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Posts posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. I guess Michelle is giving us a show with out her web-cam, all I can say is "she is just to fucking sexy" she could make a blind man see...lol  just sexy as hell.8)

    With this show she is doing, and how sexy she is now, " I am done...lol I have nothing negative to say about Michelle anymore" Who ever her boyfriend is a very lucky one...lol"8)

  2. These two can and use to be exciting to watch, but in the last few months it seems that Adriana keeps this bad attitude look, she is sexy and they do have sex often.  I do see sometimes think that Daniel doesn't want to participate in stays on the couch, when she is in bed. I wouldn't be surpised if he haven't gotten bored with the cams and all either,  "if you ever catch her masturbating, good for you,"...lol8)

  3. Zoya just masturbated, and I just missed it all, shit shit shit!!  I love watching this sexy woman do her thing with her fingers...lol  Lev just don't know how well he has it with this beautiful lady.  Oh well maybe next time.  "NOTE" I am still waiting for Tabu to do something besides eat and sleep, and be Levs teddybear...lol8)

  4. I wonder if Masha's sister is going to come back over again while they still have this young guest over, who can't keep his eyes off of her.  I am sure he would be able to score, if she doesn't bring back her he man acting boyfriend.  She needs someone about her age anyway, unless she prefer older men.8)

  5. Michelle and Candy seems to be a bit upset today, I wonder what was found out today. These two are usually out the door by now,  I read Michelle gave a good viewing last night, or are those three still reading those RLC comments?  I think  RLC needs to ban those cell-phones and lap-tops from those apartments, then the girls wouldn't have to worry about what customers are saying.8)

  6. 16 minutes ago, dougiestyle4u said:

    That's what I am talking about. Had the exact one (same color). The young generation wouldn't even know how to use one - lol. No speed dial, call display, redial or call list memory.

    If you was to take away all the cell-phones in B1 and B2, every one of them would walk off........ they can't live at any of RLC's apartments with out checking there phones unless there sleep, "and most of them grab at them then too" while sleeping.  There spoiled rotten...lol8)

  7. Masha's sister and boyfriend has a bad argument and left after he went threw her cell phone, "my have checked out our comments or her old boyfriends too" being "insecure" why look for trouble??  Then again he may have caught Masha and Sasha's guest eyeballing Sasha's sister too...lol:rolleyes:8)

  8. I guess Sia is going to stay home and baby sit tonight even her Lap-top, I am glad she made Michelle change those green shorts, she had been wareing them for 3 days now, I am sure they was about ready to walk on their own by now, or jump into the washer:-[...lol  As sexy as Michelle looks I am sure she has other sexy things to put on.8)

  9. 33 minutes ago, iloner said:

    Thank you Rubberman for this detailed account.  

    Am I right in understanding you to be saying everything they do is fake/organised between them?  

    I suspect much of it is, with Sia as a kind of minder/cleaner/organiser and Mich as the main attraction.     If she had already bated 3 times under cover it is still possible her appearing naked on the settee to bate was genuine, but interrupted unexpectedly. Think Elisa, sex starved at B1, lonely and missing her Bf.   Bating just did not satisfy her.  

    Whether Michelle was genuinely horny or not, she was at least trying to entertain us.      Frankly, I don't care whether it was genuine or not - a naked Mich with hand on or near tits and pussy keeps me smiling.   

    I've caught two of Mich's cam shows (maybe she did a third but I think only the two) and they made brilliant viewing.   She is beautiful and sexy.   When she focussed her attention on Sia early on I felt Sia was attracted; others thought she was on MDMA.      Because these shows are so good I'm happy to accept the rest of the week she just messes about.

    As for Candy, whatever her purpose was supposed to be she isn't fulfilling it.    Sure, they do some probably pre-planned dancing together, but there are no little giveaway signs (compare Nicole's attention to Jess) that Candy is interested in Mich.   Just maybe sometimes Mich lingers near Candy.    Candy seems preoccupied with something other than being at B2 to entertain us, probably her difficult Bf.   

    If Candy actually really wanted Mich I think she'd barge into her room and sit on her face, no messing.   A now permanently horny Mich would be delighted and happily start licking.   That girl needs a fuck.

    But don't girls tell each other everything; especially good friends like these two?    So maybe you are right and secretly off camera Mich gets her itch relieved in a friendly way.   But they don't want the Bfs to know so we are not allowed to see.  

    I haven't been watching enough to say it is or isn't true.    B2 is more puzzle than fun at present.

    Michelle is one of RLC pretties girls of all, is a beauty and perfect 10, she is the best when it comes to her web-cam, but around the apartment she is like a young kid, she has the body of a true women and the mind of a door knob.  her decisions keeps Candy looking bad.  Michelle is all over the internet, and she knows it "she doesn't care" what she does, or looks like" she is a professional, she has it made already.  Sia is a rookie you can tell, if you don't catch Sia in the bathtub taking a shower early in the morning, you missed out with her...lol   As I type this there apartment is under main: at 8pm there time, why..??  There apartment is like a big ass game. and I love trying to figure them out.  I am a voyeur just like you are, so I don't try and tell you what you are not seeing, because I don't know or try to convince you what you didn't see, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the rest.  "Note" if RLC didn't want there boyfriends to know and we are or wasn't allowed to see, "then why did they take the job." and shit the customers?  I am not sympathetic when it comes to these young ladies because I am sure they know what they are getting them-selves into, and the criticism that comes with it. "if they can't handle the heat, they need to stay out of the kitchen."  because it gets hot as hell in there some times...lol8)

    I just read in the chat room someone said that the reason they are under main: is because they are prostitutes and have customers, and RLC doesn't want us to see!!! WOOOW!!8)

  10. I see Masha's sister and her boyfriend is back for a visit again, and I am sure she'll be teasing us again as usual, Masha's young male guest can't seem to stop watching or looking a Masha's sister, he seems to be attracted to her, "who wouldn't" but I think she knows it also, "with her little eye contact here and there."  I wouldn't be surprised if one day her boyfriend wasn't replaced by him. "she does change them fast" unless Sasha hits it first....lol8) 

  11. 56 minutes ago, iloner said:

    Sadly I don't think they are .........

    Their dancing together is flirty fun - it justifies their place here and they enjoy each other's company.

    Mich might be tempted.   Apparently she has done shows with other girls, and one reason for Candy being there might be they will do a girl-girl camshow at some stage; but not until it is certain to be a big earner.    They are professionals.   Sadly, Rubberman, I don't think anything did happen that night the bedroom was completely dark.

    Last night Mich was naked and horny on the settee.   I missed a few minutes during which Sia came home and Mich got dressed.  If she was really bi she might have remained naked and seen whether Sia could be tempted.  (For a naked horny Mich I think the Queen would make an exception, so Sia would have found it hard to resist.)

    Mich rubbed one out under the covers and Candy as usual went to bed early to sleep.   

    Disappointing as usual.


    Michelle, Candy and Sia was out most of the day yesterday, when they got home Michelle went straight to bed, until later on that evening while Sia was setting in the living room and got a call from someone, "I guess to go out" and afterwards she went and talked to Candy who was sitting at the table,  Candy shook her head no, then she "Candy" went to Michelle's room while she was still in bed half way asleep and they talked, Michelle shook her head no, Candy then left the room and went back into the living and sat at the table while Sia fixed her face some "make up" then put on her coat, she came into the living room, whispered something to Candy, they walked into the Kitchen and began to talk with there backs towards the cam whispering.  Then Sia left, and Candy went back into the living and sat at the table, mean while Michelle pulls out her cell phone from under her bed covers and starts watching "porn" and listing to music and started masturbating under covers, she masturbated for awhile and had three different orgasms "I watched ......lol" I guess the music was so Candy wouldn't hear, even though the door was closed.  after that Michelle got up, went to the bath, sat on the toilet got up washed her pussy at the sink with just water and her fingers, dried off with a towel pulled up her green short pants and went into the living room and sat on the couch and started talking to Candy. Her and Candy talked for awhile "over an hour or two" "NOTE" sometimes Candy would take her cell phone and go into the bathroom were there wasn't any sound and close the door and talk"  until they started looking and reading there phones and Lap-top, then I guess Candy got upset and went to bed, leaving Michelle up by her self,  MIchelle then goes to her room and comes back out into the living room naked laying on the couch with her cell in her hand and starts posing for the RLC cams.  After about 15 mins of this, Sia comes home and Michelle puts back on her clothing and just sits there, after having a few words with Sia Michelle went into the kitchen fixed her some food, sat at the living room table, ate some got up left bowl and all on the table and went to bed, leaving Sia up alone.  Michelle did come out or two times, said something again to Sia and went back to bed.  Sia got a call,  "I was trying to keep up with Efim and Kamila's parties...lol"  So as for as Michelle being horny and Sia finding it hard to resist.... that's funny. Weather Michelle has done shows with other girls or plan on doing a girl-girl camshow at some stage..  I speak about what I see and think, and what they want me to see.  if they didn't want me to think that they was doing anything with each other, "they should have never started the script."8)

  12. 1 hour ago, iloner said:

    Great possibilities eventually came to nothing.

    Mich lay naked on the settee with her laptop.   Its a big screen, and from Cam 2 covered too much of her body, so you saw most from cam 1 which was a little too far away.

    She stroked her breasts, she several times organised a good view of her pussy and the she frigged it briefly.   Then she changed position from lying down to sitting with the laptop on her lap (now cam 2 was better but not enough light to see well into the shadow cast by the laptop onto the top of her thighs).   

    I was busy for a moment and suddenly she was dressed again, and Sia had come home.

    Mich jumped quickly into bed naked, and then bated under the covers.   

    Why?   If she was going to do a show naked on the settee why completely cover herself in bed?

    Any ideas?


    I agree!! Same room, Two different cams, whats the different's.. there full of it.8)

  13. I wonder why Candy and Michelle didn't go out tonight with Sia and the others from B1 tonight?  could it be they needed some more alone time? last night was all laughs and giggles or are they embarrassed about the comments they read about them-selves from the last nights about them coming out of the closet.  I can't understand them two, why get mad when they should us what they wanted us to see, and what really might be.  Michelle is a very sexy young lady, and very good with her web-cam, but once she starts drinking she turns into an immature 10yr little girl, Candy seems to be her follower, and when she does, she hates her self the next day.  Its hard to believe that they both have boyfriends and or husbands, I think neither one does, maybe a "pimp" yes.  Last night they told on them-selves in the bed room and the long 25 min stay on the balcony last night didn't help either.  They was gone from the apartment most of the day, and once back its been all whispers and low talking, I sure Sia as always gave them a pep talk and some advise before she left out the door tonight.  Sia has become their babysitter, and there eyes and ears.  Hopefully before these two leave "Michelle and Candy" they can get there shit together, if there lesbians fine, stop trying to hide it, maybe they should move into the same room together, if not thats great too, just stop making us think that you are, when your acting like it.8)

  14. Candy and Michelle started the night off by having a couple of drinks, and playing games dancing with each other, seems the dancing was turning into a bit getting closer with for "Michelle" and Candy was pulling away, after each 10 to 15 min they would go out to the balcony hidin from the cams "could be a smoke break" in the cold.  After each smoke break they would come back in and start over again, but got even closer but less dancing.  They did good for us watching until the last smoke break witch took almost 25 min "in the cold, with Michelle almost half naked"  Once back in Michelle ran to the bathroom, after awhile she came out,  Candy seem she was trying to get herself together and strighten up herself.  I have always suspected these two of having some kind romance and love thing "under cover love thing" and so have others.  I wonder why they just don't come out in the open, tonight they really gave us the thoughts about them.   "Is it true" my thoughts YES!!  There had to be a lot of cold pussy eating going on that balcony tonight...lol8)

    And all of these was done while Sia was gone "with her boyfriend" WOW!!8)

    There "Candy and Michelle" are in bed together now with the door closed, and Sia is home...  I don't think where going to see any pussy eating in that bed tonight, unless they turn off the cams again.8)

    If there not licking each other "they act like they are." with there sneaky ways.8)

    Michelle and Candy took their little party to another level when they went out on the balcony and hide.... and we as paying customers was fucked!8)

    I am sure the real lesbian action went on at the hidin balcony now there are in bed under covers faking, like two 12yrs old girls, what a let down for the viewers.8)

    After tonight RLC needs to send these two packing, back to the boarding school.8)

  15. Sasha could and may have a chance with Masha's sister, seems she has had a few guys "boyfriends" so far, seems she changes boyfriends faster then she does her panties.  She is some what a tease when she wants to be, if she is working her way up to Sasha, I hope she can handle his horse...lol the way he sometimes watches her "sneaky peeks" I am sure he is going to give it to her real good,  I just wish she would change her hair color back, the gray makes her look to old.8)

  16. Its clearl to see that if Candy is suppose to be the leader of B2 she has her hands full trying to make things work for her.  After watching her for the last two weeks, I was hoping for something way better then the so called party last week.  No I am not here to badger her "this time"..lol but hope she read my comments.  The first thing she needs to do is stop reading these comments and taking them to the heart, because I can see she does gets very emotional after reading them. She needs to sit down with Michelle who is always on her hip, and let her know that she and Sia and herself needs to start putting some kind of energy into the apartment.  And if there going to have a party don't invited people who looks like their dads or uncles.  Candy, Michelle and Sia, have either boyfriends or a husband, they need to worry about RLC and what we think also.  Michelle needs to stop with the fake under covers masturbation's and Sia needs to be involved just a little bit more.  Candy needs to talk to Lima on what to do.  As much as I ride these three young ladies, I can say they are pretty and sexy, but slow at keeping up B2.  I am glad that there is no drugs or to much alcohol, I just want to see them have some fun in there. "And not always looking at those cell-phones."   These are my thoughts only8) 

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