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Posts posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. I did catch Loraine's visit to the Vacation apartment with Mike and Blair, but didn't need to do any commenting on it....."it would have been the same as the week before, "some things never changes when it comes to these three at least that's what it seems like anyway....lol...but I guess they are trying their best to keep some of us entertained.   I am glad Loraine is back at the GP, and hopefully she well realize that she can do this project by herself and get even better views just doing her own solo show alone, being sexy is one thing and being creative isn't really hard if you put your mind to it.  Maybe Loraine should try working with others for a change....."then things wouldn't look so scripted."8)

  2. I see that Martina has female company..."its been awhile since this has happen"...at times I do think that she gets bored not having a lot of friends, but then again it might be what she and Alberto wants.  Still a real voyeur apartment for viewing,  hopefully we well see more friends stop in for an over night or a few days visit to hyping things up a little bit more for the both of them.8)

  3. 4 hours ago, Pleasant said:

    Hmmm.....I'm not so sure.

    Bringing in female guests, to dress up in lingerie and give each other massages....A radical new idea, funny no one thought of this before.....

    And they "Just happen" to know other tenants. Who'd have thunk it?

    The 'closed group' present/future of the site is in full effect. Sorry, it's a No from me.


    It seems to be a big hit with the GP, B1, B2 and Vacation apartments.  I think that's what a lot are now looking forward to seeing these days...Voyeurism is now a thing of the pass around here. LOL8)

  4. On 4/24/2019 at 12:06 PM, Pleasant said:

    Looks like it's a case of one of the parties - Masha or S&D - Waiting for their bosses to find the new apartment for them to move to. Hence the "Still going on" awkward living arrangement. Notice too, how Masha has been bringing over more and more females recently? Potential new tenants, or a way of getting the cams off S&D and all attention back onto her? Both are possible. 

    Actually, the latter is true. Let's face it.

    I think that the real truth about all three is "they are still dragging out bullshit for the viewers as long as we click in to check on things they gain, what I don't know!!... and I don't really think they have anywhere to go."  Masha is bringing in others to help her get back on top but that won't happen until she either gets out on her own or kick out Sasha and his home wrecker Dasha...and that may not happen if they are both on some same kind of contract with that apartment and with RLC.    Sasha does nothing really creative but walks around the apartment in those sad looking off beat draws of his, giving Dasha a fuck here and there thinking he is bringing in viewers only to have become one of the most boring couples to view.   Dasha the home wrecker.."still being used as a nut buster and Dick sucker only and still doesn't get it!!...true love.."NOT"..just someone to make Sasha feels like he is a man, "but well never be the real Dick Masha once had with Dick and Jane"...lol..but 'Sasha" he really looks like an unemployed bum and needs a life.  I do believe Masha still has a chance to make a big comeback,  but Sasha and Dasha needs to find a hole and stick there heads in it, and leave their asses up in the air for all to kick.   I would love to see these three go, but as some would say.."why watch when there are other apartments to view"....makes sense..lol..they are like a cable channel that you some times turn pass and more often see something stupid and check out. LOL8)

  5. On 4/15/2019 at 4:44 PM, Blueeye said:

    Another wonderful self pleasuring from Leora. I find her such a turn on to watch and the quiet cumming she does is growing on me! Love how she looks into the camera - such a turn on! I feel sorry for her not getting more sex, she deserves it!

    Like you I think that Leora is great,  there are a few that doesn't like her and would rather view all the bullshit that comes out of the GP, B1 and B2 that should be part of another site called cheap porn and unrehearsed staged crap....lol....I have seen Leora a few times drink when her sometimes visiting girlfriend comes over,  but never to the point of acting like a street slut to gain viewers either.   LIke some tenants that has been removed because of lack doing,  I don't think that Leora well ever leave us, unless its her well only.  Yes she is sexy,  and you don't have to wait until things are boring in other apartments to view her...because she is always there.8)

  6. 2 hours ago, delta10 said:

    Last night was a party night, from the chat posts Kelly's birthday.

    However it didn't come to much not least since Kelly didn't make any effort. She was wearing t-shirt and knickers then, while I was scanning RLC anyway, was more interested in her phone than her housemates. She then went up to her room. A while later Giner and Amalia went up too.

    Of course we don't know what had been discussed and maybe Kelly didn't want much of a party but if so she also needs to think about what is interesting viewing since ultimately that is what fund her payments from RLC.

    Comments were made that she wasn't drinking but that doesn't stop fun with the right moods and atmosphere.

    From what I have been seeing,  I don't think we are going to see a lot of parting and drinking out of these three....most of the drunks are at B2 and the Vacation apartment. LOL8)

  7. On 4/22/2019 at 6:36 PM, delta10 said:

    I agree that RLC need to pick the couples carefully as they need to get along really well socially for them to be comfortable being intimate with the other couple in the same room and even the chance of foursome fun without them getting into a state of not being able to make reasonable decisions and afterwards the awkwardness of regret.

    delta10, what you are saying might make to much since, lol  I feel the same way, that's why I think that the vacation apartment is nothing but a big joke....seems these people are just used as helpers an extra stage crew helpers for B1, B2 and the GP and when they need a couple like Rus and Kylie to make an ass out of them self's.   I really don't think we well ever see a foursome in the Vacation apartment..at least not with the one's who suppose to be staying there anyway....."if anything you well see an unlimited weekly drinking contests....lol...that seems to happen as scheduled all the time until its time for them to leave."  Unless the Vacation apartment stands for its name..to me its just a waste of space or horse stable for those apartments who needs help keeping viewers.8)

  8. I see today that Rus and Kylie are visitors at the B2 apartment...."surly Gina is very happy about that,  Rus seems to bring out the joy in Gina more then the Coke twins do."  I just hope she doesn't get to out of control trying to show Rus a more of a good time then he was expecting......"which sadly to say is going to happen anyway once Rus start pouring her all the drinks that he can get into her mouth."   Being as sneaky as Gina and the Coke twins are...I do see that they have stop enjoying the more open cam balcony for the viewers and are now using the outdoor balcony of Gina's room and its starting to be an on going thing....."maybe its time for RLC to either put a cam out there or just let them know that the viewers can't see what they are paying for.  I do still wonder about Amy who doesn't really take part in anything unless she has too,  she does put on a good acting job pretending to like being there,  but may not...but money does talk too."   30 minutes later it didn't take long before the alcoholic came out of Gina..."Dam girl....your so weak."8)


    picture - 16.jpg

  9. While Kylie and Rus are at the B2 apartment doing what they usually do "drink, drunk and foolish looking"...lol...Blair has given the viewers a very nice and sexy masturbation set.   I am really surprise to see that Blair and Mike has lasted this long.   I don't see any thing real about both couples really having anything in common with each other.  I also think that Mike and Blair may have came at the wrong time and could come back again with a more mature and not so wild couple.8)

  10. I do think that Olivia and her girl friends took the stage over the last two days.  These girls showed their true friendship and sexual open trust with each other....all with out their men being around.  I like that fact that all new what they was doing with out any help of any hard core substance.  "Thank you Olivia and your sexy friends."8)

  11. I guess Kelly and Ginger well have to keep B1 above water, seeing that Amalia has already headed towards the GP apartment "surly with the help of Madam Diane"....and we the viewers know what the future and out come of that's going to be.   I do think that RLC should have sent Loraine to B2 instead of sending Amalia there.  Seems most of the girls they are getting comes with a spoil package now.  From what I am seeing Kelly and Ginger shouldn't have any problems holding down B1 anyway.8)

  12. The Masha's place LOL....No!! Masha, Dasha and Sasha seems to still keep their distance between each other....I did notice that yesterday there must have been some kind of heat between the three..."Masha made Dasha and Sasha move their clothes out of her room"...Sasha wasn't to pleased about it, but Dasha didn't say much but did move all of her things.  It seems as I type these comments, the apartment is empty.  Also lately Masha has been doing a lot of masturbation sets...and I don't think she is getting a lot of attention.....I do think once she either moves or get ride of Sasha and Dasha, things well continue to head towards the bottom of the lake.   In given time expect more feuding between these three lost souls.8)

  13. Well,  Angelina didn't stay around long!...Seems when things were getting better for B1, she was gone.  I like Angelina, she was straight and did give 100%...but like most of all of the ladies that has come to the B1 apartment, they do stay out late and over night at times.   I thought Angelina was sexy...she didn't give us viewers any kind of warning that she was leaving like a few has done.   I do hope that she well return again one day and maybe stay a little longer next time.  lets hope she has a safe trip back home.8)

  14. 22 minutes ago, Max 2017 said:

    That's funny. You and others have been watching the same Bullshit for years. Can you honestly say what you are paying to watch now is any different. Only difference in B1 is the décor and girls are getting worse by the minute.

    Believe me my friend,  a lot different.8)

  15. 3 hours ago, Vaz said:

    Don't need me or others "protesting" to have it shut down. Sooner or later when only a small amount are left after others moved on to other forums, choice will be made if its worth keeping it going. Like other voyeur sites, forums are also being made to attract more members.

    So far since my stay,  lately I have seen a lot of things change from the beginning of my start until now....some good and some bad,  not all have to do with the Chat or Forum.  members come and go just like anywhere else once things get dull.  Some come on the Chat to talk good or bad...same as the Forum...."nothing is going to change."   If all that where.."WHERE" suppose to talk about, "is every thing good then, there's a lot to get rid of "including pictures and most of the girls in some of these apartments."  Yes this is suppose to be a Voyeurs site...lol..."I remember when it was a real Voyeur site and not so much porn."   If people like myself are keeping others away by speaking the truth then so be it, its easy to stop commenting....and if it wasn't for people like me.."what would people like you have to talk about....besides.."does anyone knows whats going to happen next."   I agree with your thoughts,  but I highly not agree with the Forum and Chat room are responsible for this site going down hill.....and if I thought that was true, I would kindly stop commenting on anything to please you and others.  As long as the money is coming in like it is...this site is not going anyway..regardless of who says what.  I think that RLC is doing a great job of attracting members with its VIP apartments B1, B2 and the GP apartments...they speak for them self"s.  May be that's why there losing so MANY members.   I don't make money here....I just put money into the system just like you,...and yes "like to comment on what I see."     I hope these comments haven't interrupted our friendship.8)

  16. 34 minutes ago, Vaz said:

    And that is why this forum compared to others is dead. No need to mention them in other tenants fan pages or other topics that have nothing to do with them. Can this forum survive losing anymore members!

    As far as others....I only see the Chat and Forum....if they neither aren't doing well...then keep protecting and have them both shut down then!!8)

  17. 38 minutes ago, Vaz said:

    Many do look to be obsessed by the girls Apartments especially and feel the need to bring them up no matter what the topic or discussion is. Yes they might be favorite to watch, but no need to fill every part of the forum about them.

    Surly if we can talk in the Chat about how hey fuck, suck, how big there pussies and tits are, their Instagram Accounts, where they live, what they do outside of the apartment, who licked who or who you want to see lick who, who got fucked the hardest, who has fake tits, and what they might be thinking..lol...I can't see what would be wrong with the REST!!  Isn't that what part of the forum is for too? LOL8)

  18. On 11/27/2018 at 4:51 AM, WhySoSerious? said:

    I personally find it disgusting and disrespectful doing it in someone's bed. Even worse when you see what some people do. 

    Would you enjoy knowing your friend fucked in your bed and wiped his cock on your sheets! 

    I guess it tells you a lot about some of the tenants in a lot of these apartments.  I have seen tenants wash a lot of their clothes and bed sheets.....I have also seen apartments like the GP and B1 and B2 girls go from nightly masturbation to joint sex with another girls and later having a boyfriend come and visit and cum on the bed and go their hole stay with out washing anything on their beds.  Lately the GP has had over night visitors from the Vacation apartment, doing or receiving some kind of sex games on others bed....lol...once the game is over whom ever they bed belongs to craws his or her ass back into that same bed like it was nothing.   I guess some don't care about good hygiene or safe sex is just not a priority.  All though Sasha and Dasha sleeps in the living room....they do a lot of fucking in Masha's bed...but never changes the sheets...lol...she comes in later and craws her ass in the same bed with out a care.  This was the second or third time that Rus and Kylie has stayed at the GP apartment in the same bed that a LOT of the girls have played sexual games in over and over again, but I have never seen the sheets washed...."a true scabies nest." LOL    I agree with you 100%, the average person would fined it disgusting and disrespectful.8)

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