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Everything posted by Mooka

  1. Hmm I might have to make a mysterious translator friend, that way i can come in here and say anything I want
  2. Okay, time to put a stop to all of this. I don't believe Banished is BobZ. Why you may ask, well BobZ was a fuckwit, and probably the most dangerous (to RLCF and RLC) member. If anyone was going to get caught by the authorities stalking, trying to hack into Kami's account or just being the most stupid guy around - it would have been BobZ and of course he would have blamed this site - hence the dangerous bit. Banished, well so far he has just been an annoyance, someone I skim over and pay scant regard to what he says. It is funny, I do kind miss BobZ in a small way. I feel lost now when I don't get to read pages of investigative journalism detailing every aspect of Kami's life, from what she had for dinner to the colour of her shit, even when she was on vacation overseas (how the hell me managed that was impressive). Of course it was a little sad to see a 70yo madly and passionately in love with a 20 something bimbo, I am sure his dream was to one day meet her and take her away from all of this, including her supposedly worthless boyfriend. In reality, Kami here is a lost cause, she is only interested in what everyone can do for Kami, she is a taker, a user and abuser of people and their feelings. I do wish that Kristy would wake up, smell the roses and kick the worthless woman out of the apartment and get one or more of her friends !
  3. How the hell do you know this, can you feel the temperature when your nose is pressed up against the window?
  4. Okay, I will wade into this emotive topic ..... So lets say the new owners of RLC heed all the complaints and opens up a few free cams in every apartment. The ONLY thing that will happen is the same people currently complaining about no free cams will now start complaining that no action happens in the free cam rooms, they now want free cams in bedrooms and bathrooms. They basically want everything for nothing. And before everyone jumps down my throat, ask yourself this: if there were free cams in every apartment, would that encourage you to take out membership, as in actually paying and contributing to RLC? I seriously doubt it.
  5. Nah, the girls had the blinds closed, he could see through the telescope from the rooftop across the road.
  6. Yep, it is confirmed, HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'S BAAAAAAAAAAAAACK Okay on topic, otherwise Bobz the Profhet (can't even spell his alias right) will get me banned. Personally, can't wait until Kami leaves, she is a user of people and I honestly think Kristy will be far better off in this apartment if Kami left and was replaced by a cat.
  7. Well if you are asking about Kristy, wouldn't it be smart TO ASK ON THE KRISTY forum, not Kami's?
  8. Does that mean we can now refer to her as 'Kami the Cum Bucket'? lol
  9. Since Stesha and Marco's apartment opened for business there has been an outpouring of homophobic comments. I will freely admit it isn't something I want to see so I will do the totally absurd thing and change to another apartment room. Yep totally radical idea I know, but for all I know there are members, even paid members, of RLC that might want to watch it and whom am I to judge. What I do find totally hypocritical is the same ones who are whining and bitching about two guys kissing (or they think two guys might kiss or touch each other!) is they expect EVERY FUCKING WOMAN in the Project to be at minimum bi-sexual and will rant and rave if two women who are in the same apartment don't immediately strip naked and start fucking each other. Talk about double standards
  10. I use to enjoy the Chat Box but lately I am stopping myself using it. And the reason is quite simple, I enjoy being a member of this site. I have a very low threshold for idiots (blame 3 decades in the military I guess) and it seems that some here can't help themselves and have to see things the rest of us don't. A tenant has a friend over, yep they must be having an affair. A tenant is on the phone, yep calling their lover. A new tenant comes in (this is especially relevant to both girl's apartments), they must be either escorts or about ready to sleep with whomever is already there (which of course will create tension and an all out cat fight over the new girl). And these conspiracy theories would be nice, humorous stories if those telling them did get so upset if you dared to even ask for some iota of proof. Yep he has seen it with his own eyes, he has PROOF (always stated like that), he has video (which never seems to either back up his outrageous story or can never be found). And how dare someone query his wondrous detective skills, it is akin to questioning his manhood. Seriously, one of the attractions to RLC is the interaction between people, but most of it is innocent, If the only way you can get enjoyment from the site is to first imagine something may be happening then have the overwhelming compulsion to tell the world, then get upset when no one take you seriously or questions your 'facts' maybe you need to step away from the computer and experience real life for a bit. I remember one member back when I first joined who was convinced that one of the women was having an affair. His reasons: well the woman showered and put on nice clothes and went out, oh and she use to go out on the balcony to smoke and took her phone. Yep that was the basis but in his mind that equated to the woman having a fully blown affair and boy did he go on about it, timings published when she would be on the phone, what she wore when going out, what time she would come home. It would have been funny if the guy wasn't so serious and earnest about it, he could never understand why the rest of us didn't agree with him and laud him with platitudes for his wonderful investigative skills.
  11. Excellent posts by both of you and 100% true. Too many here seem to think RLC is a porn site, it isn't! Yes it is an adult content site because of the chance of seeing nudity and sex but both of those aren't guaranteed. Yet many not only expect to see all the tenants engaged in some form of sexual activity 24 hours a day, 7 days a week because that is what they imagine they do themselves (except for some their only sexual activity is watching a blurry thumbnail and hoping like fuck someone captured the feed). Once someone accepts the fact that the tenants are real people, actually living a life and not their to sate the sexual needs of some lonely guy you will find the project (as they call it) is quite interesting, But until they do, all the do is complain endlessly.
  12. Iloner, everyone is entitled to their opinion, that is the basis of a forum. Before you put BobZ up for a Nobel Peace Prize, have a read of the forums. He is quite happy to belittle, abuse and attack anyone who dares disagree with his misguided version of the Lady of the Pure Snow, aka Kamila. For me, it was asking for clarification to one of his posts, i.e. where he found the info. When he replied he got it off her VK (or FB or whatever it was, it was a long time ago) page, I stated that it was a little 'unusual' to be tracking someone in real life - then the abuse started. It seems I am not the only one fed up with the constant comments of what Kami did away from the apartment, hell he has even admitted tracking down and reading her boyfriends FB page! Add the constant repeating of what some inane translator said on another site and declaring it was 100% the truth. Seriously, most here don't really care, if we did, we would join CC and read the fucking posts ourselves. If BobZ wants respect, he should show some himself, it is as simple as that. P.S. I suspect I will receive a torrid of abuse from the member for this post, I just wish he would have kept his promise NOT to reply to those who he thinks are against him.
  13. Bit disconcerting to see one of the regular contributors to this thread stating in the shoutbox that Kami has an STD - especially when there is ZERO proof. Tends to confirm everything else he posts is just like that, the ramblings of an obsessive mind.
  14. Totally fucking fascinating, just shows what a simpleton can get for spreading her legs.
  15. I wonder if you found out that snippet of vital, groundbreaking, and totally fucking irrelevant information from his facebook account?
  16. It is one thing to comment about a tenant's actions when inside the apartment but to regale us with where she goes on holidays, what she got up to on holidays, what her friends got up to on holidays, what her boyfriend's facebook page said - well that is just creepy!
  17. I can't work out of BobZ wants to marry Kami or adopt her .... whichever it is he is sure obsessive about her lol
  18. So according to you, Kami's boyfriend is doing exactly what you are doing 24/7?
  19. You have to remember we have some here that automatically assume that if two people are within 50m of each other they must be screwing. Any visitor to an apartment is there only for sex, if any tenant is seen talking, or just being in the same room as a visitor they are automatically having sex, if someone is one the phone it is always to a lover. Of course there has been ZERO proof of actual sex happening (apart from the one threesome with Nina and Kira ages ago) but that doesn't stop some here from imagining a touch or a look to mean sex. Lets face it, if they were having all these extra bed partners, you would think with an apartment full of cameras that someone would have seen it and recorded it lol Just don't tell some they may be imagining things, they tend to get very upset when their fantasy is destroyed
  20. I wasn't too sure on where to place this topic, technically I guess it should be in the Suggestions folder but in reality, this is a rant so hence I put it here .... Anyway, this is a request to the great and powerful BTR. Next time you get whoever to add some new bling to this site, would it be possible to add an icon or something to a member's name to indicate whether they are paid members of RLC or not? Can be a voluntary thing I guess, to be able to be turned on or off via Profile edit. The reason: so when I am reading a post or something in the shout box and some brain dead idiot is demanding everything I can quickly and discretely check to see if he is an actual paid member of RLC. So sick and tired of people here demanding everything yet not willing to pay for the service. I guess these mental giants expect RLC to be a charity and provide everything for zero cost. Every day it seems someone is asking for more free rooms or bitching about something not happening in the girls apartment simply because they can't see it on the blurred thumbnails. Or jumping into the Shout Box and asking for passwords or pictures. Sorry, rant over, just fed up with those complaining that have no right to complain.
  21. I have to ask, just how do we know what happened on their vacation, did the girls give a full debrief to the CC translators or are peoples still trolling/hacking into their social media?
  22. Disclaimer: My reply isn't directed at Rubberman but as a general observation (I know how some here have thin skins) Ah love it, can just see the posts now: Rubberman, more like Rubberdick ... Was a wimp, can't get it up in front of the camera What, is he queer or something, Zoya is in the same apartment as this jerk and he isn't fucking her 24/7 Remember every guy in the Project is judged against some fantasy level porn star level. I would bet at 99.999999999999999999% of the people here either wouldn't even try to screw on cam or would get a big case of stage fright lol
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