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Posts posted by Rob1

  1. here is the true meaning of stalking


    gerund or present participle: stalking
    1. 1.
      pursue or approach stealthily.
      "a cat stalking a bird"
      synonyms: creep up on, trail, follow, shadow, track down, go after, be after, dog, hound, course, hunt, pursue, chase, give chase to, run after;
      "he noticed a stoat stalking a rabbit"
      • harass or persecute (someone) with unwanted and obsessive attention.
        "for five years she was stalked by a man who would taunt and threaten her"
      • literary
        move silently or threateningly through (a place).
        "the tiger stalks the jungle"
    2. 2.
      stride somewhere in a proud, stiff, or angry manner.
      "without another word she turned and stalked out"
      synonyms: strut, stride, march, flounce, storm, stomp, sweep, swagger, prance
      "without another word she turned and stalked out"



    and heres another


    a person who pursues game, prey, or a person stealthily. 2. a person who harasses another person, as a former lover, a famous person, etc., in an aggressive, often threatening and illegal manner: Hollywood stars often have security guards to keep dangerous stalkers at bay.

  2. Which of the current tenants on rlc would you get the most upset about when they eventfully leave rlc and give your reasons why?

    I would say m&s (Maya & Stepan) because they are the most real out of all the tenants they do everything real nothing fake. I would miss Maya's amazing body. Also i would miss them because they have been on rlc since i first started watching it in 2014

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