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Posts posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. 3 hours ago, Drenaii said:

    phone call short while ago with english speaker:

    this is as close as i could interpret her accent:


    nails month at home country, only 2 weeks in barc cause different tech
    maybe buy tech do self or go somewhere else
    walked into centre had good day
    went where they speak native language

    talking about housekeepers (maybe her other job, establishing this before end of rlc time?)

    good day tomorrow together walking and so on
    advise to read lost to fall asleep faster cause it dont make sense
    hoping come tomorrow
    its cool my darling its really good
    have a good night ill see you tomorrow

    Well now we do know she has a boyfriend, and why one of the reasons she leaves out of the apartment, and why she doesn't go but so far in the apartment.  She really didn't get to involved in last weeks so called kiddie party with the two handy men from the funeral home, Candy, Michelle and their guest made them-selves look really stupid with that unrehearsed script "play".  "like I said she Sia" is the smarter one in the apartment" But why come to RLC if she wasn't going to be open?8) 

  2. On 12/7/2016 at 1:36 PM, Benfold said:

    You missed out man, she lay naked with open legs facing Cam 7 for about half an hour, and even gave herself a few little rubs downtown. She has great lips. She also kept looking at the cam, and twice took a photo of Cam 7 with her phone :D

    Nicole's a babe, my favourite RLC girl at the moment


  3. 3 minutes ago, seb38240 said:

    no nobody heard anything and they just sleep michelle unplug the n v when she want to put her phone battery that why no night vision 

    I watched most of the night just like you did, unless you was there in person.  let me keep my own thoughts, and believes.8)

  4. The are having this fake ass party with two handy men from a local funeral home please.  If they want to living up there party Candy should have let us see Michelle going down on her the other night.  These three remind me of little kids, trying to put a play together and don't know how.8) 

    Its a good thing there are other apartments to watch, besides the mickey club.8)

    There party was about as fake as Michelle's under cover masturbation's8)

  5. Oh well it was fun while it lasted, looks like where going to lose two more girls over to B2...  Sad because Michelle and Candy are use less for that apartment.  Sia still has some hope. Maybe the two guys from the  funeral home well put some spunk into them.  I wonder witch girl is going to sleep with Candy? "I need to know before the lights go out"...lol  "Note" most of the night well be spent on balcony anyway.8) 

  6. On 12/5/2016 at 11:40 AM, PeterGrey said:

    Looks like Nicole is heading out again.
    For everyone's sake, I hope it's not to B2.

    She asked Lima about something, and Lima didn't want to say it out loud but wrote something down in her book for Nicole to read. Suddenly Lima decided to go with her.


  7. 9 minutes ago, iloner said:

    Has Candy done anything worthy of note?

    I miss lots - like all of us - and have been checking the Chat and CC regularly to find out what I've missed.

    Candy has been here almost 2 weeks, and so far as I can tell I have missed nothing because she has done nothing.    I did catch a porno of her being fucked that was posted here - it disappeared within an hour.    She kept her top on throughout.  

    She even creams her body in shorts and top.  

    Cam girl?   More like Cover-up girl.

    They sent Michelle home and she was likeable.   Go home Candy.

    Question 1# She has done nothing since she has been there, I am thinking all her doings are on the outside of the apartment with her boyfriend.

    Question 2# Michelle is trying but failing with her fake masturbation's under covers at night. It might be a husband thing for her too.

    And Sia is  just living in B2, after watching her for a few days, I did figure out she is the smarter one in the house when it comes to reading them the comments that are said on our blogs and chat room.

    I would love to see something other then them watching their phones all day.8)


  8. I have do have to give Michelle and Candy an apology when it comes to Candy's room cam's not working the other night, and I have no problem with saying that. But I can say that if they knew the cams was out, why did they close the door to the room so any light would not come in at all?  "witched did cause of lot of suspicions and speculations" I really don't listen to many excuses form paying customers unless they were there.  After reading over a few comments and seeing the lights on in that room all last night, it did come clear to me, that the cams do have a problem.   

    Moving on to a new day, I believe that these three "Candy, Michelle, and Sia need to start putting some life into that apartment B2 instead of sitting around like three old ladies holding cell phones in there hands all day, waiting for morning so they can go see there boyfriends and husbands. Belle is gone and training day is over.8)

  9. I see that Sia is back from a night out on us, "I dare not to talk about her to bad, I may have to duck from a bullet, from one of her fans,"  I wonder if we well every see any kind of sexual side of her, besides dancing around the house with her room mates, when scheduled. I also notice she goes out every day almost the same time. My biggest question is "what is her purpose there?" I really can't see any other qualities, besides sharing information with her room mates. Unless she is just a pawn for Candy and Michelle when needed.8)

  10. Is it true what I have read today, that the cams was darken in Candy's room because she and Michelle had sex and didn't want their boyfriends to see what was going on?  So what did the paying customers get out of it?  Oh I guess where just going to have to wait for Michelle's next fake web cam show.  At least some of us know what happened in that dark room last night.  They must have ate each other real good for the lights to be out.8)

    Sia must be on phone watch today, while the two lovers "Michelle and Candy" are out.8)

  11. 2 minutes ago, vortios said:

    If it were as you say, I would do that attitude of Mich, much more damage to RLC than good.
    Because there will be people who see her in sexcam, they have enough, but I am convinced that the majority of customers, we do not care about that part of their show, what's more, we want them to have a show in our cameras, not for others .

    Thank you...I agree with you 100%8)

  12. On 12/3/2016 at 5:18 AM, vortios said:

    Good morning,
    I am with you that were technical problems that occurred last night.
    But that means they have very little foresight with that, because it is not the first time that happens, and always in the same room ... that is worrying.
    In addition to saying very little about the maintenance service of the company, in just over two months, I know the same problem, and is not a small problem, such as not updating the mini-screens, but leave two cameras without service Of the house, important ...
    Another thing is that this always gives people theories of conspiracy, and they leave the girls in bad place ...
    This morning in other forums it is said that Candy does not close the door and last night closed the door, that the girls do not usually sleep together and last night "chance" sleep together, that they talk about not having experiences with girls, however Candy Has said some games to Mich ...
    They will be fooled, but from my point of view, that should not give rise to RLC to be given.
    Already happened to Lola and Rebecca, of course in that case, if that happened.


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