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Everything posted by Mooka

  1. She really does nothing for me, I actually find her a bit of a user of people, especially poor Kristy.
  2. Ever thought they may be straight Wgigi, or just not into each other to that level? Nah of course not, they are on RLC, they have to be bisexual and ready to fuck anyone who comes in the apartment just to satisfy a bunch of horny perverts.
  3. Fully agree, there are some here who have forgotten this is just a voyeur site and get very obsessive about certain tenants. The tenants would have to be natural exhibitionists because they know what they are getting themselves into when the sign the contract (you really think they didn't look at the site first before signing on the dotted line???). They know what is allowed, what isn't allowed and what the bear minimum is required . Also glad you bought up the 'it's all scripted' bullshit. If it was scripted, then they should fire whoever is writing the scripts. Yes I full understand that the tenants are given certain guidelines to follow but they would be general in their description I would guess. But some here think every time one of the girls takes a phone call it is from the RLC Control Room telling them to get naked and start fucking each other. Just wishful thinking on their part I think. Lets face it, if it was scripted, we would be seeing a shit load more action, and we aren't seeing any action are we!
  4. Plank, I couldn't have said it better myself - wait I have kind of said that in the Shoutbox and been ridiculed and (thankfully) blocked lol. Lets face it, there are some here that are one plane ticket away from being a fully fledged stalker. I can actually imagine them sitting on their computer hour after hour, the walls covered with pictures of their affection, watching and documenting every move one of the tenants takes. And then extrapolating those images into some full blown fantasy. They are also the ones most vocal in putting down any other tenant, look at some of the comments about Ilona, you would think she is the illegitimate child of Satan the way some described her. Thankfully the Admins and Mods have taken steps to nullify the obsession by not allowing posts in the forums about the outside or real life of a tenant. Unfortunately, all that means is some now park themselves in the Shoutbox eager to tell all about their latest discovery. I am fully surprised some having started posting school class photos of some of the girls, their research has been that extensive. So I think they do the searching (or just make up stories) so they can feel important and all knowledgeable in the ShoutBox. Hey they are the ones that found out 'x' girl is really running a prostitute ring in the girls apartment, or 'x' is getting married, or 'x' is really a highly rated fashion model (who never leaves the apartment, but that is a whole different story lol). All we can do is well laugh at them for their foolishness. They get that caught up in the fantasy they have created for the girl (like she is really a virgin etc) than when something does happen, like Kami's boyfriend turning up, hearts are ripped apart as their dreams dissolve,
  5. Well said WC, I think some here think that if they bitch and moan like everyone else, they will be considered part of the 'COOL CROWD' or some crap. The amount of rhetoric expressed towards some of the tenants is so over the top it is bordering on comical, and the sad thing is, most of it doesn't make sense. I am still trying to work out out what some people want out of the two girls apartments. I can only gather they expect them to have sex with each other all they time. Hell the complaints when they girls go out is hilarious, often by the same people saying how boring the girls are just sitting around. And how rude is it the girls use any form of electronic device, lets face it, according to the experts here, no one, of any age, every use a mobile, a tablet or a laptop, poor Ilona is the only one to do it. It just makes me laugh. And to reiterate a thread I created earlier, it seems those who complain (and of course boast how they could do better than every man in the Project) aren't even paid members of the site. Yep they whine about things they aren't even prepared to support, how fucking stupid is that lol
  6. Bobz, again, you are jumping to conclusions. Maybe Kami is bisexual, you know, enjoys being with both men and women? Add to the fact, in all the 'action' ever seen between Kami and Kristy, Kristy has been the instigator and was the more active one - Kami just laid back and enjoyed it. You never know, one day she might just do that again, close her eyes and think the hands and mouth etc belong to her boyfriend and not Kristy! Anyway, we don't know exactly what the relationship is between Kami and this guy, yes be bought her a big teddy bear, but for all we know he is just a sugar daddy. After all, she didn't go out with him afterwards (poor bugger probably had his family to go home to lol). Instead of speculating, second and third guessing, trolling every website on the web etc, lets all just enjoy what we see on the screen and leave it at that.
  7. Hey I will be the first to put my hand up and admit I was wrong, I was very surprised to see either of the K's back, especially Kamila since well she did bugger all when she was here the first time and looks to be doing even less (if that is possible) this time around.
  8. So it is okay for a woman to slap, punch and kick a guy, but the guy can't defend himself? I watched the entire thing live last night and all Hector did was one slap which he immediately apologised for. Suzan on the other hand, let's just say she was definitely the more aggressive of the two. I will never hit a lady, but Suzan definitely wasn't a lady last night.
  9. I love it how everyone assumes any girl that is on RLC is automatically a lesbian or at least bisexual. I know this might be hard to understand, by Ilona might just be straight!
  10. Shaka, deep breath, hold, then exhale! Hell I agree with you, I honestly have no idea what some of the people here expect from not just the girls apartments but from all the apartments. If they stay at home all day they are accused of not having a life and heaven forbid if someone uses an electronic device to pass the time. No one ever uses a computer, a tablet or a phone in real life - well except those members who are watching 23 hours a day lol And yet, if the tenants try to have a normal life, and actually go out, they are roasted here for, wait for it, having a life! What is worse is when something does happen. Does the RLCF fraternity appreciate it, fuck no, suddenly there are calls that it was all fake, it was scripted, it is all a con job. I do agree with Benfold as well, RLC have made some bad decisions in selecting tenants, but I personally don't think it would be an easy thing to do in selecting the right people. Someone who swears on a bible stating they are going to be the life of the party can quickly turn into a ghost in the apartments. Some may find the mere thought of always being watched very daunting and very off-putting. Luckily RLC do have some naturals like Leora and Paul, Adriana and Daniel and Nelly and Bogdan who seem to thrive in the environment, which is very fortunate for us. Just do what I do, I make fun of the idiots here. Yes it will probably get me banned, big deal, but if I can make these RLCF members start to realise how stupid they sound it might just improve this site.
  11. Got to say it, I love all the sexual supermen on this site, those that think they can fuck 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days (well 366 2016) a year - but instead choose to spend countless hours glued to a monitor watching the tenants. You would think if they had such prowess in the art of bedding a lady they would have other distractions ......lol
  12. As a couple of others have alluded to: RLC can exist without RLCF, but RLCF can't exist without RLC. Might not be a popular statement but I think it is true. But having said that I consider that RLCF enhances RLC, like the perfect sauce on a magnificently cooked steak. Without the sauce the steak is nice, good even, but not memorable. But add the right sauce and that steak will stay in your memory for a long time. I am lucky, I can have both RLC and RLCF running together and due to timezones I can see or at least catch up on what has happened during the day/night (yes, against popular belief I do have a life lol). I enjoy the forums (always been a bit of a forum junkie) and sometimes the banter in the Shoutbox is good (and sometimes not, some people have very short fuzes). Best I can say is that I don't think I can enjoy RLC now without the additon of RLCF!
  13. So if these disgruntled people are ex members, why are they still here? What is the use of hanging around and bitching about a product you have already decided you didn't like? You really think the management of RLC will log onto this site and go 'Oh look Nathen has discontinued his membership, we will be ruined if we don't listen to everything he says'. Or to put it another way, RLC have no idea what the ex members are saying because THEY ARE EX MEMBERS, they don't exist in the RLC database as an active user.
  14. Had this site up last night, idling watching the chat in the Shoutbox when I saw a few comments that got me thinking (and a little pissed off). There were a couple of the more vocal RLCF members who as usual were complaining about just about every aspect of RLC. Then one made the comment that he is glad he doesn't pay for the site and the other agreed. Well this got me thinking, what right do they have to complain. They aren't paid members of RLC, yet they expect RLC to bend over backwards for them and worse, listen to their incessant complaints. My thoughts are if you aren't prepared to put your money where you mouth is, you have no real right to complain about any aspect of the site. You aren't contributing to it, you aren't helping pay for the rent of the apartments, yet you expect to see everything? I have seen guys here 'suggest' that paid members should always record any action, especially from the Premium rooms and put it up in the Gallery so they can view it. Well it wasn't quite a suggestion, it was more of a demand. Well screw you, I have paid for the privilege of seeing what goes on via every cam available, if you want to see it all you have to do is pay like I do. I just find it extremely hypocritical to come onto a site like this and whine, demand and bitch about RLC yet you aren't prepared to help it survive. In fact I wish the Premium rooms didn't have any free cams, those that don't pay can just sit there and try to decipher the blurred images in the thumbnails - that is all they deserve. Anyway, that is my rant for the day, I am sure I will be lambasted yet again for having an opinion
  15. Damn I was just about to create a similar thread to this! Every day I log on here eager to read the latest theory about the tenants. Just in the last couple of days I have found out: Ilona is pimping Danaya around town to any guy that can afford the price (hence why Ilona is resisting the charms of Danaya) Ilona has a sugar daddy (who bought her the stuffed dog - wow big spender) Ilona also has a boyfriend (this is of course why she spends so much time on the phone/laptop) This of course adds to the growing list of: Ilona was the madam for Layla, Irma and Anna (again because she was on the laptop a lot making bookings) Both Paul and Lev are gay (it must be true they don't ravish their partners 24/7 like a normal couple would) Carla and Mario are making money by web casting their sexual adventures (hey they have a laptop remember) Anna has an STD (the reason is she peed more than she should and therefore wouldn't fuck Irma) Every girl that has gone into the girls apartment is either a hooker, high class escort, stripper or porn star. And the classic, all time favourite - everything that happens in all the apartments is closely scripted by RLC! I must admit, I am impressed by the imagination some people exhibit here, they can pick up the minutest detail and form a rock solid conclusion with it. And they don't like being queried about their new found detective powers, I am now proud to say I am blocked by at least two regulars in the Shoutbox for daring to ask where they got their information from. No loss there I can assure you. So why do people here get so caught up in the lives of well strangers on a screen? Is it that they have to invent these stories to justify in their own minds the fact that they are perving on them 24/7? On a slightly different topic, I would like to publicly thank B.T.R (and the other Admins of course) for putting a stop to the cyber stalking that was damn near epidemic here when I first joined. It was a very dangerous practise that would only lead to trouble and I think the Admins should be applauded for putting a stop to it.
  16. Finally, someone said the truth. Lets face it, every time a new girl comes into this apartment, the forums get flooded on how gorgeous, how sexy, how 'perfect' she is and how she is is going to change every, have sex with everyone and cure cancer (okay the last one was just being silly). FFS, give the girl a few days to settle in, she is coming into an established apartment with two girls that have grown very close. She is in fact the 'third wheel' until the pecking order is worked out. Just don't start bitching about her straight away if she, shudder, picks up her mobile phone or dares to use a computer lol
  17. So you would prefer to have girls in the apartment who have standards, who won't wander around naked or even semi-naked and would be horrified at the mere thought of having sex on camera?
  18. Plank, I think it is more of a case of 'what might have been' instead of fond memories. Action wise, Kami has actually done less than the current tenants in the apartment, and the only real highlight was one massage was Kristy that there was a tiny bit of tit play. Hell Anna and Irma did more in one night that all the girls in the previous 6 months.
  19. Finally, someone who understands! Think about it, if you like a good steak dinner, and end up having the best steak dinner on the planet for every meal, it wouldn't be long before you just don't like steak! We don't know how long Paul and Leora have been together, for all we know it could be years. They are just use to each other. I actually think they have a pretty good relationship, they spend a lot of time together, they rarely fight, they do cuddle a lot. Just seems to be like any long term couple to me.
  20. Bob, please let it rest, she is gone, you will have to start fixating on another girl. You don't know what she was doing, you were even telling everyone that she was going to marry this mythical photographer, until you realised the photo you saw was several years old. You know exactly what Kami wanted you to find out here, nothing more, nothing less.
  21. So you were going to pay, but RLC made it more advantageous to be a paid member, so you are going to remain a freeloader - okay I think I can see your logic! Don't forget, if everyone decided not to pay, this site would be shut within a month - food for though huh
  22. I think this thread may be more exciting that the couple the thread is about. And I kind of think we will be waiting a long time to get any masturbating pics here
  23. I think we need to give Paul a break. We don't know how long they have been together, maybe they were schoolyard sweethearts and have been together that long that everything is now routine. As for Leora wanting to masturbate instead of screwing, hell I have seen that in real life. Some women prefer the quick wank when horny as they don't have to clean up, don't have cum dripping out afterwards, can control the action and tempo AND can make it quick or as long as they want. Hell I envy Paul, he might be a slob, but he gets to see Leora 'in the flesh' everyday, we only get to watch on a monitor. As for his lack of enthusiasm at times, hell if you have the best steak every day for dinner, no matter how good it tastes, eventually you will tire of it right. Maybe he is just use to seeing her wander around naked all the time, for him it is just normal.
  24. Why do guys seem to assume any woman with great boobs must have had a boob job? How would we like it (meaning us men) if woman asked us if we had had a dick enlargement (or worse) that we SHOULD have a dick enlargement huh huh lol
  25. BobZ, mate, let her go, she is gone, she isn't coming back. Start fixating on someone else!
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