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Posts posted by Rob1

  1. Looking at RLC i am going to be honest it is a bit fucked up you got some apartments that have no free rooms , some have 1 free room , some have 3 , some have 7 , it just doesn't make sense at all.

    Even some of the hallways,living rooms and kitchens are not free what is seriously going to happen in them rooms?. So what i suggest to RLC is to make the hallways,living rooms and kitchens all free and the bathrooms and bedrooms premium now that sounds like a fair deal and makes a lot more sense too.

  2. I must admit, I do find it amusing at the number of members who suddenly go quiet when they reach 30 posts ;D

    Would be interesting to see the stats of number of posts where n=30 as a percentage of total posts.

    As for me...watch this space 8)

    We are trying to get rid of them members who reach 30 posts and then just disappear , it just goes to show that these type of members are not real members of rlcf they are only on rlcf to reach 30 posts then gain access to the gallery.

    Members who only want to see the gallery and do not want to be a real member of rlcf we are saying bye bye to you.

  3. On ‎2016‎-‎08‎-‎16 at 8:26 AM, StnCld316 said:

    Chocolate Pussy.              (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible)



    It has been awhile since RLC has had any Ebony on their Apartment Listings.

    Mmmmmm chocolate sounds nice but she is not my type sadly but if you melt chocolate on her pussy i mite change my mind lol

  4. Yep Mooka you and Cape are quite right in what you say, if you don't pay you have no right to bitch about anything but having been banned twice now i am under no rush to get back i'm afraid.

    What does piss me off though is how many seem to get away with posting all sorts whilst others get banned.


    In fact if you take it to the ultimate conclusion they should scrap the gallery then no one could get banned in fact if RLC & RLCF are one of the same or linked why is the gallery even there in the first place?

    RLCF are really being illegal in hosting the gallery at all.

    Does make you wonder eh?

    If we scrap the gallery that means we have to scrap our hero member rules it works both ways i guess and if that is the case you would all become normal members again meaning there will be no more green,blue,orange or red members we will all just be black again

  5. so this apartment is doing the same thing as the other apartment lol  take a bath together with candle lights lol

    Wasn't that clear to see? We all know the same old lesbian crap was going to happen , god never thought i would be so happy to be a freeloader lol.

  6. On ‎2016‎-‎08‎-‎10 at 10:52 AM, jspgolf said:

    Ok...for the life of me, I haven't figured out why there is a big red X on Lola's toilet??  Is it because she's a blonde and it's a reminder - "Do Not Sit here...Lift Up First before Using"??  LMAO!!

    (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible)

    It is an X-Rated toilet seat saying don't look because poo is coming out of my arse lmao

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