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Everything posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. Seems that Masha and Sasha always have company, you'd think that there apartment was some kind of under ground hide out or something. Most of the company they get aren't really into the things they do "just the opposite" maybe someone from one of the other apartments well give them a visit, it would be nice if it was "Olivia and Nick" another freaky couple, or Leora.....lol I would love to see if Leora could handle Sasha's horse dick..LOL
  2. Unless he is working or something, I think that Markus spends more time on his computer playing games then he does with Adeline "even when they have company"....I wonder did Lev leave his scent in that room?....LOL
  3. i don;t know weather Lana and Robert has some kind of bad vib with RLC or its viewers, and I see that Lana is having another ugly day with the cams..."if you don't want to be seen by the cams I am sure the door is never locked" leave and stop wasting the viewers money. I am sure there getting paid on time and they do love the money and nice place to STAY!!!! I think these two have gone down the toilet with the rest of the shit they push out.
  4. I just witness Julia and Eric having some sort of sex.."they just broke Smith's record for the fastest NUT!!" I would have thought that Julia would have been more welling but she act as if it was just something she had to do and get over with, no foreplay at all, seem she didn't even want to be kissed at on point, I don't think she even had an orgasm. I can almost understand why Eric didn't last, "its not like he's getting it on a daily or weekly basics, more like once a month" he may be starting to take matters in his own hands too when alone. For someone who sits with her legs open 70% of the time and shows her bald pussy, you would think she would give the viewers some masturbation sets "SOMETIME" but she just sits there watching t.v and mostly looking stone faced. I feel RLC needs to have a one on one meeting with these two..."step up or pack up."
  5. Welcome Sonya, Angie and Glasha...I have been waiting to know all of your sexuality's, "who's a couple or are all three of you ladies straight or bi?"
  6. I see that Olivia and Nick are still having there kinky sex sections, I wonder if Taya well ever join them one day? she seems to be home alone a lot. "I have never seen either girl "Olivia and Taya" do any type of masturbating. Note: These two are very good when it comes to role playing....I just wished they would add Taya..."One day"
  7. Another all night out for Renata "I guess she is still trying convenience her boyfriend to give her a second chance and that she well only blow him and give him her puss from now on." Now back home she has Ilona and Tim visiting B2 maybe they can help her become friends with Victoria again. What ever happens Victoria should not trust her so easily again with any man of her's after learning Renata can be very sneaky and fast in the ass. Tim seems to be very eager to give her a lot of advise while getting himself an I full of the B2 girls "sneaky sneaky"...LOL I still say that RLC should send Renata packing. "My thoughts only"
  8. I think that Yana and Ricky might do a lot better if they had there own place, but you have to admit they are doing better then others like "Maya and Stepan." They do give the viewers cam time and they get alone very well.
  9. I agree, Kitty was just fine the way she was, nothing fake, I wonder did she do this because of the way some of her female look? or do she think it well put some spark into her and Smith's relationship?
  10. >"RLC might consider on getting rid of Renata now, seeing that Victoria and her may never really get a long to with each other now "I wouldn't trust her alone with my dog in the same room after last week." I also think most of her days may be just sitting on the couch waiting for night so she can go catch up with her boyfriend and not come in until the next day wasting a lot of viewers time.
  11. Stesha is very beautiful and sexy, Marco is a lucky man, I am waiting for another one of there parties its been awhile.
  12. Seems that a couple has been staying at Efim's and Anabel's apartment in the guest room over night, they were pretty well drunk last night and since then the male has been trying to have sex with her, but the female is not welling in front of the cams..lol nothing seems to be working for him getting into her "kitty cat"...not even a finger or two is working for him under the covers. I guess Anabel is in the living room trying to distract the viewers by playing her violin "but its not working" on me anyway..LOL I guess Anabel need to tell this couple that the cams won't stop...unless she does like some of the other apartments "shut them off"..lol Unless the male is very slick about his doing's he may wind up having a set of "BLUE BALLS" or having Anabel persuade this female into giving in..LOL
  13. Seems Nelly and Bogdan went to Efim and Anabel's over night party and left a very sexy house sitter, I wonder if she is related to anyone them?
  14. Seems that Adeline had some of her sexy friends over and they spent the night, I also think that she may have become a little jealous of Markus eye shifting towards them...once the girls "Adeline friends" left she made up with him by giving him a nice hand job "that didn't last long"...I wonder why..lol or witch one was on his mind..? Adeline is very sexy, and Markus is going to be a man but I don't and hope he doen't start playing out side of the house.
  15. Its good to see that Ilona, Tim are doing well, and giving the viewers something to see and be waiting for daily....Ilona's sexy leg shots while in bed "wow" there is nothing shy about her anymore. I do and know it may be hard for her I "wish" she would let her cell phone rest some days seems she can let it go for more then a min or so, I am glad they do visit B1 at times, but for lIona's sack I wouldn't do it to often seeing that there is a man drought over there..LOL
  16. Welcome Neia, I would say that you have some big shoes to fill but you don't, I hope you enjoy your stay...and please don't wait until the last week of you stay to open up to the members...in other words "be yourself."
  17. I wonder if Victoria and Renata well every be friends again..."Renata made a very huge mistake by letting Victoria's male friend stick his already used sausage in her."...lol If Renata was a male she would be called a "dog" "I wonder what do they call a lady for doing something like that?"
  18. I am hoping she has dropped Demid and has someone else who's not controlling.
  19. I notice that Dasha spends a lot time at Eva and Sam, I wonder if she is anyway family with one of them or just close friends? I also think that Dasha should be brought back to RLC.."Just my thoughts only" I am sure she misses being apart of the RLC crew.
  20. Looks like Nita is leaving us tomorrow "she has also packed some of her things" I have been studying her since her arrival, she is sexy and have a good since of humor when she is not around Leona, I also notice how Renata and Victoria tried there best to get her kind of drunk last night, seems the tables turned the other way..lol Nita does masturbate every day and night mostly around the clock if she's laying in bed, and she has a very unique way of doing it with out being notice "thanks to a female friend of minds I caught on to what she was doing" she uses her legs in a very sneaky way. She and Danaya are somewhat alike only Danaya uses her fingers, they can keep this up most of the day and night if ones not paying any attention to them, its almost like watching a sex nympho who never gets satisfied. "very sexy in my book of voyeurism"..LOL
  21. Looks like Kamila, Kaley and Kristy has gotten them selfs a dog, "bad idea, now one stays at home long enough to take care of him" I as sure after awhile they are going to get tired of smelling piss and shit also from the rugs and floor.
  22. I see some gets up set when the girls or ladies bring in a guy "some times I do myself" depending on what was going on before they entered, especially when there is a good lesbian section about to take place, or an all girls party is going on and someone brings in a guy. Do you think B1 and B2 should just be only girls or girls and boys?
  23. Seems after Leona's leaving today, witch I am sure Renata was as happy as a million dollar lottery winner "now she can run the house" and truly do things her way. As the evening came close Renata went out earlier and bought some food and alcohol and got the girls together "Nita and Victora" for some body painting and oil rubbing games, Victoria was really into it, but it seems that the alcohol wasn't really working on Nita like I...lol or Renata thought it would...either way things was starting to get very sexy with these three laides with the massages a little dancing that they really couldn't get Nita to do, seems the more Nita drank the funner things was to her, until Renata and Victora went into the bathroom and got on there cell phone leaving Nita in the living room, after about 5 minutes Renata and Victora kills the little party by getting dressed in what I would call "skank or on the corner" out fits, and Victora seems so happy....even Nita helps them get dressed, once dressed Victoria and Renata leaves out the door leaving Nita all alone with know one to play with. Nita takes a short shower and lays down on the bed, after about 5 minutes Renata and Victoria returns with a guy "maybe Victoria's boyfriend" or someone she may be liking or a paying customer..lol Anyway after hearing the noise Nita gets up and closes her door and gets back in the bed and I am sure listening or viewing it on her phone, Nita didn't want to be part of Renata's costumer games, and I am sure that Leona may have schooled her about what might happen once she left. Renata and Victoria quickly start moving in on this guy like two dogs in heat "to easy, he must have been on a dog lease out side of the apartment and waiting" Victoria goes down on the guy with know shame and Renata takes the unlicked parts "seems the guy wants Renata but she keeps pushing him back and he does wind up screwing Victoria "who I think knows this guy anyway" This guy keeps eyeballing Renata and Renata who is also now hot in the ass and mouth and pussy by now, I am sure Renats wanted to screw this guy also, she let Victora have her way with him...I guess Victoria finally got her "nut...orgasm" and got up and went in to the bathroom....she wasn't gone 2 min and came back into the living room to fine Renata had this guys dick inside of her...I am sure he must have gotten at least 5 good strokes in...lol after seeing this Victoria seem upset and went into her room, Renata jumps up with a dump sneaky look on her face and the guy goes after Victoria.....what ever he and Renata said to her they made up "Brainwashed her or made her look like a bigger fool" I wonder if Renata is really her friend after doing what she did, if I was Victoria I wouldn't have any trust in her anymore. Mean while Nita is in her room I am sure making her on little fire with her two sticks "leg's" under covers "very sexy" to watch, after awhile Nita turns off her night light and raps herself up with the covers and conceal her self not to be seen trying not to give her self away masturbating "but little does she knows" the night light catches all of her movements and some, maybe she should stack rocks on top of her they won't move as much..lol I think that Renata may be the new Lola and recruiter for B2 and she need to learn "Don't get high on your own supply." I also think that Victoria may have been used alone with her new or old mate. All three and the guy "dog on the leash out side of the apartment" did put some eyeballs on B2 thanks to sneaky Madam Renata!!!
  24. Nita, Victoria and Renata's little get together party, some rubbing and touching, I was hoping it went a little farther with all three girls "until Renata and Victoria" left and came back with a guy "and FUCKED it all up" Nita wasn't for it and went to her room and closed the door. "Thanks to two dumb skanks!!! Looks like Renata has taken Madem Lola's place...she is the seller now!!! I was glad that Nita did't participate in Madam Renata's devilish deed tonight "she would most likely would have regret it the next day"
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