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David Hill

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  1.  Hi, David Hill, sent you a lot of posts and you didn't get them. Something is wrong with the forum. Don't want you to think I was being rude. Fact, sent you 5 or more. Somebody complained about the same trouble. Nora was subject.

  2. David Hill


    Well said ! They are real people not computer abstractions.
  3. Oh so right. Loved your comment about cucumbers !
  4. You were banished ?

    1. David Hill

      David Hill

      No, it was a threat from one of 'The Two Fat Frogs'.

  5. By the way dougiestyle4u  if you have headsets or even ear buds use them while watching video.

  6. Hey, dougiestyle4u I saw your post with the Rolling Stones. Do you remember 'Paint it Black.' That video is posted on YouTube with lyrics. The link you get will be a redo from the motion picture 'The Last Witch Hunter' this version of "Paint It Black" is song by Ciara with clips and lyrics from the movie. Hope you enjoy it. Just saw the movie again last week. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oJs3D4R6-8


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David Hill

      David Hill

      Yes, Ciara needed some Jack Daniels ! The original song with lyrics is posted on YouTube.  Yesterday Leora and Paul had sex. It was like 'god get me out of here'!

    3. dougiestyle4u


      Do wonder if Leora has some extracurricular sex on the side away from Paul or perhaps she just doesn't know that there are lovers out there who would treat her much better. I'm sure when she watches porn that she sees how much she is missing out on. We all ask the same question - why Paul?

    4. David Hill

      David Hill

      This weekend Leora and Paul are on the coach. Leora all over him and Paul watches T.V. !   Later he was rubbing her and it was easy to see a flushed face . Like damn Paul ! So later she went down on Bozzo then they went to bedroom. Honestly that fool doesn't have any idea what he has. She needs lots of love and affection. Damn, makes me crazy.  Speaking of crazy....couple nights ago the Two Big Frogs were getting off on shitting on members. Like that fat ass "VJ" saw I was on, so up pops this post, "For Newbie" and left a link for me to click on. Never clicked on it ! Then my question was 'is Leora and Paul married'? So the other asshole post back 'What does it matter'.  If you look on that forum in the morning it's total different with out the The Two Frogs. Lots of people having a good time posting.

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