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Everything posted by TBird97

  1. The only thing interesting for me in this apartment is the dog. He's got to be the most laid back I've seen and love watching him score bits of food when people eat in the living room. As for the women.................meh!
  2. Tabu still doing that? Zoya needs to have a good talk with her.
  3. Thanks, Peter Grey. Last evening , (their time) Masha and her sister, along with Sasha, were on the day bed and it looked like a 3some in the making. However, that didn't happen. I'm glad to see that the sister did get some "satisfaction" later on.
  4. Oh great......! Here we go again with newbies preferring B2 rather than the assigned B1. RLC is beginning to look like a cluster fuck in progress.
  5. I find Zoya attractive and she has a killer body. Why she puts up with lazy Lev is beyond me. But then, I don't know what her personality is like . You really don't know what a person is like until you've lived with them.
  6. Since they change occupants at B1 and B2 like clockwork, why haven't they changed the deadwood at Zoya's and given her some guy with whom she can have a decent relationship? Or even a female.
  7. Really odd thing about Russian guys fucking their women. They show little emotion, as if they're fulfilling a primal need and nothing else. Even Bogdan, who is usually very considerate with Nelly, doesn't waste much time getting dressed once he's done. It must be a cultural thing.
  8. The "premium" apartments (if there ever was an oxymoron, this is it) should have at least one or two free cameras. I'm not buying a pair of shoes without trying them on first. Take note of that, RLC.
  9. Smith doesn't just look stupid, he really is dumber than a turnip, judging from his behaviour on RLC. Kitty doesn't want to show her tits because they're on the small side, Whoever picked these two as a "couple" deserves a pink slip.
  10. The only reason I click on this apartment is to see what that "Heinz 57" mutt is up to. He's got to be the most laid back dog I've ever seen. Sure is better looking than "Elvis".
  11. Today, Kitty was lying on the chesterfield with her legs spread. Smith was on his side with his head in her lap, blocking the view of whatever he was doing to her with his right hand. I think he was playing with her pussy, but just a guess on my part. Is RLC really still wondering why we're not impressed with their choice of who's occupying the apartment?
  12. She's embarrassed because she only has A cup tits. Someone should let her know that there are people who couldn't care less what size her tits are or that there are those who like them small .
  13. Couldn't happen to a nicer couple. I hope they have a long and happy marriage.
  14. Watching these two reminds me of a disaster in the making.........like Carla and Mario. Time for RLC to rethink this apartment. When you have a latter day tattooed skateboarder who wears his pants below his ass blow his load within two minutes of entering Kitty says volumes.
  15. TBird97


    She was in no shape for anything after she came home totally drunk from an outing with the girls. She passed out after puking her guts out.
  16. There aren't enough fans of Kitty and dickhead Smith.
  17. Without a doubt, the best couple on RLC!.
  18. I don't know if my timing is off, but I have yet to see Kitty's tits. She has no problem in showing her "kitty", but her tits seem to be off-limits.
  19. For the past two weeks, I've been relegated to getting only the top half of the the items in the Gallery. Any attempts on my part to scroll down are useless. I don't know if this is just my problem or if other users have it as well.
  20. @capeguy- No, I was actually just yanking Toolmaker's chain since in the past he's let us know his opinion of Leora and Elisa and a few others. I like to think that He has an open mind and he's certainly entitled to his opinion.
  21. On the other hand, very few people complain about Leora (other than Toolmaker) or Nelly or Masha. Those women are the ones that make viewers sit up and pay attention (except for Toolmaker). Different strokes for different folks, but it's like dangling a carrot in front of a horse......it will keep moving trying to get a bite, not realizing it's just bait.
  22. It's getting to the point where RLC management is either taking the viewing and paying public for granted or they just don't give a damn anymore. I find the following apartments very boring: Maya & Stepan, Dasha & Demid, Adrianna &Daniel, Sabrina & Carina and the jury is still out on Kitty & Smith. Barca 1 is a mere shadow of what it was like in March. Bringing in cute little girls who look like they just left a convent school and act the part isn't worth $ 50 per month. Just my point of view.
  23. What I like about them is that seems to be this complete trust between the two of them. I can see it in the way they interact. Without a doubt the best couple on RLC.
  24. Where did she find this paunchy retread? He's got a habit,apparently, of getting on the internet after Elisa has fallen asleep. I have no idea what he's surfing but it sure looks like Elisa can't fullfill his basic needs, whatever they are.
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