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Posts posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. Hakeem who seems to be picking up more and more viewers since his arrival, did hit another while his lady friend Asia was away.  Seeing this is RLC and the Chat and forum I do think that Asia knows what is going on and truly have to be a part of all of this..."unless she is really dumb and stupid as some thinks."   I must say that this apartment for me has become more interesting to view then those half fake and staged VIP apartments in Barcelona and their Go-Go girls.   As time passes I do think that we old viewers well start back looking and viewing Masha and Sasha again due to the fact of 99% of real fucking and drama.  Yes RLC is still far away from being a voyeur site and from the looks of things may not go back to what the title says.  I do worry about Hakeem's future of all of this is not true and he is really cheating on Asia.."one day he might just get a real bullet in the ass." LOL8)

  2. Looks like Pam had yet another party who was more less orchestrate by Diva "who haven't yet to dent any real comments from the viewers either"....like any of these tricks party they all start out the same,  with a grand dinner and drinks.  The B2 ladies and a few ladies from the GP apartment was there too, and of course Amalia and Chris had to be there for the extras festivities and grand show.   Things seem to be going great for a while once they all ate their well prepare dinner and two alcohol loaded watermelons.  Chris was granted a lap dance by Amira and a small tease by Sofie and Olya...."and then Amalia tried to stand and do a strip show for her hired man but was to drunk to keep on her feet, and I am sure that was really embarrassing for Chris in front of the others.   It does seem that once Amalia gets drunk like always, she tends to act like Gina "not caring, and turns into an easy trick for others."   After a few minutes the B2 ladies dressed and left and as the night went on into mid-night this is usually when Pam start trying to get Chris to start peeling off his clothing for her and Amalia to preform sexually in front of others and Pam's and others enjoyment,  but last night was different and Chris wasn't buying it.  Later Amalia takes Chris to Pam's room and start working on him sexually and after a few minutes like always Pam comes in to join trying to get some kind of threesome going but again Chris wasn't buying it...lol...Chris did get up and went down stairs leaving the drunk Amalia crying and the house pimp Pam mad.LOL   As Chris sat on the balcony Olya tried to work on Chris's mind and so did Ariela and Diva, but still Chris refused to let these tricks take over his mind......"Surprisingly Chris left these house tricks and went back to the Vacation apartment alone and went to bed.

    Even though Chris may have to make up the time he left B1 sooner or later...."if he is under Pam's hired contract"...lol,  I was glad to see that Chris was not going to let Pam, Olya and his so call girl friend Amalia control him last night for others entertainment.   Amalia really doesn't act like she loves this man "Chris" until she needs him to do fucked up sexual shit for her and her friends.   Pam who is slick and real cunning could be a Madam or Pimp "if she could keep her head and face out of her workers pussy and asshole" but she can't. LOL  Thank you Chris for standing up and not letting any of those tricks control you my friend.8)

    "I could be wrong...as 90% of this shit you see from them are fake anyway!!"

  3. On 6/1/2019 at 10:50 AM, Hung7 said:

    You guys all happy you are paying for this shit? Most of the time no one is home . Paid members keep carrying on about how fake and scripted this crap is and yet,keep throwing cash at RLC. You're paying to watch Leora masturbate for the 20,000 time . She's a beautiful woman but it's like eating hamburgers every day. At some point it gets old and now you're now paying for the same old shit

    I agree 100%, and most of the time they are gone....now it seems they are rotating in and out going to other apartments...."what is the use of having this apartment and what is the soul purpose?...in the last 6 months its been full of the same old shit from couple to couple.  RLC and their brilliant ideas.  I can't understand why they don't hire one guy as a scapegoat and use him like the ones they have been using and just move all of these people in barcelona in to one big building and save on money that they are starting to lose anyway.8)

    PICTURE 77.gif

  4. I do think that Hakeem may have done his homework before coming to RLC, he knows what brings in viewers and whether all agrees or not, once he brings in another one of his clients viewers are going to watch.  I still think that his lady Asia has a lot to do with his actions with other ladies coming there after she is gone, and the game well continue to play out until they come up with another script with more action to it.   "I may be wrong too."   I don't think it would hurt to view something more different then watching girls jump up and down in a bathtub and fake eating pussy afterwards, or exchanging or passing their rented boyfriends around so their girl friends can gain notice....lol..."if we can put up with Masha and Sasha.....Dick and Jane...then what the hell. LOL8)

  5. It looks like Sofie and her room mates "Karina and Amira" are chilling out again and staying to them self's.   I wonder who well be the first to go to the Vacation apartment for some extra cash?...I can almost bet on it being Karina who has been on assignment there before.8)

  6. I am trying to see some kind of hope for these two,  but its hard.  Even though they have been here a short while Donna seem to have issues with the cams once they click on to her, she well get up and move.   They other day she had a male visitor who had tattoos all over this body and she seemed so fascinated by him and his conversation.  Lets hope her fascination for this project becomes more exciting and fun for her viewers in the days coming, unless she only planned on being here a short time.8)

  7. Here again Loraine as always is at the Vacation apartment playing house with adults again.  I really don't understand why RLC has kept her around so long unless they are going to use her in an up coming kids site, she definitely not capable of keeping or getting any viewers at the GP apartment where she is suppose to be working anyway.    Maybe Chris and Amira might be able to teach her something..."surly Amira can..."she seems to have been around and around a few times herself."8)

    picture 345.jpg

  8. 19 hours ago, TigetJackson said:

    Ok Olivia is a trip - but she's the one that brings in the most kinkiest girls around (and guys).  So if you are into orgies, wild pussy eating and various girls coming on cam to promote their goods for a shot at an RLC place, this is the apartment.  Now, I've stated this before, how do you find an apartment complex where a small group of tenants party all night, do drugs, dance to loud music in actually what some would consider disturbing the peace and do it most days of the week.  How do they get away with this.  Unlike the barca apartment where the other tenants in the building actually complain directly to the RLC tenants most of these people get away with some of the craziest stunts.   I sorta like watching Olivia.   I can't quite tell if her breasts have had some form of  reduction surgery or what (don't know what's going on there), but she sure have a number of friends that are more on the kinked side of life. 

    I agree!!! I have said this before,  Olivia is raw..."I like viewing her and Nick's apartment because they are not fake at what they do...no bull shit, just straight, she doesn't have to fuck everybody weekly like she is on a schedule or planed script.....and most of all she doesn't keep her cell phone in her hand all dam day long checking for viewers.8)

  9. Another week has passed and Loraine and Ariela is back to help Blair and Mike do another kid show for Disney and the Cartoon Channel.  I do think that these four has spread enough bull shit in the Vacation apartment to open up a waste plant.  Loraine who has the body of a real woman, but the mind and playing's of a 10yr little girl, and I think Ariela is just there to make some extra cash.   Funny as it is "I have to give Mike credit for being able to put up with his lady and helpers child play doings on a so call adult site. LOL    "Again RLC has raised the prices of these apartment, but haven't upgraded there actors or call girls for real stage work."8)

    Looks like Chris and Amalia has joined in on the kids play....."Even with out Pam's approval give Amira a few drinks and she well give her pussy to all around the bed easy."8)  "Note: I do think that once Chris and Amira's time is up, she and he "Chris" should donate those blue shorts to science..."I am sure they have most of Amira's girl friends DNA in them that could be tested for who knows." LOL8)


  10. On 5/29/2019 at 12:47 PM, Hung7 said:

    Anyone paying for any of this is a fool. You can watch them have sex and play around  on other sites for free.You people keep going on about it being scripted and yet you go on about what you think is happening and making up conspiracies . 

    OMG....OMG!!!! You mean to tell me that this SHIT!!! is not real and SCRIPTED!!!! and there are made up conspiracies going on??....."well welcome to the RLC site my friend."...like others I got my fools certification 4yrs ago...lol....if you keep sticking around like you are....lol..."you well also get a temporarily one too." LOL8)

  11. I see today that the ladies in B2 "Sofie, Karina and Amira" has gotten their new assignments "Chris and Amira" for the rest of their stay.   Like all that has been in the Vacation apartment, these do and always start out with a free meal and alcohol beverages.  Once the rules and the do's and don'ts are explained then one in the group goes to work on the visiting couple. LOL  What starts out boring...ends just as boring until they all leave and go home.    Seeing that RLC has began to make their viewers pay more for this kind of so call none in real life Voyeurism, they could at least tell these over paid actors and call girls to try and be more real and stop all the fake shit.   Amalie well let these three use Chris like a roll of toilet paper while she sits back and enjoy the tongues of her hired tricks...."eventually there well be an all you can eat sex bed scene with everyone in the apartment.  Seeing that Sofie and Karina looks more better then Amalie's used up ass...lol...Chris should be in Hog heaven and love his job. LOL     Like clock work these things has already began to take shape!!! LOL8)

  12. 4 hours ago, PeterGrey said:

    More lost freecams today :/ Not much left for us freeloaders to see. Oh well, an era is over. I can't complain, but ofc it's a sad day. My sweet Angie is gone lol.
    I guess the rest will follow next week.


    I wonder if the reason also can be the big amount of videos beeing transferred to porn-sites. A bunch of freeloaders ruined the site! Damn you! lol

    Seeing that its really nothing but Porn anyway now...'I wouldn't doubt that's what may have happen too."8)

  13. I guess they may think that most viewers has gotten pretty well addicted to some of these apartment and that they won't leave...."might just be true with a hand full".... and if that is the case then they have you by the balls anyway..."So either keep paying, commenting, going after each others throats when one doesn't agree and putting up with all the bull shit that comes with it...or just move on.   I agree with most of the members thoughts and opinions,  but action always speak louder then words.8)

  14. I am going to take a gamble at this and say it anyway.."People, members, you should have known sooner or later that this was going to happen and soon to all the apartments.  Look at all the new added apartments lately, the new cams, the type of shows the girls are doing now in B1, B2 and GP apartments and the useless Vacation apartment...neither has nothing to do with voyeurism,  and now these people are staying longer "as some members well say its a variety of entertainment,".....and now they want you to pay for that variety of entertainment by making these apartments premium.  Yes they might be fake, but there are members who drool over them and that's what they are probably reading too....surly these people know whats being viewed and being demanded from them, but they didn't know that a lot of those demands was from unsubscribers that only viewed free cams.  I would expect the subscription prices to go up next!!8)

  15. Looks like Loraine is back at her second home again with her head up all who lives there ASS!!!   I do think that if she spent more time rehearsing her scripted show and tell routine and non-sexual play instead of constantly looking at her cell phone and worrying about what viewers are thinking she might gain a fan one day.  Truly her train ticket should be coming up soon "I hope."....but I think as long as Blair and Mike is around she well continue to free load with out a real purpose of being at RLC besides bitching and whining to others.8)

  16. Looks like Daniela has left the project..."with her packing and unpacking became a game."  I do think that Daniela was a spare and would do anything on cam that Pam would tell her sexually,  and just maybe got tired of it all...."and also making her self look like a cheap and easy fool for others."  I am sure Chris well miss Daniela, now he well have to fine another to sit on his face doing the next threesome or foursome.  I am hoping that Olya and Ariela are next to leave...their stay has become boring to watch now seeing they now go from apartment to apartment trying to convince others to do dumb scripted shit to gain viewers.  Where ever Daniela has landed, lets hope she had a safe trip anyway.8)

  17. Looks like kitty is a bit lose tonight and may have had a few to many to drink....and who knows what else behind the cams...lol..."tonight she has on some short shorts and has given Smith a sexy dance....even making him dance with her."   I glad its just them two and she might be trying to spice up things with their relationship.  Lets hope tonight doesn't turn into a fighting disagreement and Kitty ends up crying.8)

  18. 38 minutes ago, Scorpio 22 said:

    If he is getting paid then there is hope for us all. lol I went and checked my eggs and he was done. 

    Good..Greef!!! That means he is going to lose clients for working to fast, and the girls well spread the news that he is a minute man and they won't be getting their monies worth out of him. LOL8)

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