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Everything posted by PeterGrey

  1. Sorry if we're getting a bit away from the topic, but seeing "old" B1 in the listing today was a very nice surprise. This is where it all started for me and why I got hooked. An asian girl, fresh from the shower wearing just a towel, came down the stairs and went to the kitchen. (can't remember her name, she left after a few days). A few minutes later, a new girl (Ilona) walked in to the kitchen topless. "Dang, what site is this?!" And I've watched more or less every day from that moment. I'm so happy to see this apt again, and what a setup. This is good news! Wish they open up 2nd cam in LR, but I won't bitch about it
  2. So what are they celebrating today? Is it someone's BD or is it Last Day of Summer? I talked to an Ukraine lady today, and she said they normally celebrate Last Day of Summer today, because school starts first Monday in September.
  3. Is it Samantha's sister in bed with her now, or a friend? I never got to see her face, but they kinda look alike. Samantha returned home early this morning, maybe been to airport to pick up sister/friend. Guest hugged the armadillo(?) plastic toy on the couch, went to take a shower and then they both went to bed.
  4. I noticed Jasmin had one of her I-don't-care-about-the-cam days again. Nekkid in the kitchen doing dishes and filling the washer. Thank you for sharing your beauty
  5. Thanks for your input. Yes, they seem to have some sort of a bond. And when I saw them next to each other on the couch, I noticed some simular features - like mouth, and ofc body type. But it doesn't have to mean anything.
  6. Anyone else got slow streaming today? On most active cams I get sound but video is black although I can see the white id-number in left bottom corner. And if I get stream, it's cutting. Cams with low traffic are ok. So I guess it's on rlc side.
  7. Finally someone who know how to clean a floor, and with the right equipment. She's gathering all the dust while sweeping the floor - and not like other rlc-girls I've seen, just move it around lol And she look sexy as hell while doing it You've got a star in my book, Yulia!
  8. Almost sad that Emily came home with new dude right now - Angie was singing so intence in LR that her boobs popped out lol
  9. Shag - Angie Marry - Melissa Kill - Jessica
  10. Welcome Kim & Kenny. Guess you didn't needed time to get used to the cams, but went straight at it. Good start, and even in the LR.
  11. Maybe it was a Tinder quicky to pay the rent :p Joke aside - it's sad to hear that she didn't enjoy it, she's such a sweet girl and we want good things for her. Let's hope she just need more practice with the right person Edit: As I'm typing this, she just had a quick shower. Put on a little black pretty dress, white shoes and a hat. No underwear (as far as I could see). Maybe she's off to new adventures
  12. I haven't been watching much today but just got the limit sign again. I believe they have decreased the daily time limit now.
  13. I don't think I use up my daily limit but the site seems to think so (that's why I suspect they're working with the site-code). It can happen when I first visit in the morning, when normally the time limit should be reset. Or it could be they're tired of this scandinavian ip-address visiting every day, let's give him a break lol I don't think it's on my side - the stream is not spinning or won't start, but I get a big sign saying my time limit is used up. Thanks for all the tips and help As a freeloader I don't complain, I take what I get. If it doesn't work one day, so be it. I'll be back next day. But it would be interesting to know why it happens.
  14. Isn't this controlled by ip-adress? I can refresh/restart and it works again, but as soon as I click on another cam I'm blocked again. All is back to normal next day though. I don't watch alot, only if I see something interesting in the thumbs. So webpage is open, but stream is closed. And I believe they measure the daily limit from the streaming. I don't know why this happens, and I can't find any pattern - it's random. It doesn't happen often, but this last week it's been 2 times.And other ppl have had the same it seems. I think maybe they change the site-code and messes up the time limit somehow, that's all I can think of. But I'm no expert
  15. And this morning I got the same again, oh well...
  16. It's just normal to go a little crazy when you get a new toy. It's something new and fresh, ofc it'll be different. It doesn't mean you care less for the toy you've been playing with for years.
  17. Great gifs, thx a bunch! One of my fav ladies, such a beauty
  18. Well, I got to say - yesterdays session was beautiful to watch.
  19. Think they changed something on the site this time (just a guess). I'm blocked no matter what I do. Will try again tomorrow
  20. Got this one again today. It works when I enter site but as soon as I change cam, I'm blocked out with the daily limit. Anyone else got this now?
  21. I watched Yulia doing her morning exercise today in the LR and was quite impressed. Compared to what I've seen from the other girls, this was something else. So much power, strength and stamina - she's one fit lady! Also, the last minutes I got to see from the late night session they had in LR was nice. To me, it seemed like she finished but he didn't. But then again, I was watching from LR cams through the BR doors. This can turn out to be a good apt, but I think they need to get rid of the guest and tell him to take the video-games with him.
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