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Everything posted by delta10

  1. So Michelle has blagged her way from B1 to B2 and, reading back in the chat room, into the room Jasmin has just vacated on the basis that B1 is dirty and unpleasant? Unpleasant covers many aspects about the the apartment and the other tenants. Since Melina left I have not seen much happen for B1 to get dirty ....... Lima perhaps is not too fussy but Melissa strikes as a girl who would not be happy in a dirty place. I have seen her clean at least one, I think I posted that she missed Vika's note on how to make cleaning interesting as well as minimise getting sweaty. Candy is now left to bunk in with Belle for her first few days instead of getting a room. After then in terms of longest time in the apartment logically Sia will get the room and Candy the room Sia is now in. If all are on at least 60 days B2 will then be stable for a while.
  2. With Candy's arrival at B2 today unless she takes a sofa or the floor she will have to come back to B1 to sleep. Belle is reported to have said she could only stay until the 22nd. Candy can not be expected to not at least share with Belle. The other two beds at B2 are small - maybe OK for a couple who want to be cosy but not otherwise. I guess relatively she still prefers B2 to B1 but after the first night any close friendship with Belle seems to have evaporated. As commented before she made some effort to talk with Melissa on Sunday before heading back to B2 but Melissa wasn't really interested. I would have thought Melissa would prefer some company and friendship, someone to got out with etc. rather than being alone so much. Maybe Melissa is a loner other than of course her phone? If so poor selection by RLC both for the other tenants and the viewer.
  3. From Kitek's post / translation on Michelle's page there is a possibility that Anna could be coming back on 22nd. If November that is tomorrow. https://camcaps.net/forums/topic/8888-new-girl-michelle/?page=1 To me surprising at it was the end of September that she left so only just over 50 days ago. Based on getting new visa it would be right the end of December before she could be back. Of course it could be a different Anna but then odd in advance these girls know unless two Anna's in their group, or the real name is Anna rather than the RLC name - we will soon know.
  4. The pages on CC are worth reading if you have a few minutes https://camcaps.net/forums/topic/8888-new-girl-michelle/?page=1 Some have reported issues signing up to camcaps. The issue could be some email providers trap and block all camcaps emails rather than any issues with Camcaps not sending them. Gmail is OK.
  5. Every time I looked in to RLC this afternoon Michelle was in her room. She was sleeping / dozing for a while then stirred and did some exercises. During all this time Melissa was in her room with her phone. Around 20:15 LT she actually left it for at least 15 minutes and was stood in the doorway talking. I was then away for a while. From the chat room Michelle put a few things in her backpack and went out. I looked in again just after she arrived at B2. Hardly surprising really given so far little opportunity / invitation for her to mix in at B1. The chat room suggested Mel was invited to go to B2 as well but declined. Sia was still out but then came in and joined the others on the sofa. Belle changed into a skimpy body and ears, maybe the same as halloween at B1 if not similar and Michelle was down to undies. Jasmin of course dressed. Sia changed into less than she came in wearing but not much posted. So far just they are sitting around. Maybe after Jasmin and Sia go to their rooms Belle and Michelle will get more lively? I will await the reports when I look in tomorrow evening. I have not seem Lima at all today. Update:- While I was typing Jasmin now in bed then Belle and Michelle sharing, just Sia sat in the lounge. PS Can someone post or PM me the layout of B2 apartment and camera locations please so the fuzz and comments make a little more sense.
  6. 'Chelle came down for a smoke after a play under the covers. Lima went out but 'Chelle soon went back to her room. OK Mel is well and truly engrossed with her phone call, at least 2 hours now, but having gone off to B2 for 24 hours ought 'Chelle have made it a priority to mix tonight ? Of course early days but I hope we do see this this apartment come back to life. Belle may be a distraction but her 90 days will be up within 2 weeks.
  7. A few more - my PC crashed just after uploaded the set above (Image Content No Longer Available)
  8. Just now they were doing a different sort of workout. I took a few grabs but maybe someone will have recorded it and upload a video or a gif sequence. (Image Content No Longer Available)
  9. She has only been with RLC less than 24 hours and about 18 hours since B1 went live again and she turned up at B2. Since she was straight over to B2 my thoughts are there that there is some history between her and Belle. Belle's 90 days will be up at the start of December so from that aspect perhaps not surprising they want to spend time together. Jasmin shunned her by already being in her room and Sia went to her room so no other interest for her at B2. Based on this once Belle leaves she will either be at B1 or out. As to how she relates to Melissa and Lima and equally them to her we have to wait and see but if right now she chooses to spend too much time with Belle either at B2 or out she could become isolated at B1. What might save that is with Lara gone Melissa is now isolated, she will chat with Lima when it suits them both but I doubt they will go out socially together, only for work of some sort e.g. hostess/promotions.
  10. They look to behaving a lazy day. When I clocked out last night they were on the sofa and when I first looked today they were still there. Elisa looking without a care in the world and fully nekkid, not even panties - my kind of girl . For a change they are not watching porn on the laptop / TV either. Image Content Removed
  11. Thank you - works fine for me and PC is 10 years old.
  12. Early days but " I'm off out ........... Sia " (See ya) ? Just a thought ..... from the chat room Sia went out and B1 went UM - could be connected ?
  13. While I much prefer seeing Elisa getting her pleasure from Fima and her hands free crossed leg self pleasure rather than the bottle I too hoped we would see her LucyLastic fallout dresses again. Having said that she understands that simply wearing little or nothing keeps the voyeur viewer interested. Jasmin, Lara & Melissa need strong reminders of this.
  14. While Kitty and Smith must have spent a significant amount of time together and presumably they applied to RLC together I keep pondering if before coming to this apartment they have actually lived independently in the same accommodation 24/7 for many consecutive days.
  15. My thought is at some point yes but first they have to sort out their life and income after RLC since once the baby arrives they will have to leave.
  16. It is good news that another girl is coming soon so long as her and Belle get along. Right now unless Jasmin carries on like two / three nights ago Belle will get even more bored.
  17. I just directly add the files from my PC to the fan page message. I have never bothered with the gallery as over time much harder to search. I have never knowingly had any issues security wise and generally the images are kept rather than disappearing over time if on another host.
  18. 1) I doubt she has forgotten but rather she has decided to concentrate on DreamKaty and the rewards as little return from her housemates. 2) Sadly I don't think so. While it is very likely Rebecca has desires and will have made them known when Lara visited B2 before Melissa arrived from all I have seen Lara doesn't want to play. Also earlier at B1 there was little social interaction between Rebecca and Lara. When out of her room and the bathroom did we last see Lara even topless?
  19. As I see it Belle is as ever fully of energy but she has little outlet for it and getting very bored. However she doesn't seem, on camera at least, to want to take thing further either solo with her fingers and/or a toy or with Rebecca. Rebecca's number one interest is what ever she does on her laptop, or rather the reward she is getting. After this she does just enough to 'pay the rent' and maybe aim to get another contract with RLC playing on her trying with Belle and Jasmin but neither wanting to get intimate with her. Jasmin seems to be content just lounging around enjoying the free lodgings. Unless they get a big kick from RLC change will only come with a new girl who understands how RLC works so motivate them to keep the voyeur viewer interested and the subscriptions rolling in.
  20. Time will tell but I suspect this is some form of website / server / hosting issue. If not why the wording about suspicious activity, not using anonymizers (whatever they are) etc. rather than just a straightforward log in screen ? Another thought is that the RLC site is under attack with the aim of using the log in screen to capture usernames, passwords then find account details on the RLC servers.
  21. From all I saw with the B2 girls mostly sitting and talking together rather than mixing with B1 despite being their hosts I would have agreed. However the photos just posted by Lucas75 show otherwise ..... OK Lima not in this one but another show Lima Lara and Melissa.
  22. Iloner, Certainly a possibility and while Becca is the strong one at B2 I hadn't really thought if she is being rewarded based on the performance of the apartment. This would explain why she had no real interest in the B1 girls. We know she is motivated by reward from her DreamKaty alter ego. If the same is on offer to Lima I guess she doesn't have the same motivation and/or doesn't really know how to go about it but would explain her putting so much time into the preparation for last nights party.
  23. It was interesting tonight while at B1 Rebecca spent much of her time next to and talking to Jasmin despite having plenty of other opportunities. However much Rebecca wants to get close and intimate with Jasmin I really think she is wasting her time and will just get sexually frustrated. I expected her to at least try and invest some time with Melissa, unless of course some history between them we don't know which is why since she arrived she hasn't visited B2 with Lara.
  24. For as long as it lasted it was good to see Belle back at B1 and happy. While there were good times at the start with Anna, Polya and Stella her later memories will be bad / sad so at least her latest ( last ? ) will be good.
  25. Elisa and Fima having a Halloween party for two. Image Content Removed
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