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Everything posted by TBird97

  1. If you look in the archive section, their names are there. Click on them and you can read the negative comments.
  2. Which begs the question........why? The couple garnered numerous negative comments during their first stay.
  3. There was a marked difference between the Danaya of last year compared to this year. Something was really troubling her and it showed. I,too, believe that we will never see her again on RLC but I wish her all the best in the future
  4. The reason I posted what I did was due to the fact that her room looks cleaned out.
  5. Really?? The RLC recruitment pool must be quite shallow that Belle has been moved back to B2. It will be lonely for her since Gina is spending most of her time at B1 with the twins.
  6. It appears that Angelina is now part of the RLC history. Her stay at B2 was overall uneventful, other than a few private bating sessions. Like Danaya, her presence may be missed by a few..........
  7. She is very pretty and that seems to be reflected in her personality. She enjoyed the evening at B1 and spend the night sharing the twins' bed.Meanwhile, over at B2, the tenants remained in their rooms and had a quiet evening.
  8. The only question I have is: what took RLC so long to give Estelle the boot? She was just using up time, space and food while contributing nothing.
  9. She may be pretty, but man, her circuit board is scrambled.
  10. I agree that Estelle should be shown the door,sooner and not later. She has contributed nothing and I don't find her the least bit attractive.
  11. Time for RLC to realize that they have another loser couple on their hands and shut that apartment down.
  12. Put me down as saying," Hell, no!" There are all kinds web sites for the gay, lesbian and "transgendered" people. I, for one, am tired of having their agenda shoved down my throat on a daily basis. Call me a Neanderthal, intolerant or what have you, but enough is enough.
  13. Here we are on a Monday after the transgression by Vanessa and the apartment is into day 3 of UM. My guess is that Thomas and Vanessa are history as far as RLC is concerned and they're moving their stuff out. I'm still astounded that Vanessa had the unmitigated gall to screw a guy in the apartment with all the cameras rolling. What did she expect....that Thomas wouldn't find out? She may as well have announced on the social media.
  14. Danaya has put in a muted performance compared to her previous time at B1. Something seems to be holding her back.
  15. Man's eternal quest for the great hairy clam. It never ends.
  16. Oh, I think he found out,since he's been sleeping on the couch. As well, Vanessa had a case of post-coital regret. One of her friends was consoling her yesterday as Vanessa sat on the couch crying . Thomas wasn't to be seen on the premises.
  17. Time to stick a fork into this turkey, because it's DONE!
  18. All they seem to do is fight and argue. Julia is in desperate need of some maturing. Why Eric puts up with her is beyond me. Personally, I think that she is a manic depressive and should be on medication.
  19. How can anyone tell? Maybe she was scratching a tattoo.
  20. Looks like Nicole is getting tight with Danaya. Could that mean no more boob rubs from Irma for Danaya? Could it mean Estelle's tenure at B2 may be cut short? Will Nicole visit Danaya's room at night? Stay tuned...................
  21. I, too, was hoping she'd end up T B1. I preferred her over her replacement. Hopefully, we'll see her again.
  22. I'm beginning to wonder about Danaya. She doesn't seem to be all that happy while she's at B2. She's more in her room and on her phone than mixing with the others. The other night, while the gang from B1 was over, she went to her room and talked to someone in Russian. I got the impression that she was upset about something, on the verge of tears. She's definitely not the Danaya who was at B1 this time last year.
  23. I definitely get the impression that Estelle is bi, if not a lesbian. She didn't waste any time in getting cozy with Nicole. and I've always wondered about the latter. She sure doesn't get all sexcited when some guy is banging her.
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