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Posts posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. I think that if RLC was to start selling there members subscribers by apartments only...they would probably lose a lot of money with B1 and B2 and the vacation apartment...." I do think that these three are more of a big failure then any other at this time "SUCKER APARTMENTS".....of course there might be two or three regular apartments the could hit the road too.8)

  2. Even though the cams haven't been that great.."Adeline and Markus are starting to be more sexually active around the apartment lately"....I wonder did RLC have anything to do with it?   Since there arrival I really haven't seen any real type of masturbation when alone from Adeline.  I still and do think that Adeline is a real beauty.8)

  3. On 3/5/2019 at 4:00 PM, RUBBERMAN said:

    Looks like Sam is having his cake tonight, bringing in another girl along with his lady Eva.  I though they would be taking notes on the out come of this other partner in crime "Masha" on the out come of she and Sasha's relationship and how things got fucked of bring another in their bed.  With Sam...who is a master dog anyway doesn't seem to care, and from the looks of things in the past he's only out for him self, weather Eva is there or not.8)

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  4. Looks like Sam is having his cake tonight, bringing in another girl along with his lady Eva.  I though they would be taking notes on the out come of this other partner in crime "Masha" on the out come of she and Sasha's relationship and how things got fucked of bring another in their bed.  With Sam...who is a master dog anyway doesn't seem to care, and from the looks of things in the past he's only out for him self, weather Eva is there or not.8)

  5. 3 hours ago, Pleasant said:

    I do question after 4 days as to why it's still UM. If she has had bad news, shouldn't she have left to go visit whoever, wherever? If she has gone somewhere, why still UM? Shouldn't rlc inform subscribers about switching back on? A short statement, not revealing any personal stuff of course, would help matters.

    They may still be moving..."I hope"...or RLC is re-arranging the apartment...and getting ready to give the viewers a shock."8)

    PICTURE -45.jpg

  6. The twines are only at B2 and visits the vacation apartment just to be a tease and help empty the bootles,  other then that they are just a waste of time.  As for Gina's drinking and her actions.."isn't and wouldn't that be enough"....especially in front of the cams and embarrassing her self..."or once drunk she's like any other alcoholic and doesn't care?   Do you or anyone else really know how far things well go?....Gina is a good person and loves to have fun, and makes a party until she starts drinking, once that happens she turns into another person and gets out of control....."since I have been around...that's has always been her MO here at RLC.  "I did order each of them a can of rhythm....lol neither knows how to dance....."especially once drunk." LOL8)

  7. As the months has pass the paying viewers by and year for those who has been here for awhile,  a lot of us has seen things change in most of these apartments, and I am wondering if its better now then in the pass.  Most of these apartments have gotten better cams and does show much better...and that's great,  now we can see what most of what the tenants in these apartments are seeing and doing on their cell phones and laptops.   RLC has started bringing back a lot of old actors for places like B1, B2 and the GP apartments...."some has been a big waste of time and some should have never been dug up."  I myself think that B1 and B2 are a big waste of time and money along with  the vacationing apartment which is just bait on a fish hook for B1 and B2..."with out the vacation apartment B1 and B2 really wouldn't have anything to do.."but stay gone like some do."  It would be nice if RLC would try to bring in two lesbian couples for the vacation apartment to see if it would work instead of couples that a lot of the paying viewers have the script locked in their heads from seeing the same bull shit all the time.   If I had to learn anything in or about the vacation apartment....it would be "how to drink and drink and stay drunk and have fake sex classes and be welling to share my mate with others at times.."even though most a fake shows anyway."   

    RLC seems to be losing go gotten rid of a few apartments that was at one time on top "Kamila....maybe Masha...Dasha" and some "Nelly and Bogdan" seem to stop giving the viewers any type of good energy at all....but a lot of paying viewers still stick around hoping for better and things well change.

    Using the title, "Something Old, Used and New"  was things better, back in the old days with RLC when we had to really figure out things that made voyeurism fun?  By bringing back some of the "Used" and burned out actors in B1, B2 and a few in the GP apartments worth the new changes...."some who has shown nothing but sit in's, some who has shown nothing but how to stay drunk 7 days a week..."that's not sexy...unless your just hard up."  The new cams are great,  now I see up close a B1, B2 or GP girls pussy when she gets in from staying out all night and looking wore out.  

    A lot of the members seem to be worrying about these tenants feelings, their where about's the Instagram accounts, what clubs they hang out at, what was said at the club...."its has taken a lot of the fun away from being a voyeur....because now I know every thing about this person."  who are getting paid to fool the shit out of us.  Yes we need rules,  but if you can except and love the new changes about RLC, then why is it so hard to except others thoughts and beliefs?8)

  8. Seems Kitty and Smith has had some of the spot light drama taking off them due to apartments like Masha and her crew.....even though Kitty and Smith can some what be a little boring to view they do some times do better then others.  I still think that if kitty reached out and brought her girl friends in from time to time things would pick up too.8)

  9. Even though Rus may be really enjoying him self with all the free ass teasing of the B2 ladies, I do think that some times Kylie does show a little jealousy and tries her best to keep a close eye on Rus, witch she better once Gina has had to many drinks...she get lose and "SEEMS easy and doesn't care who she lets see her open parts.  Even though Rus may be Kylie's stud....its not stopping him from eye balling the others neither..."surly the B2 ladies are his four little blue "Viagra" pills."  I do admire Kylie for having the heart and guts to come to the vacation apartment and let others use her man as a pawn like others before them.  I do think that one day she well be sexually tested on how far she and Rus well go with others as the days pass.."from the looks of things Rus well be a great student for ONE." LOL8)

  10. Looks like Jaya has decided to join her room mates with trying to keep B2 above water.  Although with out the help of the vacation apartment "Rus and Kylie" I do think that RLC would have to lock the doors of B2  also and send them packing.   Surly both apartments are running out of game ideas "mature one's any way" and has started to let the drinking do the driving for them....."witch might be the best thing for Gina....it may be one of the only things that gets her started."  If there's going to be any kind of real sexual activity....the viewers well have to wait until Rus and Kylie get's back to the vacation apartment......"unless someone comes up with a good script.  "Continue to enjoy your self Rus." LOL8)

  11. 5 minutes ago, Pleasant said:

    The key thing is that IF she leaves, will be go alone, or be joined by her new love? Interesting to see how things play out. 

    Maybe she'll move into Nelly & Bodgan's - Now that would not surprise me in the least.

    All three has been a waste for the viewers for the last year or so.....I say "shut'em down, and stop the soap opera...its been full of shit every since Masha got her groove on with Mr. Dick and have gone completely out of control.....and much further with Ms. Dasha and her out of control horny Dick sucking HEAT rash." LOL 8)

  12. Looks like the twines "Lia and Mia" and Gina are back at the vacation apartment....with out Jaya.  Rus seems to enjoy these three..."especially Gina, who manages to give him an EYE full of her panties and ass when ever she is around...lol...she kept Leo's dick hard the same way.  I guess Rus has nothing to be bored about since is arrival.  I am still waiting for the GP girls to pick him up and take him to the GP apartment for a night of lap dancing and bath tube excitement.8)

  13. 6 hours ago, vampire said:

    A lot of Gina haters out there.  Funny cause you seem to watch every thing she has done in the past.  I have seen a newer gina--Yes she still likes to have fun-- she is a lot more controlled now--And is still hot as hell--Do you people even remember when you  were her age--  Dam--Maybe you should grow up .---She will eventually ,  And be boring like us .--


    Your right..."but that statement was written  Feb 9 2019, and I have seen her do better since and also....."Since Leo and Stella left the project.   An now that she is in the twines "Lia and Mia" rehab facility..lol...she seems to be doing a lot better."    As long as there is an RLC...Chat...forum...or internet people are going to judge....."your old enough to know that!!"8)

  14. "For the one up above" and here goes!!!  Looks like Jaya enjoyed her self at the little party tonight for the vacationing apartment and others from the B1 apartment.  All though the party went into another direction "Silly games" Jaya went and took a shower and came back with her "Pajamas" on while the party was still somewhat active.  I was glad to see that Gina didn't have to get wild and nasty and act like a pole girl to draw attention and didn't get drunk like in the pass.  The twins did what the twines usually do"!!@@$$&&%%" until bed time. LOL  Other then that the party was ok...."I guess...it was something different...I guess"....at least Rus had fun. LOL  "Thank you ladies."8)

  15. 4 minutes ago, Pleasant said:

    Trying to catch up, it looks as if this situation is passed saving. Dasha seems down - perhaps unwell, or something else is on her mind. The gap between her and Masha seems huge now, has the whole thing messed everything up? The arrival of familiar faces Nelly & Bodgan could perhaps be a calming effect, but you never know. How long can this go on for? If people get into a sharing relationship, someone somewhere will eventually do something the others doesn't like, and that wrecks the friendship they had. And what about the man in the middle - What is going through Sasha's mind in all of this. Has it gone too far, has what they all had been spoiled for the sake of the 'Project'?

    Glimpsing here and there threw the chat room..."there are a few who seems to think that Dasha may be pregnant"...I really don't know....BUT!!! if this is true..."she had is coming.  Lets hope is something thing other then what I just mentioned...."surly I well get a few other comments on the subject from others." LOL   My thoughts and still my thoughts "Dasha and Sasha should have moved their asses out once he didn't have any feelings for Masha any more any way....and Dasha is such a hypocrite of a friend for carry out such a fucked up thing with her best friends man too.8)

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