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Posts posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. It looks like Kitty and Smiths relationship may be in trouble,  Seems their last little gathering with there visiting fat friend went a little bit to far....."Kitty allowed fat boy to touch her around areas that suppose to be forbidden to others except Smith."  Now that they both are paying the price of allowing this to happen with the weekly visits of their horny fat friend,  with the drinking and Kitty dancing sexy and who knows what they do in the hallway bath room were there's no cam,  they have stop sleeping together and soon if things doesn't start improving their relationship could really fall apart in front of the paying viewers eyes.   I don't blame fat boy,  Kitty did hard-in him up while Smith played with his cell phone most of the time and while Kitty played with his eye ball-in friend...even with the lights down low in the apartment and the music videos from the T.V played..Kitty danced in front of him real sexy like,  once she was really high and drunk she gave him a "Real Feel." and now Smith can't handle it.   I think that Kitty was looking for attention that she wasn't getting from Smith but got it from the wrong person..."Smiths friend."  Smith and Kitty are young and hopefully they well bounce back, I guess we well have to wait and see as the days go by....."there's is a lesson in there some where for the both of them, let's hope they take the time and figure it out."8)

  2. 11 minutes ago, iloner said:

    Its been 2 years.  

    Couldn't blame Amy for giving up last time; Lola was a bit creepy.    I expect she kept track of Megan - last seen already glossy with the trappings of deserved success -  and hopes another go will be more successful.

    Even though she chose to leave many admired her and wished she had stayed.    And already she looks comfortable with the Triplets.

    A welcome return.    Dear RLC Gods - please remember Aida and send her back too.


    What Triplets??????????? I see a set of twins.....!!! unless they are another room...lol...I only see a set of twins and two others. LOL8)

  3. Jaya has left the project."YES"!!!!  I really wasn't surprise to see that Jaya left the project..."more of a sneak out from the viewers."   I didn't see any real purpose of her stay....to me she was just a fill in for those who didn't do any thing sexually an she really didn't do much herself.  Jaya was just a good manipulator, at times she did a good job on Gina...she made sure once Gina started drinking Jaya keep the drinks coming.....she did a good job on Kylie, who thought that she could make out with one of the twins while she and the twins send Rus and Gina to the store for more booze, but couldn't and looked like a fool near the end.   Jaya's last party at the GP apartment..she looked like a drunk street lady.  Besides staying out like her buddy Serafina and now Diane, I don't think I well miss Jaya...."Jaya thanks for the short stay."8)

  4. Today I see Masha comes in with two of her girl friends,  while Dasha and Sasha lay on her bed with out a care in the world.....there is very little talk with either while Masha changes her clothes.  I we the viewers well never understand why she or Dasha and Sasha are still there in the same apartment...."and why do Masha allow Dasha and Sasha to cohabitate and breed in her bed with she is not there."8)

  5. Looks like Mike well be Playing another night of a father figure to Loraine, even though Blair allows him to feel up on her to try and get viewers.  I do see that Diane "The big it lady" has made a visit....."lets hope she makes it back to the GP and doesn't try and make the vacation apartment her home too..."she is another that's always out...as well as Serafima was"....maybe she can convince Mike and Blair to finally put some dick up into Loraine instead of a dry dildo.   I did think that Kylie had a shot at something between the three last night,  but it turned out to be another spoiled stage play.  I think that Rus may be the only one in the house with real balls...."but can only use them on this lady Kylie."  If RLC is going to allow Loraine to live at the Vacation apartment at least Rus and Mike should have the privilege of screwing her..."for a few points." LOL8)

  6. I guess after last night's get together with Smiths visiting friend...."seems Smith and Kitty may have gotten into it out side of the apartment"....Seems they must have went out later that night and Smith came back Pissed with out Kitty or his fat friend.......and some hours later Kitty still haven't been back home yet.  Poor Smith looks worried...."fear not Smith...lol...no one is going to put up with Kitty shit...lol...so it won't be long before she returns." LOL8)

  7. Looks like Loraine is making her self comfortable at the Vacation apartment, and doesn't seem to have any type of intention of heading back to the GP apartment any time soon.  I do think that RLC should remind her like others who had done the same that "she was given a bed at the GP and that the Vacation apartment was intended for Couples Only"....at least that what I thought it was meant for.   Maybe if Blair or Mike kissed up to one of the Head Personnel at RLC, they might grant her a permanent stay. LOL8)

  8. On 4/1/2019 at 2:00 PM, Sketch said:

    Complete waste of time and bed. Only thing she has done is make a fool of herself over and over. Not the first one that clearly has a problem with alcohol and, being in the situation she's in is not helping her. 

    I agree 100%....and its not going to stop.  I don't think there have been a day I haven't seen Gina or the twins somewhat intoxicated.  Maybe one day RLC won't have to hire those over and over again, and start getting better ladies for the job.  And definitely stop bringing back the spoiled and lazy ones.   "I must say.."Gina was looking sexy in that Blue dress she had on yesterday....."first time I have seen her in that type of dress."8)

  9. 1 hour ago, Vaz said:

    Smith might be a moron and complete waste of oxygen but, deserves a medal for putting up with Kitty. Must really love her or really stupid.

    Smith and Kitty are made for each other....."it would be hard for Smith to fine another,....after all he can't last long when it comes to sex, and Kitty WOW...who in hell would want to put up with her spoiled ass!! LOL8)

  10. Seems Masha and her "sister/friend" was up late into the morning earlier, and Masha was crying most of the time talking to this female.  I remember this young female who I thought was her sister back in the day, but she and her boyfriend stop coming by.  Masha would cried most of the night and morning until they finally fell asleep.  I wonder if the real reality is started to set in for her "that she has lost her man to her so called best friend and for some dumb ass reason they are still living in the same apartment down the hall from each other....lol.....and its all fucked up." LOL8)

  11. 2 hours ago, iloner said:

    Gina is good to watch asleep or awake.

    Has she got a sex life?    I've seen her play with her pussy twice, briefly, in all of her visits.

    There is a slight flirtatiousness between her and Lia.   Something usually repressed perhaps, awaiting booze on Gina's part, and for Lia's resident Policewoman Mia to be somewhere else.   It'll never happen, though.

    I have to agree with you on these three......"Gina, Mia and Lia are just mannequins in an Barcelona or Amsterdam window store.'....their just there to look good and no other purpose but to drink unconsciously when needed.  Any type of sex, masturbation is not a priority for either of them.  I some times have to catch myself when I am commenting about Sasha, Dasha and Masha's fucked up living arrangement, but at least they are "fucking" and trying, and not letting any substance or booze take over their lives.   No matter how many rub downs these three have with each  other they well never go any further then a shower together.  In Gina's case.."some times to much of any substance "can some times" drugs or alcohol can take the sexual desires away also." ...as long as Gina and others try and fool the cams with her drug and alcohol use she well always be side line like others here at RLC...."most of the viewers here aren't stupid"...if she really had any real friends they would be helping her, she would be trying to get her self together, I would rather see her sober and having fun then drunk and acting like a un-controlled fool...."in some cases beauty doesn't last for every."  After being around RLC in the last few weeks "briefly playing with her pussy is no play at all."     I think that Jaya's job is to try and make up for all three,  but she really doesn't interest me at all sexually or attraction.8)

  12. In a way I was glad to see that Gina and the twins left yesterday's party at the GP early and got home safe.  the twins seem to have fun, but didn't seem to comfortable at times.  Normally Gina would drink to much, but didn't but she also had fun.....I still think that she and Rus are on the same level and Rus would have had more fun if he had went home with the B2 crew instead of watching Kylie run around the GP having her own fun.   As far as their other room mate Jaya..."she stayed at the GP apartment last night and really made an ASS out of her self and end up looking easy to get."8)

  13. Iooks like Loraine is getting another sex class from Mike and Blair......"I was hoping Loraine came back to the GP and would be doing better for the viewers then the shit she is participating in now with Mike and Blair."  Its probably the closest thing we see sexually from her.  Not doubting Mike for his picks..."but he looks older enough to be their dad."..."sorry Mike."....keep playing house with your ladies friend...."if you haven't already......you just might get lucky and score one day." LOL     I wonder why Mike and Blair doesn't make out with Rus and Kylie and bring in some points for the vacation apartment instead of trying to entertain at the GP apartment?8)

  14. Seems the party has slowed down at the GP apartment, and the B2 ladies have left, but Jaya "a carbon copy of Gina when drunk and high" "who like other seems to be flooding on HIGH speed."   Kylie seems to be having fun, but at times is slow when it comes to the things and happenings around her,  Rus should have left with the twins....surly he would have had more fun with Gina instead of playing card games.."I hate to say it but those two seem to be on the same level." lol  Mike has finally got a boost from some where and seem to be finally enjoying his self too. Diane finally woke up and joined whats left.8)

  15. Now that the party is almost over, it looks like the B2 crew is leaving but the B2 adviser Jaya stayed...to hand out more highly advise,  but Kylie, Rus, Blair and Mike stayed on.    Everyone seems to be riding "HIGH"....and having a good time.  Kylie "slow" seems to be having a good time with the others....."wished she had of let Rus leave with the B2 ladies...surly he and Gina would have had better fun....other then playing card games.   Even Mike has finally got a boost of energy. LOL8)

  16. 39 minutes ago, Scorpio 22 said:

    Exactly. Some are just hypocrites and have a problem with other sites for some reason or another. What the girls apartments, E&S, J&D do is no different apart from other sites get down to the nitty-gritty and don't fuck about for days on end. Another reason some don't get involved in chat - Full of shit. 

    LOL...LOL...Who's full of shit!!! is it the Chat Room or the people in it calling the shots? LOL   We have a set of twins....and now the name has been changed to triples.."in my book neither look alike"..lol....but they seem to be Top Rated and haven't done shit sexually since day one, but are being praised for there looks and nothing else. LOL8) 

  17. Seems Rus, Kylie, Blair and Mike are at the GP apartment again getting their drink on, with the also visiting B2 ladies "Gina, Jaya and the Twins."   I must say that Mike looks like he is ready to go and may be getting bored.....Blair is being a good girl....I have seen her get very wild with out Mike on her last stay.   While Rus and Gina who can't seem to stay away from each other for over five minutes keeps playing tag and hit and run like two curious kids at a play ground, hopefully Rus won't forget that the cams are still running and doesn't do anything stupid like Leo did and fuck up things with him and Kylie.   Kylie.."slow at catching on to anything" seems to have went out a brought more booze for everyone, and mean while Jaya walks around giving all weak advise and coaching.  Most of the GP girls seems to be into socializing around the house with each other.8)

  18. On 3/25/2019 at 9:54 AM, ed2 said:

    Atlwast she is fun wathing then. I love the wild, unpredictable and drunken Gina, like we've seen her when she has been with Stella and Kylie. Jaya also has the potencial to be that wild influence on her. Gina was fun during the mid part of her first stay, her whole second stay, and the first half of this stay was great. But as long as the twins are there, Gina just becomes the third tripplet, and we get nothing but childish giggling and something that look like a parody on a preformance art show every other night.

    I don't think that Gina has any haters....."maybe those that don't want any thing said about her in a negative way" and may be those who are concerned about her health in a positive way.  Gina is sexy and has good views when it comes to parties..."but tend to drunk to much and really doesn't have a limit"  surly her room mates know that, but people like Stella and Jaya her drinking coaches pushes her to drink more and end of making her look bad for the viewers...."at least the ones who care."  Maybe Gina who reads our comments well understand more better, then waking up after a night of hard drinking with a bad attitude towards the cams and bad comments.8)

  19. Now that Serafima has gotten her walking papers, but not yet has left B1, Beatrice has come to comfort her and hopefully help her carry her bags out the door.   Serafima was a still is an attractive lady, but spent most of her time out the door and really never put any energy into B1 until it was to late.   Seems Serafima's bad attitude pushed a lot of her co-workers away.  Most know that Serafima wasn't the lesbian type, but she would try and put on a fake show anyway....."she hardly masturbated for the cams, but did more then others at B2."  Lets hope that Serafima has a safe trip back home and one day come back when she is more committed to RLC and its viewers.........."when ever she does finally walk out the door for good."8)

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