Real life aspect has never really been anyway as most are just lazy ba***rds but will say if you are after sex, masturbation than it's the place to go. Not sure the girls are that much better(jmo) but Stella is gorgeous.
If you want a good comeback you should go lick your mums face.
You'd better hide, the garbage collector is coming.
Since you know it all, you should know when to shut the fuck up.
There maybe two sides to every story, but you are a douche in both of them.
Always the chance you take when you invite someone else to join you. Have noticed watching both RLC and VHtv that the guys are quite happy when they are having the fun but once it's their partners chance and they don't like what is happening it all goes to shit.
Very underrated but I'm sure many will agree best couple to watch, nelly doesn't do to bad by herself either
Can come and clean my house anytime she wants.
Watching a car burning is more interesting than what happens in the Roommates, Girls/couples on vacation. Chloe puts on good show and Tyler does a good job compared to some.
End of the day if you put yourself in that situation you have to be able to handle it. Personally you are doing ok because Eva is well out of your league.
Easy way for an easy life and a roof over your head. Not one I will be watching but waste of an apartment and could be given to some that willing to do something.