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Everything posted by delta10

  1. Not specifically picked up on here was that from other posts around 4:00 local time Carolina still seemed reasonable. She then took a pill produced by one of the guys and just 15mins later was a mess. Soon after the other girls dressed her as she wasn't capable. She went out with Milena and two of the guys. Milena and one guy later turned up B1, other guy disappeared and Carolina thankfully made it back to B2. With any alcohol from a reputable source the strength is known. People do react differently to different types and those who get in a big mess often end up that way as a result of mixing types but generally do know what they are consuming and the likely effects. With drugs the strength is much less clear cut and hence the effect far predictable plus of course risk from impurities. Following on if somebody's objective is to ply another with drugs for their gain easy to say mild but actually strong and the person who takes then only finds out when too late they have been lied to. Yes it can be done with alcohol, particularly spirits, i.e. say a drink is a single but actually a double or a cocktail having a high alcohol content but once sipped the strength will probably be noticed so the opportunity to take it very slowly.
  2. Iloner, Sunday Stella was banged at B1 in Belle's bed just before she, the guy and Lima left for B2 so four bangings that evening / early morning. I think it was posted that when they first made it to B1 two bangings again in Belle's bed but I will stand corrected if wrong. I do hope housekeeping cleaned and laundered everything well for Jasmin.
  3. Maybe but if so onus on her to apologise and try to rebuild the bridge not carry on the ice cold ignorance as shown when she wanted her case ( put there when she and Anna shared the room ) from Milena's room.
  4. Indeed but I see this as ' the straw that broke the camel's back '. Between the photo shoot and then I think things were already on a steep downward slope.
  5. I would not want to be too close to any but particularly not B1 & B2. Opposite but a reasonable distance so I could have a camera with a good zoom lens aimed at the balcony would be great
  6. When I looked in tonight it was a surprise to see Stella's name missing, swapping with Belle would have been less of a surprise. If a name was missing I considered Milena most likely and second Lima. If voluntary it seems very quick even if to move in with ' CokeGuy 2 '. While we will never know it seems very plausible that right back to 'HairyMan' she was involved more than we thought and there was something other than water or vodka in the bottles she was seen with.
  7. I'm pleased to see her name is now linked with the B2 apartment so away from Milena. I don't think her and Lima would ever have been close but do wonder if say Anna / Stella, Lima and Belle if Lima would have been ice cold to her. As a non-RLC member I will miss seeing her though:(
  8. Agreed but her motivation needs to be considered. Was it simply because she wanted to experiment and accepted the risks? When she decided to was her mind already muddled by alcohol? Was it primarily about wanting to fit in and gain acceptance with the group and / or the thought of rejection or isolation if she did not ' go with the flow ' but deep down really would rather have not taken them?
  9. Indeed if any of the girls hook up with a guy, or a group of girls with a group of guys, and they come back for a one-night stand and maybe OCCASIONAL future visits fine so long as it doesn't upset the who balance like Vika and Beardo. Likewise if they hook up with a girl. As you say then RealLife. In one respect IF the guys were arranged by Milena and maybe Stella too and absolutely no connection with RLC then the last couple of days were RealLife. I do think wrong though that they went to B2 rather than staying at B1 so Belle could go to B2 away from such a full-on party. Anyone else could have come to B1 if they had wanted.
  10. The guys could be arranged by Milena nothing to do with RLC, maybe even Stella involved in some way. This time if she was before I don't think Lola is. Then the girls are not complaining because they are getting rewarded in some way or another which presuming so them doing the drugs is so sick.
  11. If this is RLC's interpretation of keeping what are two all girls apartment interesting either they have hugely misunderstood or have made a big mistake with the latest girls. Even worse is if one or more of these guys are in some way connected with RLC. Most of the comments I have seen were along the lines of Irma and another girl who would play more intimately. Yes some wine etc to loosen then up but not to excess, no mention of drugs or guys.
  12. Likewise Melina as seemingly the organiser of all this, Lola, Stella & Lima ought all to know what they are doing and the risks if it it all goes wrong. Specifically they should know, or in Stella's case at least have found out in the last weeks, about alcohol and drugs. They had choices so if short or long term regrets after all this I too have no sympathy. Well we don't know the background of Amy, Belle, Carolina, Megan and Rebecca and their experience of life before RLC they all may not have met copious alcohol in a heady party environment let alone drugs. While as I understand not forced on them ought they to have been offered drugs when the alcohol had flowed to distort their thinking. This, and previous partys, were not the place for controlled experimentation. Again we don't know but is / was there some form of reward to further distort their already muddled minds? Correct me if fundamentally wrong but while initially alcohol gives a buzz, a relaxing feeling eventually it induces sleep. The only way to counteract this to stay awake and be full of energy, as your example of Belle dancing around, is drugs. Only a few days ago as I interpret the details Lola and Carolina were up for at least 36 hours. Rubberman, I don't see why you should be banned. You have posted about what happened and your thoughts. Yes a few strong words but they fit. It is certainly not fabrication or massive distortion of fact.
  13. Early evening Belle was back at B1 and then packing bags rather than her case. She had what I think was a can of Red Bull she warmed in a pan of water. Belle left with Lima around 19:30 LT and later both turned up at B2. Milena had already gone earlier. Then I thought maybe with Milena out the way Lima could show that actually she didn't want to be ice cold to Belle. Next Milena turns up at B1 with 2 guys so my thought then was still Milena in control to get the apartment to herself. After looking like staying they go out and turn up at B2. They soon leave again but return so most likely a supplies run. I hope Belle takes things steady rather than keeping up a drink count with the others to fit in given how she has been the last few days and that they don't party too late as she doesn't have a room to retreat to, nor of course do Milena and Lima. If the action is delayed / continued for the USA market to 6:00 or later local time again the end could be messy not to mention mean Belle is back in bed again feeling awful for days.
  14. I just hope once all is over Belle is not ill again as I doubt she has fully recovered. While back at B1 it looked like a Red Bull she drank so maybe these are where her energy is from right now. Generally it sucks that Lima and more so Milena are there let alone Milena brought guys. Maybe this is Lola's leaving party so changes next week, or will Milena just take over control and/or at direction from RLC Yes Nelly & Bogdan's party is different, if any action on the couch later it will not be instigated by someone else.
  15. So you will either need to split in 4 or reduce the quality. If you reduce quality by 50 % then you can split into two parts each less than 100MB and should still look decent.
  16. How big was the file? I think the maximum size possible is 100MB. If larger split in 2 parts or reduce the quality so file size less than 100MB.
  17. badboy55, Thanks for the uploads. I too prefer the first photo then the second set.
  18. Iloner, Thanks for your report. I saw all 3 at B1 getting ready and wondered where each might be going. Belle going with them would have been surprising unless all to B2, where I don't think now Lima or Melina would be welcomed with open arms. Given she packed a bag Belle turning up at B2 was expected. When they all went out I was a bit concerned because a night on the town, or indeed at party night at B2, was not what Belle needed. Hence good to read that Lola showed her maturity by knowing what was right and giving her time. Tbird97, You too see Belle and why she has issues at both apartments like I do. Anna seemed happy to be her big sister but since then nobody continuously does. Lima and Milena though could at least be polite, civil and make basic conversation not be ignorant and even spiteful. She has been here over 30 days so her contract is probably either 60 or 90 days. Whatever happens sadly I don't think the coming days are going to be easy for her. She would be happier moving to B2 presuming Lola leaves very soon but her relationship with the Carolina and Stella may well go downhill.
  19. The wrong page to reply really as nothing to do with Lola but after what you saw when Belle wanted her case and what I saw earlier when Belle came into the kitchen when Lima was there these names are very apt.
  20. Iloner I too like your ideas and you have a great imagination. The last one needs refining though since Anna was tall too and Danaya I recall not far behind, even if 5feet 9 would your pets be able to discriminate ? Instead of height how about female and leathery skin? For me though I would not let on about RLC but if living in the same block be friendly. By watching RLC I could time going out for a walk, trips to local shops etc to when they were leaving too, and if say B1 heading to B2 guesstimate their arrival time. Similarly if Belle leaving B2 back to B1 looking sad invite her in to delay returning to an empty apartment or having to avoid or being put down by Lima and Milena. Yesterday Lima in the kitchen then Milena when Belle wanted her case say to me, very sadly, there will never be any friendship between them.
  21. The key points of the first night are that it was just the two of them, Milena was in control, was sussing Belle out and potentially with the photo shoot using Belle for her gain beyond RLC. Belle was happy because she was getting attention without competition. After the ( suggested ) yacht party Belle found she couldn't handle the booze like others yet here she matched Milena glass for glass to fit in rather than being cautious. I think Milena would have stayed down if Belle wasn't on the sofa looking very sleepy. The next day Milena was up late morning if not before but it was mid-afternoon when Belle appeared still looking sleepy and possibly hung over too. One thing we have not considered is if Milena explained more about the photo shoot and her business then told Belle she was unsuitable as immature or Belle said she didn't want to be involved. Once Lima appeared Milena had someone else when she wanted company while she also seems to want a good amount of time alone or if someone else in the same room not giving them much attention nor wanting much chat etc. Inevitably in an apartment of 3 or more girls there will be tension and conflicts but they have to learn about each other and put past issues behind them so overall they get on instead of trying to avoid each other.
  22. A thought - when Milena put Belle down before the B2 gang arrived was it tactical with the objective of her going off to B2 - or am I being too cynical ?
  23. texl01, ' I am sure Belle felt like an intruder in her own house ' A very good choice of words. It is very bad that they can not even be civil. I don't think Belle has a strong enough personality to make a big move and try to build bridges with Lima and Milena while they are so frosty to her. As I posted on Belle's pages while really not right she went off with the B2 gang then stayed so long earlier Milena seemed to put her down hard so not really surprising. Overall I feel while perhaps biased towards Belle who at least should have returned 'home' the next evening Lima and Milena have to make a step change too.
  24. Iloner, Broadly you see things the same as I do. Essentially Milena doesn't want the burden of Belle. As to any fun purely would be thinking of herself plus even if it happened she now sees Belle as immature / inexperienced / heavy handed so it would be inferior. Likewise I would like to be wrong and actually it turns out that over the next few days see an apartment with three happy girls spending time together. Boffer, I see your thinking but remember just before Lola & Co appeared Milena appeared to jump on her just because she hadn't taken an empty plate to the kitchen and ever since Lima arrived mostly ignored Belle, certainly nothing very positive / encouraging to her. Maybe going with B2 gang only widened the gap but I don't think there would have been a huge difference. Take the body painting last night, I think most likely it would have still just been Lima and Milena but either in Milena's room or it made clear to Belle she was not invited so to go to her room. Also I don't think burnt out covers why she has been in bed since back at B1. Just now she came down went in the kitchen then kicked a balloon around the lounge for a few minutes. Lima was already in the downstairs loo. When she came out, perhaps not expecting Belle down, she almost pushed past her and almost certain said nothing just going straight upstairs to her room.
  25. Choosing one is extremely difficult, also effectively two categories - one-off events and things that happen(ed) regularly. Just taking Elisa with the banana and her fall-out dresses. While different Ilona thumping her Macbook when it died was a classic.
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