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Posts posted by CowArt

  1. Thanks for all the suggestions. Since there are only three weeks left in the year, I would like to proceed as follows:

    • Option to suggest categories until saturday december 10th, 23:59 Central European Time (so just today and tomorrow). I will then post a poll wit ALL the suggested categories so we can vote for these.
    • One week voting on the suggested categories, so till saturday 17th, 23:59 CET.
    • One week nominating persons/apartments/events/pets/vegetable, whatever for each chosen categorie, until saturday 24th, 23:59 CET.
    • One week voting on the nominees, until saturday 31th, 23:59 CET.

    Disclaimer: Although I'm online a lot, metioned times are estimates, I can't garantee them exactly, I might be out, or distracted by something on the cameras.

    Disclamer 2: It's been 15 years since I last posted a poll in a forum, so if RLCF goes offline tomorrow around midnight, I broke something. ;)

  2. For our new girl:

    Sorry, it's in Dutch, I'll do a translation when I get really, really bored. ;)

    - edit - 

    Oh well, no time like the present, and found a translation on the interwebs, so can just copy and paste instead of translating it myself:

    Someone said: "This is Annabel
    She has to catch the last train
    Please take your car and she'll make it in time
    I said: "Allright" and drove as bad as I could
    So at an empty platform we arrived
    And I said: "You've bad luck today"
    Far in the distance the last train coach went off
    And Annabel said: "Okay, I'll come to your place" 

    And later we laid together
    As the phrase goes, a little tired but content
    The daybreak shone through the windows
    She said: "I have no time for breakfast, I must go"
    I just said: "See you, goodbye Annabel"
    And I thought: "I'll never see you again"
    I thought: "I'll turn around and sleep a few more hours"
    But two hours later I was still wide awake, laid on my back 

    Annabel, not a chance without you, Annabel
    Annabel, not a chance without you, Annabel 

    Like this I laid two more days in my bed
    I was mixed up and in shock
    Then I got up, I had to act, not to think
    'Cause without her I felt so worthless and bad
    I walked around hoping just for a glimpse
    And I thought: "I'll never see you again"
    I even thought aloud just for myself
    And someone said: "You stood on the bridge for hours leaning on the balustrade" 

    Annabel, not a chance without you, Annabel
    Annabel, not a chance without you, Annabel 

    And then one night I saw her again
    She just stepped into a tram
    She was even more beautiful than last time
    I called her name and stepped real strong on the brake
    I jumped right out the car and grabbed her arm
    She stood still and looked back
    She looked at me, but was hardly surprised
    I said: "Hey, where're you headed to", she said: "Station once more" 

    I brought her and she bought a ticket Paris
    I said: "Yes, add just one more"
    The ticket clerk gave us two one-way tickets
    And Annabel glanced shortly at me
    I said: "I finally found you today
    I'll never leave you alone
    Whether you go to Barcelona or Prague
    Or travel on to the end of the world, yes I'm coming with you, hey" 

    Annabel, not a chance without you, Annabel
    Annabel, not a chance without you, Annabel

  3. Nicole in her bed last night was the most erotic thing I have seen on RLC in a LONG time. 

    Looking back, I think Nic and Jess did some planning and the chocolate wrap thing was part of Jess helping Nic build up to this, like Irma helped Polya build up to her first dildo session and Polya helped Stella build up to the BenWah session. I believe with Nicole, we have a "normal" girl on our hands, with no experience in adult entertainment. She's not shy, she has no problems showing off her body in the shower, she's the first girl in a long time that did her first ever shower in the apt facing the camera instead of cowering in a corner or sitting down.

    She's willing to put on a show for us. If she was just horny, it would have been a lot easier to sneak a rub under the covers, or disappear to the laundry or downstairs bathroom for a couple of minutes. She really wanted to try and do this for us (and herself), but found it too difficult to share something that intimate with the world... for now. I can totally understand and appreciate that. She will get there, maybe not today or tomorrow, but she will, and I hope I will be online when she does.

    Nicole, if you read this: Baby steps girl... Don't try to force something you're not ready for yet and shut down on us afterwards. We have all the time in the world. :wub:


    @delta10: There was some confusion in the chat at first about the two guys, mostly because they looked so very similar. Also the business-like way she handled the first, and that she seemed to have a real connection with the second threw us off for a moment, with this guy sitting at the table, happily chatting. Some of us went and checked past recordings and only then we established for sure that the fellow who visited last night was actually #1, not #2.

    @iloner: The way "Mr Big" handled Jessica, especially in the kitchen on cam #5 and later in the hall #6 when Jess was writing something on a piece of paper for him, made my skin crawl, grabbing her by the neck like that.

  5. 12 hours ago, delta10 said:

    B2 was the destination. From the chat room posts 2 Guys there too, one reported to be the last to be seen with Lima at B1.

    Almost correct. The guy last night was the guy she had sex with on October 11th. Not to be confused with the guy she had sex with on November 17th. That one looked kinda similar, but was definately not the same fellow, I guess Lima has a type...

    The sex on October 11th almost looked like a business transaction, after shooting his load it took him less than 10 minutes to take a shower, get dressed, talk to Milena and Jasmin downstairs for a minute and get out the door. Last night seemed friendly and casual mostly, so I think Lima's squeeze was just in a hurry back in October. ;)

    No idea who the other visiting chap was last night. Never seen him before. Didn't watch the whole thing until the end, but he didn't participate much in the conversation, he mostly just sat there at the far end of the table, ogling Lima's cleavage. Must have been a friend of Lima's dude then, he didn't seem connected to any of the girls.

  6. I grow a bit weary of all the conspiracy theories.

    When the nightvision on a cam goes out, the go-to explanation is that Michelle is dining at the Y and they don't want us to see. When they go out to the balcony, they either do drugs or are plotting how to bore us to death for the next hour.... NO. When a cam goes out, there's a technical difficulty with the cam. When they go out to the balcony, they go have a smoke and a chat, or just watch the ships on the Mediterranean or the people on the boulevard.

  7. @RUBBERMAN, although I am posting this in your topic, this in no way means it is directed at you, this is directed at all of us, myself included, so here it goes:

    RLC seems a bit lost at the moment with the two Barcelona-apts. Looks a like there's no management anymore, or the management is not qualified for its tasks. Up till a couple of months ago, in translations management was always referred to as "Empress". By many it was believed that this was Nora, who still lived in Barcelona with Kiko. I read somewhere that Nora moved back to Russia, sometime not too long after RLC switched ownership. In later translations, management is now referred to as "Emperor". I have no way of knowing for sure Nora was the Barca-management then, even if she did live in Barcelona then and doesn't anymore, I'm just trying to piece it together from bits I read here and on camcaps, but something changed in whoever is (trying to?) manage B1 and B2.

    So now we hit a bit of a dry spell in B1 and B2. We're stuck with a bunch that is not motivated to do an activity together. Sitting on the couch, three in a row, texting, does not qualify as an activity in my book.

    But we can do nothing about it, and now we're coming to the part where I try to make my point: Bitching about it won't make it better, it won't suddenly send a spark up their collective butts to break out the twister, the massage oil, or the bodypaint. Send your complaints to RLC, they are the only ones who can fix this. Not sure if they will listen, but if they receive a couple of emails per day with customers expressing basically all the same concerns they just might. The only real way to make RLC listen is hit them where it hurts, in their wallet. Unsubscribe, stop paying. But we can't... we're hooked to this thing. I tried, I lasted almost four whole weeks, two weeks not watching RLC at all, and two weeks lurking at the free cams more and more every day, until I gave in, pulled out the creditcard and came crawling back with my tail between my legs.

    What we CAN do however, is try and keep a more positive note on the chat and the forums. Lately, about half I read on here is people bitching, and yes, I'm just as guilty to that as the next guy, but I'd very much like it to stop, or at least lessen. It's killing the nice vibe we have going on here most of the time. We come here to have a good time, share what we saw, read up on what we didn't see, joke around, talk about serious issues, we're just one big, happy (and slightly disturbed) family. I don't want to become the grouchy uncle at the family dinner who sits in a corner complaining about all that is wrong with the world. 

  8. I saw the blacked out screens in Candy's room. You could still make out a little so the cameras weren't covered by something, seems they just failed to switch to night vision when it got dark. It's light now, and the cameras are working fine. The same thing happened a couple of weeks ago, with the same cameras, I think it got fixed the very next day during an UM.

    Most likely a technical issue. Although RLC allows the girls to hide in the blind spots and on the balcony, I don't think they will allow the girls to mess with their cameras, they're always very careful with those. You can say a lot of bad things about RLC, but when a report is filed about a problem with a camera, it gets fixed quick.


  9. December is coming, or already here, depending on your timezone, as always a time for reflection.

    What better way to round the whole year up then with the RLCF 2016 Awards? I suggest we first pick some categories, and try to limit things to maybe 7 or 8 categories, before we start nominating. Suggestions from the chatbox:

    • Best masturbation
    • Best boobs
    • Best buns

    Please join in on the fun and come up with a few as well. Speaking for myself, they don't all have to be serious, I could go for a category like "cutest pet", or "most creative use of a vegetable". 


  10. 4 hours ago, iloner said:

    Old farts like me may know a song or two from the oldenderry days but we have no idea how to post them here.  

    Is it possible to lay out some simple to follow instructions?

    For example: on CC someone has put up the song Candy by Bow Wow Wow (or is the other way round?).   Fun song; but sounds very like Don't Fade Away by Rolling Stones.

    So how might I post Don't Fade Away which is a much better song?


    Find the song on YouTube, copy the link and paste it here, the forum software will automagically make an embedded video of it.

  11. I have no clue what they are fighting about, don't understand the language (Czech? Doesn't sound Russian to me), but if you watch RLC just long enough, you start to develop a feel for body language, facial expressions and tone of voice.

    About last nights drama: To me (just deducting from what I saw, I might very well be way off), Smith did something, or didn't do something, which pissed Kitty off and she threw one of her fits. All of a sudden the tone of things changed, looked like Smith had enough and treatened to either leave, or put Kitty out on the curb. Then Kitty started pleading with him, sobbing, following him around, crying, getting more and more wound up until she was hysterical. Somehow, eventually Smith calmed her down in the restroom and he went back to bed, to be joined by Kitty. For more than 15 minutes, the conversation followed the same path: Smith mumbled something into the pillow, and Kitty repeated those exact words with an expression on her face like she was learning something new. That's when I tuned out, don't know how things evolved after that.

    I'm not Smitties biggest fan, but I do have to give him credit for how he handled things. He took a few good punches from Kitty in the hallway, but managed to keep his cool and de-escalate the situation.

    I like women with temperament and emotions, but a girl who goes through the full spectrum two or three times a day? No thank you.

  12. @Hans46458: The apartments are located in Barcelona, Spain, hence "Barca", after the soccer team FC Barcelona, called Barça by its supporters. The original one (Lima, Melissa and Michelle) was often referred to as just Barca. The second one (Belle, Jasmin and Sia) opened early Augustus this year, shortly after that they were being called B1 and B2 rather than typing out the full names.

  13. " Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so" (Douglas Adams, Last Chance to See)

    Again, RLC decided to recruit a girl from the same circle of friends (Anna, Carolina, Belle, Jasmin, now Michelle). Although Michelle proved last night she can be an entertaining addition to the project, past experiences learned that the whole bunch will start clogging together at B2 first chance they get. They will never get B1 going again like this.

  14. Bill and Marla decided that the only way to pull off a Sunday afternoon quickie with their 10-year-old son in the apartment was to send him out on the balcony and order him to report on all the neighborhood activities.
    The boy began his commentary as his parents put their plan into operation.
    "There's a car being towed from the parking lot,"he said.
    "An ambulance just drove by." 
    A few moments passed.
    "Looks like the Anderson's have company," he called out. 
    "Matt`s riding a new bike and the Coopers are having sex."
    Mom and dad shot up in bed.
    "How do you know that?" the startled father asked.
    "Their kid is standing out on the balcony too," his son replied.

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