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Posts posted by Rob1

  1. Static electricity is an imbalance of electric charges within or on the surface of a material. [/size]The charge remains until it is able to move away by means of an electric current or electrical discharge. [/size]For modeling the effect of static discharge on sensitive electronic devices, a human being is represented as a capacitor of 100 microfarads, charged to a voltage of 4,000 to 35,000 volts. When touching an object this energy is discharged in less than a microsecond: [/size]Are you still having a little trouble understanding this? If so, see the photo below. [/size]Moving-animated-eyes-finger-pointing-dow [/size]I hope this helps! [/size]tumblr_o1q3s2gKEb1rrxtkko1_400.jpg

    You sure that's not a dick under her dress that is some big cameltoe lol

  2. The only good thing about being a premium member is full screen and the enlarge screen which makes the screen a little bigger and i am taking the piss when i say this. You get more action on watchme i have been watching that for a few days now and don't worry i am not turning against you guys sometimes you just need a change plus it is real life to.

  3. Yeah i see they have updated rlc meaning the airplane means they are on vacation when before they had the date and when they are coming back , the standard apartments are all together instead of being separate , also the GMT times have now gone. Thanks for the tip booffer. I wonder what sign they use when they are ready to fuck lol or under maintenance?.

  4. When do the gold ones come out for the ones that are legends lol

    Thanks-you Elvis I had no idea about the colours.

    Unfortunately there is no gold colour or no gold member or no legend but if there was i would give it to mee4youu as he is one of our beloved members and done the most posts out of everybody in the history of the forum and please don't call me Elvis lol

  5. You guys are lucky very very lucky because i almost joined the banned club on rlc.

    After this message come up

    403 Forbidden

    Access was denied to this resource

    But then a couple minutes after this happened it was ok afterwards.

    It just goes to show a mod has 100's of life's lol.

  6. A long time ago if you asked me what was better out of rlcf and rlc i would of said rlcf all the way but the last 4 or 5 months the chatbox has become very boring this is because there is hardly no one online all the laughing and joking we used to have seems to be lost. I have tried many times to liven up the chatbox with the return of the laughing and joking but nothing seems to work.

    So now i am not really sure where i get the most enjoyment from rlc or rlcf?

    Here's a quote i made a long time ago about rlc and rlcf it is very different to what i am saying now isn't it

    The shoutbox is the main reason I use rlcf and here is the reason why

    I mostly go on rlcf to have a laugh and joke about with members sometimes the jokes goes to far but hey ho it is always fun. And also i invite new members to join in as it is always fun it is great to go on when you are bored out of your arse. As for rlc I don't really watch as much as I used to but can be good at times but I say rlcf is the place to be

  7. I think I can likely say that Apartment is gone for good and won't be back on the air.RLC is pushing forward with the Premium Concept so all the older Apartments that have been around for awhile are most likely being phased out.

    Yep all the old apartments will go unfortunately , that includes l&p,m&s (Maya & Stepan) and a&d , soon even all the newer standard apartments z&l,n&k and d&d will go and we will just be left with the premium apartments that is the direction rlc is going in

  8. I think England thought the result of the referendum was meant for them lol.....ie LEAVE

    I have never seen such crap from a football team for years makes one embarrassed to be english.

    Agree. It was the most embarrassing moment in the history of international football to lose against Germany or France i could cope with that but Iceland WTF and because of it everybody is going to take the piss out of us especially Wales and maybe Scotsman lol. Still at least we did better then Scotland in the end that is the only thing that matters lol.

    Leaving Europe has put a curse on us no doubt.

    One thing is for sure Iceland has proved themselves as a footballing side.

    Iceland are the Leicester of international football , Iceland to win the euros lmao.

  9. You don't get rid of me that easily pal lol but must admit am tending to keep a lower profile lately but am still keeping up with developments.

    I do find part of your reply rather offensive really as i don't think any member on here wants to read fight words and hate mail,

    I find that a rather strange comment to make. 

    Then you go on to say in an earlier reply that, i quote,"I have asked the Moderators to BECOME much more lenient with the conversations and allowing  a bit more harsh comments to be posted" which seems to be rather contradictory but hey ho each to their own and then we have lately yopic deleted entirely........Very confusing?

    I suppose it will all settle down sooner or later and we can all return to the piss taking and good humour we used to have.

    Yeah cause we can still have the piss taking and the banter because that is fun that's what the forum is made for fun and entertainment that's why i joined in the first place to have a laugh but for now we are trying to calm the forum down a bit because to many jokes can lead to arguments and violence that's if of course the joke is taken to seriously

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