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Posts posted by Rob1

  1. @rob(forum moderator) well sir it appears that I have been beaten. You and your troops fought with the heart  and of souls lions. So in my defeat I offer my spear so that thy may puncture the hearts of all Leora naysayers and my shield to block the slanderous slang spit forth at thy Queen.  I sir wish you luck as you stand before your Queen Leora and speak in the immortal words of Cesar " Veni, Vidi,Vici"

    Yep as I said there is more lovers for leora then there is haters

  2. I believe the message started off with the idea of good will.  Then in come the politicians.  Then the press. Then the people are inundated with false/exaggerated reports.  Finally what started as a message of good will ends in WAR!

    There is no WAR on here we are just having fun and that's what we do

  3.    @rob(forum moderator) I know you hate her, I remember us discussing your  point back when I first arrived here. But i'm curious as to how these two to topic will split who would win lovers or haters.   

    the haters normally always lose the lovers always win that's how the old saying goes like good always wins and bad always loses so not much hope there but i am ready for the battle let the battle commence

  4. Lets be fair. If rob(forum moderator) can have his Leora Lovers with the warning Lovers Only Than I want Haters Only. So let me start she is a self center attention whore would rather phuck her reflection in the mirror than her man. RLC needs to giver her an Oscar for her fakebate And as far as Paul not doing his job if you tried something over and over again and came out with the same results you would eventually quit trying who wants to phuck on someone's else's terms. And did I mention she look like a man? Oh well who's next I know there are some Leora haters in here

    That leora lovers topic I did was taking the piss because I hate her myself that was the hole point of doing it if you read my leora lovers topic carefully you can see I am taking the piss
  5. Having reviewed the main description for this part of the forum "Site rules and information, registration help, updates, news, suggestions board." [/size] I would like to suggest that we add a suggestions board ;) ... (If I have missed it in my haste to post a suggestion, I am going to look like a right tit... again... but anyway)...


    I would like suggest implementing the usage of "FUCK ALERTS" in the shout box.. to draw peoples attention to previously unnoticed action on RLC.. E.G. FUCK ALERT - NELLY AND BOGDAN





    Suggestions board is great we just need to make a start on it I am glad btr has started on it with his topic

  6. Hello everyone, my name is Terry, First off Happy New Year to all.

    Now, I live in Spain, (yes sun all year round)

    Found this forum board by accident after watching RLC for a few weeks, and wanted to know more about it. Aint google wonderful? 

    Hope to make a few friends on here but if I make any mistakes I hope and am sure you guys will correct me.  Thanks for reading.

    hey welcome to the fan forum mate just be yourself talk about whatever you want and you be alright with us we don't really mind on here you are family now that's how we treat our members on here as family i hope you stay an active member on the boards,shoutbox even gallery their is some great pics and vids to look at aswell again welcome to rlcf mate hope you enjoy it on here and have a right laugh

  7. I agree with your above statement and none of the tenants should complain or behave against the rules of the contract they signed with RLC since that they are aware of the nature of their (job).. But not all tenants are acting the same. Some of them, MAYA and Stepan, are very close to their ordinary life but others are not. I think within the current list of the tenants none is still afraid of the cameras and the percentage defers..

    I think the ones that live close to a normal life and there is no play acting to the cameras are maya & stepan,dasha & demid and Adriana & Daniel anyone have a different view?

  8. This may surprise many people but to be honest I would rather see someone getting naked then having sex (this mite be why I am a freeloader at the moment who knows) I mean don't get me wrong I love seeing people have sex but seeing people naked all the beautiful bodies the meat on the bones the lovely naked bodies the all different types of bodies just seems so much better to me

  9. Hey all, So I was thinking, with the tenants of the RLC apartments mostly speaking languages that the majority of us probably don't understand, and there being no information available for any of them, why not create bio's for them? Here's how it works: you choose an apartment and create a bio on each person living there (Current tenants only), you don't have to try to be accurate, be creative, this is purely for fun and entertainment, just make sure you cover everyone in that apartment. you can try to make a "true" bio based on your own observations if you would like, but please make note of it, so people know that it is observation based rather than pure fiction. Everyone can do each apartment once, if you've done an apartment and come up with something better, you have to remove your original post on that apartment before adding a new one. Feel free to borrow ideas from other people, but try not to copy other people completely, or repeat the same thing about the same person that everyone else is saying (i.e. paul picking his nose all the time) or it will get boring fast. Set the Bio up however you would like but try to have 5-10 pieces of information on each Tenant... I hope everyone likes this idea and has fun with it. I'll go first:

    Girls Apartment:



    Native Language: Ukrainian

    Relationship Status: Single (but trying very hard to win over Ilona's panties)

    Occupation: Unemployed Porn actress/former child star

    Reason for participating in RLC: Make a name for herself in internet based adult entertainment, so that she will get noticed by producers and resume her career of making porn movies.

    Personal History: Irma started her acting career at the age of 11, starring in a Ukrainian Sitcom, "Ivan's House". As the youngest daughter of the Title character, Irma captured audiences and stole the show with her youthful innocence, her quick wit, and a penchant for off the wall one liners. Irma then went on to star in several big screen and made for TV movies. Rumors started following her about alcohol abuse around the age of 16, leading to a decrease in acting work, until two weeks after her 18th birthday when a homemade sex tape surfaced showing Irma entangled in bed with former co-star Ivana Rubniki (the actress that played her older sister in "Ivan's House") and an unknown man estimated to be in his early 50's. It was at this point that Irma stopped receiving acting jobs, and turned to the adult film industry, where she thrived for nearly 3 years until once again falling from stardom, being replaced by younger and more attractive girls.

    Interests/Hobby's: Social Networking sites, obsessive cell phone usage, naked girls, watching other girls bathe, pottery, reading horror novels, Late night internet usage (web searches and social networking)

    Interesting fact{s}: Irma once won a hot dog eating contest, while vacationing with her parents in Kentucky, USA, at the age of 13. Irma secretly wants to become a vampire and spends a lot of time late at night searching online for a vampire to turn her.


    Age: 23

    Native Language: Ukrainian

    Occupation: Retired Go-Go dancer and Night Club promoter

    Reason for participating in RLC: Free room and board, meet new people, exploring the freedom of a life without responsibilities, piss off her parents,

    Personal History: Anna grew up in a wealthy home. Her parents forced her to study the arts, starting as soon as she could walk, she was enrolled in classes including ballet, piano, cello, (horse back) riding, and gymnastics, and tennis (to name a few). Spending more time with her tutors and personal trainers than her parents, she began to resent her upbringing and as soon as she was old enough, she moved out on her own to live an independent life away from her parents (although she didn't hesitate to bring her personal check book, which allowed her access to a very large portion of her parents money). Anna discovered a love for thigh high stiletto boots, spending almost her entire trust fund on every pair she could find, she soon found a way to make money wearing these boots, dancing in night clubs, and later began promoting special events as a way to support her boot wearing/buying addiction. Being a tall girl to begin with, the extra height added by a 6 inch stiletto heel caused some issues for Anna, the worse of which was the night she got her hair stuck in a light fixture causing a domino effect leading to the fire that burnt the club she was working at to burn to the ground. It was on this night, Anna removed her boots, and formally quit everything related to her night club related career. Over the next two years, Anna went back to her parents in order to enjoy a life with their money again, deciding to attempt going to University, dropping out 3 times before discovering a new way to anger her parents, taking a contract with a website called Reallifecams.com

    Interests/Hobby's: Selling off her extensive collection of go-go boots on Ebay, finding new and exciting ways to embarrass and upset her parents, watching (but not participating in) girl on girl activities, staying up/sleeping late, playing the trumpet, traveling to Spain every year to participate in the running of the bulls, watching American television while making up her own dialog.

    Interesting fact: Anna spent an entire summer working as a drug mule, when her parents had (temporarily) cut her off, in order to pay rent. Rumor has it she still holds the cartel record for most bags "carried" at once. At one point in her life Anna seriously considered pursuing a career in the WNBA, but gave up on it when she found out she would have to maintain a normal sleeping schedule.


    A.K.A. I-lona

    Age: Actual Age Unknown (estimated to be 21)

    Native Language: Ukrainian

    Occupation: Aspiring underwear model

    Reason for participating in RLC: It was either this, or be homeless

    Personal History: Not much is known about Ilona's past. She was raised by nuns in a convent, after being abandoned as a child. Her life in the convent is a mystery, nothing is known about this time until the very end, when she was thrown out for seducing a young nun into her bed just days after the young sister had taken her vows. Within days of her exit from the convent, Ilona was discovered by a modeling scout and offered a contract posing in sports bras and athletic underwear for an online catalog. While she is not the most successful, or highest paid underwear model, Ilona has maintained a career of regular modeling work, posing for seasonal catalogs (mostly spring and summer) for several online clothing retailers.

    Personal interests/Hobby's: Sleeping, heavy lap top usage, dancing, cooking, dancing naked, cooking naked, dancing naked while cooking, long bubble baths, sleeping, taking selfies, looking in mirrors, , dancing while looking in mirrors, being a tease, sleeping, spending the day in her underwear, camping, hiking, fishing, white water rafting, collecting obscure comic books, watching kitten videos on youtube

    Interesting fact{s}: Ilona's payment for her last modeling job was a year's worth of athletic bras and underwear, they never bothered telling her that it was 365 sets of the same bra and underwear. As unbelievable as it might be, Ilona is the only current RLC tenant that has never seen or touched a penis.

    Ok, so there's my bio page for the girls of the girls apartment. Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with for the different places, and I hope you all have fun with this... Up next: Leora and Paul.

    Great bio man love it as for Irma being a porn actress this could as a matter of fact be true lol she looks like the kinda face I have seen in a porn film very familiar face and I do agree with btr I think there should be more bios on rlcf they are great to look at and awesome to read good work
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