Funniest part is some still right to the end believed they were a couple. Have to laugh at how gullible some really are lol. Got his own apartment now and RLC will be back on track.
The comedy bits of the forum are the only parts worth checking. Sure a lot more would add to them if it was easier to post. Insert image from URL not the best and not everyone knows how the fuck it works lol.
Just had a look for a laugh and got exactly that. Unbelievable what they discuss, comment about. God, no wonder the place is dead for hours and no-one can be fucked using it. All sex experts of course and never had problem getting it up lol.
Seems no matter what forums you visit, the same extreme, over the top people are either viewers of Barcelona show girls, Leora or both. Go out their way to find every little thing about them. Even when they are not part of the show. Some are borderline weird, and should have their Passports taken off them.
Sometimes the more they come on, the more stuck up and arrogant they are. Think they are special because a handful of old men think they are. Just another predictable move by RLC to keep the viewers they have, and entice a few more that have mentioned her some time or another.