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Posts posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. Unless Mike is out of work I can't see him staying for 90 days at the vacation apartment.  He and Blair does seem to be a bit more mature then Rus and Kylie.  While the 4 drunks from B2 well continue to come with a case of alcohol from time to time acting like bar sluts they aren't really doing a good job of keeping viewers.  I do believe if Blair and Mike want to have a decent party they should try and visit the more mature group at the GP apartment..."at least they wouldn't get as drunk and pass out like the 4 drunks at B2...then again may be they should just leave Gina and Jaya at the nearest bar in town." LOL  I do have to say that the B2 drunks are very comical "funny" once drunk....their whole demeanor changes from women to S%&@s. LOL    Good luck doing your stay Mike!!8)  "Like always Gina wins four more bottles of booze for the team." LOL:lol:

  2. 4 hours ago, Johnny said:

    Funny how things change. Time will tell if this is Real or more show. 

    I think is all about money and has been....the more comments weather they are negative or positive the money well flow threw...and they seem to know it. LOL  This soap opera well go into another full year at our expense.  Sasha well continue to walk around in his yellow or pink panties looking unemployed in the apartment for another year while Dasha well continue to play the lost and confused stress out looking lover.  Mean while Masha well continue to keep the paying and bank books together. LOL  If they was truly failing like they want us to believe....RLC would have gotten rid of all three of these actors by now.  All three deserves a Tony Award for there Broadway play and keeping us sitting and signing end at the end of the stage each day.8)

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  3. Seeing that RLC is starting to get rid of some who's not meeting up to their money making ideas....Kitty and Smith need to start putting their heads together and come up with some better ideas then weekly arguments but more varieties and energy.  Even though I have read that more members are just here at RLC to watch sex only and not as a voyeur.....maybe Kitty and Smith may want to look in on bringing in a close female friend for a one night stand for Kitty..."or at least fake some kind of session to get back on the hill again."8)

  4. Masha who now sleeps alone in a room filled with her drawings and paintings on the wall,  in a bed she once shared with Dasha and Sasha, and can now only smell the old sex stench in the bed mattress from both her former lovers...lol...at one time she use to eat Dasha's pussy freely or make Dasha suck up her left over juices from Sasha...lol....she use to suck on Sasha dick with pride and make him fuck her good and hard weather he wanted it or not...lol....but never seemed to be fully please with either of her lovers....lol....after each session with both she always seem to have to masturbate on her own to really get off.  Now all alone in the master bed room with the door closed she has nothing to do but listen to her ex lovers fuck with out her.  Lets hope that Masha gets her head out of her ass and move on!!8)

  5. I just caught Emily masturbating...very sexy,...."even though the dildo was the size of a baseball bate....lol....it was very sexy."  Emily toy was huge and she seem have to have another to help her get off....although she did seem horny........"stuffed with her huge toy inside of her pussy with the light on it going and another small toy......she seemed to have fallen asleep on the viewers...lol....I didn't see her have any type of orgasm.  Oh well may be it wasn't all that good after all." LOL8)

  6. Even though the vacation sign is up on the board for Jane and Dick....I do see that they some times come in for a few hours and leave,...now it looks like they have left their visiting sex bunny to mind the place....."she even sleeps in the master bed when they are not there."    Maybe some one has told them how to keep the money coming in when they are not at home. LOL8)

  7. It does seem that Serafima has stepped away from doing any type of entertainment with the Vacation apartment and does seem to be leaving all the fucked up shit to the B2 apartment.  I guess I would be able to see her point on that one..."at least she knows how to keep what points she has and does know how to keep her feet out of deep failing shit too." LOL   Even though Serafima must have begged RLC for some extra time...."free rent after long nights out"....I do think that she should at least try and give the new Vacationing tenants some kind of party....."we the viewers know that Serafima and Ginger and Angelina aren't three drunks and won't drink to the point of passing out like some...lol....but just might do a good job this time.8)

  8. Well like clock work there was another party at the B2 apartment with the so call Vacation crew "Rus, Kylie, Mike and Blair"...even though things was headed towards an already viewers scripted line and place..."the cams went out, and for some members was an upsetting event."  I really don't think that they missed much and if they did......all they have to do is wait for another 12 to 24 more hours and then it well start all over again at the Vacation apartment like always like a wheel going round and round and round we go......"when well it ever END?" LOL8)

  9. Looks like another drinking party is over again a the so call vacation apartment..."and the there was 4 drunks from the B2 apartment joining in also." LOL   Now that the party is over and everyone  and they all went out and came back except Rus who is not back yet. and the girls are back at B2 and one of the twins are crying.."oh oh oh" some one must have stepped on her foot..lol  I wonder what sat one of the twins off.  Kylie doesn't seem to be taking things good either with her visiting girl friend.  I do see that Gina and  headed back out...and are now back at the vacation apartment....."strange when one of the twins needed Gina for comfort and advise she decided to leave and head out the door with laughter and with Jaya who haven't been a good influence with the viewing of the of others neither.  Lets hope that Kylie has more alcohol to drink for Gina who would be down for anything then...."but most know that Kylie would rather have one of the twins too. LOL   Kylie's girl friend doesn't seem to intrigued on seeing Gina or Jaya from the looks of her and she may have seen how Gina like to show her ass and other parts of the open legged body to Rus..lol...."maybe she see's threw Gina and Jaya....both are very>:D conning."8)

  10. Looks like RLC's four Drunks has made their way towards the Vacation Apartment "Rus and Kylie" again for another round and day of being drunk and being stupid on cam. LOL  The show the other night really showed their real characters and women. LOL   Gina who seems to set things off by getting drunk first has already reach her goal.....lol..."or do she have one"...surly Jaya well see that Gina stay drunk to keep points coming in and another step closer to Rus...lol.. and the twins well keep the spit kissing going from mouth to mouth to keep Kylie happy. LOL  For some reason Kylie keeps trying to get with one of the twins and may not know that she is in a losing battle...."its not going to happen.....at least not on cam" LOL   I do give Rus a lot of man credit for having such of flee of drunken dopes around him who things they are the best thing going on. ...."Lets hope Rus has common sense not to stick his dick into Gina..lol..it may look good and it may also be spoiled meat...."even though with two or more glasses of Alcohol it shouldn't be hard anyway."  Only Leo would know the real truth. LOL8)

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  11. Although the Vacation apartment may be a success for some, but lately I see it not as a couples place nor Vacation apartment, but just a place where B1 or B2 use to gain points from others.  By bringing back a few of RLC pass rejects not all but more then some would want to see again things has been going down hill.  With the fake sex classes from the B1 crews in the pass and the on going drinking and passing out from the B2 crew that never seems to stop.  Most of the viewers has witness drugs and a lot of alcohol consumption that's made a few look very dump and stupid.  For me there has only been one real couple in the pass "Jasmin and Jim" and for ever reason once they left RLC has been bringing in more and more rejects to the stage along with their teachers from B1 and B2...and occasionally one or two substitute teachers from the GP apartment.   I highly see what and why viewers would want to see something that really has nothing to do with voyeurism or yet Real Life unless your into watching others drink their lives away like alcoholics and doing drugs.

    Hopefully one day the staff in RLC well take a look at another big mistake that some one came up with as in B1 and B2 and the so call Vacation Apartment...who's viewers has slowly diminished towards the grave yard.8)

  12. From what I saw.."Jaya kept filling Gina's glass...the twins kept cheering for more and Gina's tits was not covered...and if their was someone doing any policing he or she must have been sleep.  The only one who was sane and getting his kicks was Rus....the twins didn't give a shit...they were also to busy passing spit between them and Rus lady.8)

  13. Some do think that Gina is sexy and joyful and does bring the life to a party...and that's all great for SOME.  I wonder did RLC hire her to stay drunk and does her room mates get her drunk to make points with the viewers.  Last night's party showed again what to much drinking turns her into.  looking back when her buddy "Stella" and boyfriend "Leo" was around she stayed drunk and seemed to be high on what ever.  The twines doesn't seem to be any kind of help either...I do think that they both puts their head up their asses to when it comes to their so call friend.  What is sexy when it comes to being drunk..does it means you "have to get drunk to look sexy, does it mean you have to get drunk and show all your ass to any and everyone? does it mean you and your so called friends sit around and swap spit from each other looking not only nasty as hell, but very unhygienic.  Some may have taken my words towards Gina as unfair, but I do call it as I see it and as she wants us to see her....in other words "if you act look an idiot, I am going to call you an Idiot and see nothing else."   Personally I would rather see Gina happy and sober instead of acting drunk and easy.  Hopefully one day when she has nothing to do she well take time to read these comments instead of how many viewers did she pick up the night she got drunk as hell and passed out.   Gina don't wait until your to old to move to try and grow up my dear...."you do have some that cares about your health instead of your ASS!!"8)

  14. Now that Gina has gotten Drunk like always at each and every party..."she has shown Rus her tits"..it shouldn't be hard for Rus to screw her...surly that's what she wants anyway.  Leo did have his chance and may have gotten it too.  All it takes is a drink and she is free to all.  I guess we should thank Jaya for helping her get that way.  "She looks like shit." LOL8)

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  15. 22 minutes ago, Rhodie said:

    I regret that you see me as an enemy.  I am not. We just see things differently and have different opinions. Some see it as an opportunity for constructive debate, others take it personally? What would you like me to chat about? Like everyone of us, you have a right to your opinion, as do I. Believe it or not, I sometimes agree with you opinions. In this case, I do not. I apologise for commenting and assure you, I will not do so again. That being said, you're still fucking wrong. 

    Your not my enemy Rhodie..."I was just trying to get some kind of chat going in the forum that all."  I know that some like yourself is not going to like everything that I say, and that's what the chat and forum is all about my friend.8)

  16. 3 minutes ago, Rhodie said:

    Given our past history, I have stayed away from commenting on your posts. This time, I can't resist. You are wrong. Your comment is just fucking stupid. Like it or not, the Barca apartments are RLC's biggest draw. They may be "sucker's apartments" but who's going to continue paying $45 a month to see Maya? If RLC was just the "couples" place, I think they would be stuffed. Let's face it, most people are here for sex. How many times can you see a couple fucking before it becomes boring? For me, two or three times. Be honest, how long would you keep subscribing if RLC was just the couples? The Barca places add a bit of variety, whether returnees or not. Yes, sometimes their "entertainment" is boring and, for those of us who have been here for a while, a bit tired. That being said, I am sure they are open to suggestions? To conclude, sorry Rubberman, I think you're wrong. If subscriptions were based on apartments, the Barca places would win by many miles.

    I am so so sorry that I came up with that thought!!!  Maybe all should wait for you to come up with something for to chat about!!! LOL   It was just a thought my friend....and guess what "My own."8)

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  17. Seems Serafima and her crew "Angelina and Ginger" priorities are still on the outside of the apartment...."some may say its ok...but I don't think that the paying viewers has not paid to look at empty beds either.  If there's any kind of entertainment in B1 its about as short lived as the drinking alcohol is in B2....very short. LOL8)

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