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Everything posted by delta10

  1. Capeguy, See my thoughts here
  2. The key point is RLC is described as a voyeur site. The tenants need to be carefully chosen and of course far from average / typical but at the top end of the scale in categories like extrovert, exhibitionist, sex drive .... and also bisexual, lesbian or at least want to explore this. As you say unlike just watching a filmed session up to a point we get to know the girls but to be voyeur things must not scripted, managed, directed either. The limit must be general suggestion as to what produces a surge in viewing numbers e.g. shared baths / showers, massages, body painting, twister etc as well as bating and toys but totally down to the tenants when to do things. Physically girls like Irma, Belle and now Lima around naked or close to must be because they are comfortable with it and naturally get a kick not driven primarily by any financial incentive but rather that is simply a bonus. In terms of relationships initially they build up friendship then sexual relationships. Fine if one night they finally get intimate because they have watching a film and are relaxed with a few drinks rather than stone cold sober as that is real-life. Hopefully after that the ice is broken and they will continue to be intimate regularly. While of course longer term relationships this, I trust, is the case with Masha and Sasha, Nelly and Bogdan, Desiree and Raul etc. However being in a situation where plied with drink, and maybe more, so past the point of reasonably rational thinking then driven / directed with the ultimate motivation being the RLC site viewing / membership and whatever they gain directly or indirectly is not then voyeur so against what RLC is supposed to be. A similar situation with one person in control purely for their sexual kick rather than a group decision is a grey area. It would still be voyeur as no external influence but to me not right to do. These apartments must predominantly stay girls only. If all works right a short visit by the partner of one girl is OK. The relationship must be very open for the partner to be comfortable that the girl is on RLC. While visiting the partner may just be with his girl or given an open relationship could be 3-some or moresome or even 'sleeping' with a different girl each night. What must not happen is anything spoilt once the visit is over. Ultimately the only safe option is no visits. All of course just my thoughts while for others the ideal viewing would be different but presuming RLC read the posts if they want to maximise membership they will aim to deliver.
  3. Belle has been on RLC for a month now. However she still seems to do what she thinks will gain approval or is copying others rather than developing her own personality and actually instigating anything or even just showing independence and also realising when she needs to give others space. Is this now why while at least up to a point Lola seems to like it as she has power / control over her Belle is still on the fringe as the B2 girls as they find her tiring, almost like keeping a child happy and contented? As to the Milena and Lima, Lima perhaps based on what Milena has said as much as her own opinion, again do they see her as a burden hence happy she is with the B2 gang?
  4. More to the point do they want to know her?
  5. First IMO everyone is entitled to post their thoughts, so long as based on fact rather than blatant distortion / exaggeration. If they are different to mine I will not be hurt. Indeed the various interpretations are a part of what make the forum interesting. Having said that maybe both my choice of words and my overall interpretation of what happened do not read quite as I intend. As I see things as a group alone i.e. without HairyGorilla around and excessive alcohol or anything else they were significantly more intimate with each other. If I've missed something do say so. Overall you can directly see how controlling Lola is, rather than the others allowing her to lead them because ultimately 'number one is looking after number one' thinking of the reward or not being asked to leave RLC prematurely. As to the background of this we don't know but just 3 possibilities are - they did as they would have done if not on RLC and no incentive - as a group they agreed to do it because on RLC, but no one person pressurising any other - one person basically requesting, I refrain from using demanding, the others to be involved As you rightly say option one fits a voyeur site theme, the others do not.
  6. It may well be that Belle wants to be with the B2 gang rather more than they want her with them so much. It is not surprising though as since the first night photoshoot she has not been getting along with and closer to Milena and Lima. Last night it seem like Milena jumped on her just for leaving an empty plate in the lounge, it wasn't long since she finished eating so not like there for hours. Where has she been all day, still at B2 ?
  7. All, Thanks for the summary of last night / this morning. I had to sign out when B2 + Belle left B1 and that was too late so been feeling the effect of too few ZZZZzzzz all day. If as I read Lola & Carolina have been awake since even yesterday afternoon they have serious stamina. I can't recall ever being up for more than about 20 hours before at least a shortened nights sleep, at least 5 hours. Sadly even for those with full membership not much to actually see but they have significantly upped their game. The real question is fundamentally was this driven by their desires, as other than possibly what was reported to be shared from a bottle Stella had, they were not heavily loaded with drink or anything else or by RLC scripting, additional payment or even being told to up their game or be out of the project? Is it RLC dictating the timing to be when USA, Canadian etc members online will be at a peak rather late evening for European viewers? Presuming Lola is leaving soon what happens then will be interesting to observe too.
  8. While an innocent idea and certainly possible the reality is probability is low.
  9. This was only the day after Milena arrived so perhaps Belle being cautious or maybe she just can not read the signs. Also I didn't see but as I read the posts on the chat room it was Milena who threw the wine at Belle as she appeared to kiss her or at least get very close, to me a sign of ' I don't want that ' unless just playing hard to get, which Belle would probably miss so just back off completely. Just now posted on the chat room 'I think Belle might make someone a great pet. probably will do anything as long as she gets their attention ' Language barrier aside, have were heard her speak any English?, I would be happy to have her. What ever now with Lima's arrival rather than someone nearer her age I think Belle will be at B2 a lot or out with them. She has got to know them more plus maybe sucked in with Lola if she was key in HairyGorilla and from Belle's perspective any extra money she now has.
  10. Yes from a viewer perspective Stella back to B1 bringing Carolina then Lima & Milena to B2 with Lola would be good, Stella and Lola now seem close though so maybe be an issue or them all mostly at B2. Just Carolina to B1 and Lima to B2 could also work well so long as Milena not too bossy or always at B2. If Belle & Carolina happy Milena can concentrate on whatever she does on her laptop.
  11. Perhaps they see Lola as key in how long they stay with RLC and how likely they might get an offer to return? I was hoping B1 might become more independent of B2 after Polya and Anna but seemingly not. One issue is Melina then Lima so much older than Belle. Now it perhaps is Carolina she is best to try and get close to?
  12. Don't worry - that is a 'one session' only ID.
  13. Belle finally down about 14:30 LT / 12 hours after they went up. She looks lost / dazed wandering about with her phone. Melina was on her laptop the last time I looked but not triggering the camera now and laptop closed so I presume out. From chat she was talking to Carolina so maybe they are meeting up? Her nose splint does not look like a snoring / breathing aid so I think it is a support so stays straight after an operation or injury. When sleeping is the most likely time to apply pressure and distort it. Edit:- Milena back again, I guess a short trip out. She is now on the sofa with the laptop and Belle is out on the balcony.
  14. It is so difficult to judge and like others we don't know what they have discussed and agreed to. Earlier Belle did kiss, or almost kiss, Melina then a glass of wine was thrown. This was just there first full day / night. Few others would have gone so far so quickly. Neither seemed very obviously drunk but I suspect the combination of a bottle and a half of wine and the time was catching up with Belle. Her sleep bank may still be empty from too many nights at the other apartment. Right now Milena has been up a while but Belle since not triggering the thumbnails I guess she is still sleeping or at least dozing. Time will tell how things work out, earlier it seemed like Milena was implying to Belle she didn't want her around 24/7 like a child or puppy so needed to be independent. What ever her real age Belle seems like a girl away from home for the first time. One thought as to why she did not at least move the the room Polya had was that should there be more tenants than beds / bedrooms in the apartment again she would most likely still have a room to herself.
  15. I have thought that too. Drinking until close to collapse / unconscious very occasionally is one thing, drinking heavily even once a week let alone a chain of nights is something else. We mostly think Lola is older but I'm sure she would look better / younger if she did not live the party lifestyle. Ultimately her choice for herself but I worry where it leads the others. Stella seems to start being sensible but once a few drinks kick in she just want even more. The younger ones inevitably will not handle drink so well, we have seen Belle with a heavy duty hangover several times. The night where it was suggested they went to a yacht party she may well have been brought back as past being fit to stay or capable of getting herself 'home'. It was late by even their times when they went out so less than 4 hours before she was back? Anna & Polya back later, 2hourish? - I can't recall. I do hope now Belle does not permanently move apartments or spend most of her time there as I don't think it would be good for her. It is almost 21:00 local time yet the apartment is still UM with Polya, Anna and Belle names showing while Belle is reported to be at the other apartment.
  16. The same for me but with the chat room archive gone and far fewer photos uploaded I rely on forum posts for key details. I do wish people would post more on the forum rather than in the chat room where soon lost for ever, as I do.
  17. Thanks, that is logical and I seem to think it has been posted before that someone heard her called or referred to her as Yuliana. I just repeated what was on the chat room. Until the update the archive was there for reference. I look into chat but rarely post as it takes too much time to keep up minute-by-minute plus the detail can be gone within an hour.
  18. Scripted certainly an explanation but equally has it shown Carolina's limits at least on screen? Also despite them not having hectic days 5.30am must be sleepy time aided by the drink kicking in.
  19. If Belle and Anna had an issue between, as was suggested Friday evening, then they seem to have settled it or at least put it behind them. When she came back Anna was in the kitchen and they had a hug. Later Belle was with Anna on her bed, after a while Polya came in too. Later in the lounge Anna touched Belle's nipple and they 'danced' a little together. Again Polya appeared and now they are playing cards. Except when she has a heavy duty hangover after a night out ( has she a low tolerance to alcohol or just not know to pace herself and when to stop ) Belle always seems full of energy. She did a workout for quite a while soon after she came in.
  20. IMO since they moved apartments and added two more VV has gone down hill. Maybe just I look in at the wrong time but rarely is anything happening. While of course staged for viewing and hence their income at least before they regularly got to together to party.
  21. All, The various thoughts are interesting. If he is seriously loaded and arranged to spend a few days with both groups it would explain a lot while if no connection with RLC owners / managers the site principle of no scripting is not significantly tarnished. My comments about plying them with drink and maybe more still stand. Ultimately of course the girls did not have to take anything offered but in that sort of group atmosphere the instinct is to ' go with the flow '. I would not want to see this occurring regularly nor it resulting in any more tenants deciding to curtail their planned time with RLC. Also I wonder how it fits with the contracts with RLC and if they were made aware and agreed in advance.
  22. I have been pondering the same as I'm sure have others. We will probably never know the background to all that happened and specifically the connection between him, the girls Lola and Anna in particular and RLC. If he was not linked to RLC how much scripting was there? Despite all they say probably quite alot. Certainly ' Paid to Play ' is a possibility but I hope all were clear on this when stone cold sober and in agreement plus been allowed to state their limits. Whatever some drinks, quantity dependant on their individual tolerance, to relax would have been fine but they were plied with drink and maybe more. If they were being paid to play the drink should have been restricted so no-one was seriously drunk and not able to think rationally nor be pushed further than they were comfortable with. Lola certainly needs to back off. Just not drinking heavily will make a difference. Left alone Megan, Rebecca, maybe Belle too could have taken things at their pace and all enjoyed themselves. Rebecca might still be with RLC and Megan much happier. Belle's ' Big Night ' seemed to be the Saturday (Sunday Morning) Party which we don't know if connected in some way with Wednesday - Friday and as you call him Magilla the Gorilla or not. She may well have been brought back to the apartment and assisted to the bed when it briefly went under UM. Sunday once she came round Belle seem preoccupied with her phone and was pacing around then went out before turning up late evening at Barca#2. From the chat room Thursday & Friday Stella was described as in a daze and as each night progressed drunk but may also just have become over tired. Certainly Saturday before the evening/Sunday Morning party preparation she spent mostly on her bed. Sunday she was not back with Anna & Polya. As to the next few days much depends if Magilla the Gorilla really has gone or turns up again. I hope he is never seen again at these two apartments. Had he turned up and there been similar partying etc at any other apartment(s) except N&K and possibly C&S I think the general reaction would have been very different. Presuming he has gone generally I think the routine of the previous weeks will return until there is a change of girls. It is suggested Polya leaves no later than the 28th and Anna leaving ' soon '. Belle really needs someone coming in to team up with as while her and Stella may do things together simply not to be alone I don't think they will ever be close. Otherwise Belle will most likely try and be with Megan and Carolina subject of course to Lola. I think what ever the background Anna, Lola, Polya and Stella can all put the last few days behind them and carry on without any real change. Belle has probably loosened up more ( right now she is naked on the sofa ) and just needs to be occupied rather than thinking back. It is Megan who probably has been affected most and Lola is in part responsible, as much as she was in rational control rather than fuelled by at least alcohol. Hopefully with Carolina and maybe Belle to and Lola keeping a low profile she will be comfortable in the RLC environment again very soon. For Carolina just one night but was her first RLC night very different what what she expected and ' a baptism of fire ' even if now extinguished.
  23. .....leave B1 the slow-tease-nothing-is-ever-gonna-happen-apt... No that is going too far, rather aim to choose girls with the hope that something will happen but at their pace not influenced by intruders nor in heady circumstances such that they may well regret a day or two after so likely to turn then inward for the remainder of their time with RLC.
  24. Carolina welcome to RLC. I would like to know how RLC life and events were described to you. In particular were you told you would be going into an apartment with two, maybe even three, other girls and that there was another all girls apartment locally to meet up with.? Hence is 'his' presence and dominance unexpected not to mention the step change in partying, heavy drinking ( and maybe more ), relationships and the level of sexual intimacy since last Wednesday all rather heavy and unexpected to you? Had you come in two weeks ago so much would have been different and perhaps far closer to what you were expecting. I do hope you settle and enjoy RLC but please do not let Lola and 'him' influence you to do anything you really would rather not or maybe would like to explore but slowly at your pace not be pushed by them.
  25. With Ilona I don't think a lot as she always teased but blocked any really sensual approaches, if she had drunk a lot she might have dropped her guard but only once early this year do I recall her being really drunk. With Irma we may well have found how far she was happy to go on camera. Again I don't recall her being really drunk but particularly if others were, regardless of if 'he' was there or not, so their guard was down things could have got very sensual both the first and second nights. We only saw her with her WeVibe so an unknown if she would have used, or had used on her other toys. I do think she would have jumped at the chance to use toys on any of the others.
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