they were able to figure out a way to accommodate the needed changes for improving operator convenience. If IT knows their stuff they can fix things to improve accessibility or for troubleshooting purposes or for better monitoring of processes (I previously worked in industry with computer controlled processes mill wide and most IT people would try to help). Please consider this - THANKS.
  12. Agree with your comments Col1948. I am all for mature women too and been asking for them. Women in their 40's to 60's works for me since I find older women are not childish and behave more normal to what is pleasing to watch. Actually, horny mature women turn me on. Rarely have an issue with the female tenants. The lazy ass males that we keep mentioning takes away from the women because then I question their choice in men or are they lacking self esteem and/or confidence in themselves (or doing they really think these guys are "the dream"?). FFS!!! As far as an ideal mature couple - Elisa and Fima are close to being that and they act way better than the "kids" or "youngens".
  13. Some apartments are so boring that I want to say bye to Zoya and Adriana. I like both of them but Lev and Daniel are couch potatoes. Maya and Stepan keep the same daily routine - no spice to this couple - even the big dog is bored of them. This apartment is SO BORING that now I want to see Maya's chubby sister totally naked and have her do some above the blanket masturbating. How bad is that? Doesn't any of these tenants have a cute midget girl friend or guest? She would be fun watch. RLC can't seem to hire lively girls or couples that do things around the apartment without computers or phones. Most tenants are on the phone or computer and the odd time have some kind of sex. They do nothing in between - boring!!! Hard to catch anybody laughing or just playing around. Okay - how about a naked female comedian of ANY size?
  14. I saw this too but only a few minutes of it. To me, she looked quite sexy. She seems quite focused while doing the movements and she seems to really love dancing. These dance exercises must help tone her legs which are firm and shapely. High heels work well for her as they highlight her physique. Love this girl.
  15. I was thinking that Maya & Stepan, Dasha & Demid, Adriana & Daniel, Sabrina & Carina, Leora & Paul, Zoya & Lev and perhaps Desiree & Raul need a quick visit and demonstration by RLC's own resident sex therapists. Seeing that Sasha has the big hammer and can swing it, Masha is a proven bisexual nympho plus they do entertain/fuck couples - then I think they can TRY and get these "boring apartments" some help in their sex routine (lack of or poor performance). Barca1 and 2 are only nudity teases and undercover masturbators (most of the time). When have you seen a Barca girl masturbate in front of a free cam (very rare, if at all)? Kitty and Smitty are a lost cause so far. Imagine or visualize the possible sex action with the foursome in each of the apartments mentioned. Personally I think the guys are boring and too lazy to improve but after a sex round with Masha and Sasha I think ALL the girls would be more adventuress and perhaps throw their male companion out on their lazy useless ass. With respect to Sabrina & Carina having a go with Masha and Sasha they would get very wild but maybe "scary" to watch after their visit with the RLC sex therapists. Ah, fuck it - nothing will improve so bring in new lively tenants or RLC needs staff changes. I really question their inconsistent and poor decisions on signing up certain tenants or "rules of engagement" with respect to RLC expectations/behavior from tenants. Would be curious which apartments are the big moneymakers and which are probably subsidized because they are there to satisfy some paying customers that get excited looking at boring tenants (keep an apartment even though they are losing money for RLC).
  16. Yup, you pretty much covered it as I seen or not seen it (walking around naked). I believe there are pictures of Dasha in the kitchen naked or topless. She did this the odd time but always very quick moments (few blinks and gone) and I even seen it myself (wish she would do it more often). As far as Suzan and Adriana - NEVER!!! - damn it. I agree that seeing Suzan naked in the kitchen or living room would have been priceless and a gold mine for RLC. Adriana refuses to parade around naked just like Suzan - what a shame. Stesha always wears something. Funny how it is - what you don't get - you want it (part of being a voyeur).
  17. You pretty well covered what I have also observed over time in the past and lately. You worded it really well. I backed away from the Chat Room because of this and a few other reasons, which I miss doing, but it still hasn't improved for me to get back participating. The forums and posting comments allows me to still interact with all the great members. I don't believe we are the only ones seeing this. When I use the "add more" feature to check the daily chat - sometimes the chat is very trivial and unnecessary. Kinda like a predicted play-by-play ahead of time (wishing or saying certain things will happen next). Real life is actually waiting for things to happen as they unfold. Not all chatters are like that though. Oh well, just have to adjust and deal with it whichever way works to stay updated on RLCF and RLC.
  18. I saw this where Desiree was feeling up her own ass even when Raul was laying on the other end of the couch. Obviously Desiree loves the feel of her nice round solid butt but she also knows the cam voyeurs would be watching. In a subtle way she sure is a great cock teaser. So far, she keeps getting better.
  19. Good topic nicechumley455 For me, as a free cammer, it varies day-to-day. Sometimes as little as 20 minutes but occasionally it can be up to about 4 hours a day. First I check the cams for any action and then once I sign into RLCF I only periodically look at the RLC cams. My main focus is to get updates on the apartments and maybe catch some cam actions. Time zone issues, work and personal things do limit my viewing so RLCF plays a very important part of this voyeur experience with RLC. Poor/boring apartment tenants and "scripting" minimize my viewing pleasure. There are only a few go-to apartments for my liking. I often do a few rounds of each apartments in case I might catch something interesting (the blurred thumbnails helps). It is always nice to catch sex activities but for me the simple cock teasing gives me a rise. Lima seems to be a good fit for RLC although she has had a few issues but she would be someone I would like to be around with (something about her keeps me peaked and I like her). Masha, Desiree, Nelly and Elisa are the main attractions for me. Stesha is dynamite but shows no skin in the free cams (a crying shame because she is a very beautiful girl with an exquisite body and appears to have a great personality and looks like a great cook). Too bad RLC doesn't try to get Stesha and Marco to change their routine better instead of a community or group living apartment. Over the last several months I watch less of the cams because I have found that RLC has gotten worse - not better (for various reasons) but I still follow RLCF the same as before but dropped out of the chat room (for various reasons).
  20. Kitty and Smith arguing again. This time a female guest is present and she was yelling at Smith too. Some might think the female guest is a family member such as sister, non-identical twin, brother but had a sex change so now a girl, a distant cousin or whatever. I might as well hazard a guess (anything is possible based on RLC management decision making) and think the female is a mediator hired to settle the ongoing friction between Kitty (meow) and Smith (must be his real name - haha - I smell a FAKE and Smith is making fun of RLC). This couple ends up having quick makeup sex. My suggestion to prolong the sex is to have this female RLC mediator join them with a threesome and also some fake or real lesbian sex since RLC subscribers don't know the difference anyways - according to RLC management/owners. I sure would like to know who does their hiring for these tenants and what kind of Human Resource department they have (I believe RLC acts as employers and must have some responsibilities and liabilities if tenants get hurt mentally, physically or emotionally). Doubt a waiver clause or contract can eliminate any or all responsibilities that they should adhere to as employers. RLC appears to condone bad behavior - why? For increased subscriber members and money?
  21. I was lucky today to catch Desiree dancing in only panties to I believe Latin music. It was nice to see her doing sexy dance moves and even singing along AND smiling away. She appeared really happy and full of energy. She got dressed and for a few minutes she cleaned the floor with a swifter while skipping, dancing and singing along to the upbeat music. This was such a beautiful site to see. Hope to see her dance more because she got it going (you can see how she gets right into it and it is her happy time). Now perhaps Raul needs some advice - when you have sex with Desiree to satisfy your own needs - put some Latin music on and there is a good chance that Desiree will enjoy the sex more than she appears to. The music might get Desiree's juices flowing for her to also have an orgasmic finish besides just Raul. Desiree continues to amaze me.
  22. Today I saw Desiree getting ready for a similar type nap. Just prior to laying in this position with her gorgeous solid ass in view of the cam she slid her panties more into the crack of her ass - basically gave herself a wedgie. Doubt many girls like wedgies or volunteer to do this and matter of fact most of the time I see girls pulling the panties out of their ass crack because it is uncomfortable (but personally I enjoy the full view - more skin and butt showing the better). Anyways, my question - is Desiree doing this intentionally knowing that RLC viewers like her butt and does this for our treat? Usually she covers up completely with the blanket. I am thinking that she accesses RLCF and reads our comments and purposely performs for the "Desiree lovers" or maybe just for me, in particular (just kidding - wishful thinking). So Desiree if you are indeed reading these posts then, in time, can you sleep in this position totally naked with your ass cheeks spread further apart to expose your butthole - please and thank you in advance. Sorry but I think I have Desiree addiction because when I get a chance to catch her home - I am so fixated that I can't turn away from the screen. Desiree is one of only a few shining stars for RLC (not shy about nudity, not scripted, sexually active and quite a reliable and constant cock tease). Personally, I wonder - do many RLC female viewers also find Desiree stunning, beautiful and a pussy tease for them? Not sure if Desiree would be interested in other women but sure would be great to imagine.
  23. Not a shy couple and they sure endure a long strenuous workout fucking and sucking - damn. After the foursome sex party I think Masha went from craving sex every hour to wanting it every fucking minute. She is one helluva horny sex machine. After having sex with the friend couple (more specific with topknot) I believe her self confidence skyrocketed and she realizes other guys do want to fuck her good. Plus she has shown us her love for the almighty pussy. She has become more than a nympho and not sure if Sasha can handle or satisfy her completely every day (I sure as fuck would die trying). She might need more than one partner or special friends with benefits but this requires a committed and solid marriage/relationship. When Masha has sex she is like the saying in poker - ALL IN. She doesn't hold back and I love seeing her sweaty body afterwards. She sucks a mean cock and loves to swallow.
  24. ShaKa Zulu - I agree with what you are saying and have been avoiding the Chat Room for various reasons but I have been trying to monitor the daily chats as often as possible just to help follow the apartment happenings. Yes RLC has definitely changed and I only follow a few good tenants. In reality - most businesses are about money and RLC is obviously "winning" (phrase that Charlie Sheen said about himself - lol). I do miss the night crew we had going but things changed and only a few members remain. I also agree about referring to RLCF as being an extended family. It appears that RLC is doing whatever necessary to increase their revenue and profits but got $0 from me. I observed first but gradually saw how poorly RLC manages their business and it was not worth it for me. In my opinion - like you - RLC has their own interpretation of Real Life and what a Voyeur is. They appear to be leaning more into being a "real life" porn site (they say that RLC is not a porn site - well, their definition of a porn site is very much debatable and they are full of shit). Their recent condoning or even the appearance of scripting bad behavior by some tenants is just too much for me to accept. With respect to Alittle and even teacups - both female members - I also supported a women's forum to hear their comments about tenant/apartment actions. I still wish this would be reconsidered and set up as a non-confrontational type forum (more of women's viewpoint). Some female members are vocal and can hold their own with guys.
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