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Posts posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. When Masha stops fucking Sasha and having her way with Dasha when ever she wants....move her ass out and RLC removes her name from the boards, until then I won't be convinced.  Dasha and Sasha has been playing their so called soap opera love scene and pose fucking for the cams has become even more boring.  Masha leaves for days, come back pulls Sasha in bed with her, he fucks her, once done a day later Dasha is eating her pussy with a big smile....thanking her for her juices. LOL   As far as I am concern there apartment have been dead for weeks now.8) 

    PICTURE 476.jpg

  2. Looks like Leo and Stella made it back to the vacation apartment after the little get together at B2.  I was so glad that Stella didn't get trashed and starting to slow down some.  I do know that she like's to have fun,  but some times its good for her to be a real lady....."even though she is sexy."  I am still hoping that she and Leo breaks in Jenn and Frank before they leave.  Even though Stella and Leo are giving us viewers great sex....I feel that there is no need for outside help when its there already.  "Stella also need to watch her friends a little closer."8)

  3. I wonder who at RLC was drinking the day that Leia and Erin was let go or decided to go to have let Muluma stay.   She was just as bad as her two former room mates "Leia and Erin" and now sniffing up a snakes ass "Serafima."   Since Mia, Lia and Anna's arrival she still shows no kind of motivation or energy for the apartment....seems she does the same thing that the out going Daisy did all day and most of the night.."sits and lay on her ass most of the day and night and monitor her cell phone.  Maluma is just another BIG waste of space in B2 and should have sent packing out the door like others.8)

  4. So far things here are starting off full of shit.   I like the site,  a lot need's to change but won't,  to me RLC apartment are like a big jigsaw puzzle that gives me something to do and see...."but once I start putting this puzzle together and making sense of it....I get enemies."  For me, I believe it better to stay in the shadows as much as possible.8)

  5. A new day and Stella and Leo has another visit from Gina.  I guess for some Gina and Stella are good for some viewers because of there wildness and sometimes don't care attitude.   I do think that they may be a big help for the vacation apartment when all else fails..."and its been happening a lot lately.  I do think that Stella and Gina once around each other turn into 12yrs  with the running around jumping on furniture and chasing each other like kids instead of the mature women that most men want to see....and Leo more less acting as lover,  apartment counselor and father figure with both.  At times I look at the vacation apartment as a Day Care Center where others "B1" come in and keep the vacation personnel entertained doing their stay.    I do think that Stella and Leo would do much better with Jenn and Frank then Gina being in the shadows 5 times a week...."friends or not."   B1 is failing, and its failing because there's no real leadership there,  Serafima lives on the outside and Gina lives with Stella and Leo and they both have beds at the B1 apartment.   I like both Stella and Gina but I do think that the energy needs to spread.8)

  6. 13 minutes ago, gilbert said:

    Diverse opinions are always welcome rubberman. We disagree on a few things, no problem with that. People have been discrediting Stella ever since she arrived at RLC. I am sick of it. She has been scapegoated and maligned and yet all she ever done is help RLC  Always giving us a great show. We all know these are sex cam girls and couples and they follow fake scripts to some extent. They are employees of RLC. It seems bonuses are also in the picture, but these are real couples who have a real relationship that evolves in real time. Lets not malign them. They are great at what they do, putting on a show for us. RLC is a one of a kind, and we all enjoy it. Lets show the proper respect for them and in chat with each other. We are not always going to agree. It would be a boring world if we did. As for the drugs most of us took them we were young. I did. As we get older we change.The other girls on this site are pretty girls, and they all seem to have respect for one another. There really is nothing to be displeased about, RLC are trying their best to please their customers.

    Can we start cutting some slack?

    I agree with everything you said.."I only respond to what I see and the way they act."  Where I am from girls or women who act the way they have since there arrival...well get the same treatment."  I guess its already to say they are doing a great job of being them self's.   I am a fan of Stella and Gina, but not the other shit.  No I have never done drugs in my younger days.  I agree let them please the customers and lets move on.8)

  7. Looks like Frank well be allowed to fill up on the call girl "Mila" tonight once Jenn is done with her sex class.....Frank would be a better student if he wouldn't whisper in this teachers ear all the time asking for help and instructions about the scripted play. LOL   Lets hope these two well be graduating soon and move on with there lives and RLC well get better actors for this comedy show.  I do wonder why Stella and Leo didn't get the job of doing what Mila was hired to do with Jenn and Frank tonight...."they are room mates and do know how to fuck very well for the viewers."8)picture 38.jpg

  8. 10 hours ago, gilbert said:

    There are two kinds of truth. What one can see with their own two eyes. And what one imagines in their mind. You would have me believe that all three of these people are incredible actors, like say, Jack Nicholson. It really is incredible what people imagine {behind the scenes} Stella and Leo are helping Gina and vice versa. 

    Why would you want to discredit Jack Nicholson with these three.  All I see is three ROCK STARS and three DRUNKS...that's not affiliated with music at all.  If they are here to help each other they might be at the wrong facility.  Its obvious that your either there Movie director,  lawyer,  or Leo himself seeing that these three are just your only viewing priority here at the RLC.   As for ones seeing what he or she see's.."a blind person can see what these three are about"...as for as imagination..."that's funny...that only comes from those who want us to see what they want us to think and see."8)

  9. Looks like Serafima has threw the viewers a curve ball, by sending her pet Mila to the vacation apartment in her place after the both spent the day away from the viewers and cams.  I am still waiting for her dismissal away from B1 and the project.   Dam sham know one was their to greet the new girl Ginger this morning.8)

  10. Well Kitty and Smith did have a few friends over in the last 2 days....more like family members and a friend, but neither stayed to long.  I do think that Kitty may have lost most of the female friends because of her bad attitude and jealousy.  Maybe she well surprise the viewers one day...."I guess we really can't complain about these two...they are being them self's."8)

  11. Well it looks like Gina managed to stay away from the vacation and B2 apartments yesterday..."surly that had to be hard for her to do"....seeing that she and Serafima aren't really talking to each other....what really brought their little feud on no one really knows....but hopefully RLC well catch on and move someone out....or both.8)

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