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Posts posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. There are a few members who started out in the Chat room with other's hating on the few in the Forum and else where and doing and saying the exact same thing as the ones that's Chatting everyday now,  and once they have had a bad day in the Chat with their use to be good buddies they want to leave and bitch on how bad it is and how things need to change.  I say shut both the Chat Room and Forum down....then no one even myself well have any thing to Bitch or cry about.    I don't like the Chat room, because I do know everyone is not going to agree with all I say,  but its a Chat room and their not suppose too,..its the none feed back and when signing in, and once that happens all you read is  "I am out"  is when you know that your not wanted that screws up everything"... I speak in the Forum because I don't really have to answer to anyone..."unless I have too."  I say what I want to say and that's that..."agree or not....you don't have to read it." A lot of us have been around for awhile to know that there is nothing going to change.  Some members are going to act like Chiefs, some I feel are so obsessed with some of these ladies that they don't know it,  and there are those who just like to Chat "talk" all the time....and yes there are those who try and turn others against each other...."that old click buddy buddy thing."  There might be those who sit in front of there computer all day, but we also have to remember its there choice....."maybe the Chat is all they have."  There are a few members who are STUCK on one or two apartments and that's all they talk about.."but doesn't want anyone to say anything negative about that apartment.    A few days ago a members said "that we need to stop talking about the Drugs in these apartment and move on to something else..."he was tired of it".....lol...I said "Dam who voted him king."....that's power!!   I say stop blaming others for the Chat....either your in or your not...lately I have been taking a chance Chatting with others and it does work....."if something is said you don't like move on..sign off."  I do feel that the hardest thing about the Chat is "Signing on with"A hello....at times I get know answer from anyone....Oh well!   I don't have the guts or authority to tell everyone to stop talking about it....but I can say "its not going to change."8)

  2. Frank and Jenn seems to still be gone...."and Stella and Leo still have laughs.'..lol  Looks like after spending a day and half a night at the B2 apartment Gina has sniffed her way back to the vacation apartment again....I do think after all the use of what ever she takes, she seems to get lost and can't fined her way back to the B1 apartment.  Gina acts like the sheep dog for both B2 and the vacation apartment..LOL  Gina seems to give B2 a hand when needed, but really does nothing for the girls but put them to sleep....and when at the vacation apartment she keeps Leo's dick hard and Stella drunk and doped up....I also see they have found a new hiding place away from the cams...Gina out on the balcony with Leo and Stella, all Gina has on is just a thong and man shirt for almost an half hour..lol..lady you must be on something...."who said it was cold outside on the balcony?" LOL   I guess that's real life living for some.8)

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  3. Seems Daisy didn't waste any time packing and leaving out the door this morning.  I don't think that Daisy was here for the project,...from the looks of things and her actions Daisy was only here for rest and that's all she gave me and the viewers.  The only time I saw any thing sexual with Daisy was the forcible contact she got at the vacation apartment with Frank and Jenn's visiting out of control friend.   If I said that Daisy well be missed, "I would be lying"..."I am glad to see her go"....she was dead weight."  I don't know if Daisy was fired or just left...either way maybe others in B1 and B2 well start putting their ass in gear and start giving the paying members more on the inside then the outside of these apartments.   Lets hope that Daisy had a safe trip home and can now work full time at what she was doing in B1.8)

  4. Oh boy,  Looks like Kitty and Smith are fighting again...."Smith must have stuck this finger in the wrong hole again." LOL  I don't understand these two at times,  they spend most of the week under each other hour after hour never giving each other a break...."Kitty doesn't seem to have any girl friends any more"...and least one should go on vacation with out the other.  Kitty needs some "shit house lawyer girl friends....ladies who do nothing but sit on the toilet and think of bull shit to day to their men." LOL8)

  5. I did catch Jenn and Frank leaving out the door this morning around 7:20 am their time,  I wonder if they are going on a short vacation away from the noise or deciding weather to stay longer or not....."then again they might not come back at all.  Leo and Stella has the apartment to them self's and for some unknown reason "there is no loud music playing and no drinks today."...well Gina didn't show today either.  LOL  Looks like Gina had to go and put some spunk and energy into the B2 apartment.8)

  6. Looks like Serafima and her escorts are not doing well with the paying viewers, but I am sure her private outside members are doing great.  The communications in the B1 apartment is poor with her and Gina...Seems Gina sits in from time to time in her panties on the couch to distract viewers and also give Daisy some resting time before her next in coming call...."her prize workers Daisy and Mila seem to be working out fine."  I do suggest that RLC hurry and fire this Madam before the ship goes under water.8)


  7. Another day and night of poor viewing from Leia, Erin and Maluma...."I do think that they have joined the ranks of B1...but not as escorts"  Since their last talent show B2 has gone down hill and off line for the paying viewers.  RLC its time to step in and stop hiring the weak and start hiring someone who knows what to do.  The stage is empty again for the second straight day...."Hurry before the viewers start demanding their money back." LOL8)

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  8. 19 hours ago, dougiestyle4u said:

    I liked Nora back in the day but hated her new hairdo. She did have a nice body and curves but I think the Barca apartments have lost it's steam and beyond help (even Irma and Danaya failed to liven up the Barca girls). The girls don't even know how to do a subtle tease. The whole Barca 1, 2 and 3 (or whatever you called them) concept is more about manipulating viewers and/or for the RLC owners to make money twice off the girls (RLC subscribers and the "other" extra curricular activities outside RLC). The Barca apartments are not up to "VOYEUR" standards - haha hehe giggle giggle lmfao. The most energy and money that RLC dedicates to it's site is related to all the Barca apartments - why, what is their ulterior motive behind this? - hmmmmmmm.

    I agree my friend,  but for some reason, I don't think that B1, B2 and the GP apartments are not going to last to much longer, unless RLC gets someone to who knows how to lead these young ladies the right way...and put what's left back on track.  A few of these ladies.."B1" have gotten a no care attitude.8)

  9. Maybe is time for Sasha to start wearing real men under ware...or at least change the colors...and stop Masha from buying his clothing..."the banana boat look is not happening" LOL   Maybe someone that visits need to help him get a job...that way the viewers would be able to just see Masha or Sasha masturbate around the apartment with out him waiting for his turn....."if they are going to be at RLC...at least they could try and live....REAL LIFE."8)

  10. Now that Leia's boyfriend has gone and I am glad of that.."I do believe they put all of their sexual energy in a Motel."  And now that he is gone,  I guess Leia and her room mates "Erin and Maluma" well have to give Serafima a hand like some of the girls in the GP are doing now....Unless the vacation apartment get's them first....either way both B1 and B2 are looking very shady and have gone down hill.8)

  11. Looks like Leo is staying at the vacation apartment baby sitting Frank and Jenn and keeping an I on Stella and Gina on his lap-top...while she is at B1 roaming with wild Gina......"both might need a fix before the night is over...lol..seeing that they have almost finished a bottle of booze with in 30 minutes already.  I do think that later Leo, Frank and Jenn well join them before the night is over though.8)

  12. Seems Gina's who attitude changes in a more energy way when Stella shows up at the B1 apartment today or night....She seems to go in to her don't give a shit and w&o#e acting mode.  The last time these two was together they really made fools of them self's...lets hope tonight is not one of them....only the alcohol and what ever well tell on each..."which is easy."8)

  13. On 9/25/2018 at 12:04 PM, WhySoSerious? said:

    Same on CamCaps some do think they know more than others and how RLC works. 

    There all full of crap!!  "there only going to tell you what they think you want to hear anyway"....its like giving a child a sucker just to shut his ass up.  Sadly I do have to say some of these members need to come down to real reality and realize that all of this shit is just fantasized just for enjoyment away from others.....and a lot of the crap we do see.."is very easy to figure out with out the help or opinion of others.  Yes my thoughts are "I do think that a lot of these young ladies in B1 B2 and the GP apartments are doing others things on the out side...and surly they are not out selling roses either and in some cases its very easy to figure out..lol if some are going to the gym.."most of us do know that know one works out from 9 pm until 10 am in the morning, not even Superman..lol....."I don't care...but do care for what I am paying to see in the apartments...and not someone sitting or laying on the ass all day and night....waiting for there turn to make fucked up scripted sex show,  ..with an absent minded couple in the vacation apartment....who was probably hired to be ponds for B1 and B2 anyway.8)

  14. Almost another week and Dasha and Sasha are still carry their so called "love soap opera" to the limits..."but for who?...surly their fans are slowly leaving for better shows..."that makes more sense."   A lot of viewers think that Masha is leaving..."Ya right....not as long as she can still sleep with whom she wants in the apartment...and the MONEY keeps flowing in." LOL8)

  15. Unless forced or just just dumb as hell, its obvious that Jenn and Frank would rather be under the guidance of Serafima..."and away from the vacation apartment with their new room mates Stella and Leo."   Serafima has manage to keep control of Jenn and Leo and most of all Daisy and Mila.   Frank who has been weak when it comes to the smell of other women's perfume seems to do anything that Serafima says.."What a Dick head"....Jenn seems to help Serafima has know idea that she is being used as a pet an a distraction to keep the viewers from knowing what Serafima and Daisy does on the outside of the apartment with their clients.  For Serafima "these two are just some extra money on the side...and kids to baby sit.."when she is scheduled to do so."  Frank and Jenn are being used like an old pair of shoes. LOL8) 


  16. 2 hours ago, Johnny said:

    Your not missing much in any apartments being honest. Considering the amount of time they have on their hands what you see on a daily and weekly basis is pretty poor. Should start Mature Life Cam and get mature couples/singles to show these kids what life, masturbation and sex is all about. 

    Be care full with those suggestions,  then the kids in B1, B2 and GP apartments would have to start studying their lines and work for their money...."those apartments are really girls on vacation, and it shows."8)

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