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Everything posted by Mooka

  1. OMFG, one of the tenants went out and didn't ask the conspiracy theorists permission first. How dare the bitch do that, doesn't she know that anything she does will be construed to be evil, even if there is no fucking evidence of the deed. I swear if she went to the dentist idiots here would suddenly be linking her with a dental prostitution ring.
  2. Glad she is gone, she didn't nothing whilst in the apartment. Hell if she could have worked out a way to shower fully clothed she would have ...
  3. Maybe she is pregnant - wait you have been absent for a while too BobZ ... hmm this is how rumours start
  4. Well since I started this thread, maybe it is time I try to explain why. It isn't the off topic conversations that annoyed me (and still do), it is the playground bully boy tactics. It seems that a few decide to take a dislike to one of the tenants then proceeds to constantly bitch, moan, gripe, complain etc., about them. Because these posters are regulars, it seems others feel they have to agree with the comments, and if anyone dares disagree, they are ridiculed, threatened, ignored, or just abused for having an opinion. Just look at some of the comments about Paul, Lev, Ilona, and now Adele - you would think by reading the shout box that these people have committed mass genocide or killed kittens for a living. I know, especially in regard to Paul and Lev that it is just petty jealousy coming out but with Ilona and Adele it has really got beyond a joke at time what these two have been accused of. Hell even look at Suzan, Hector and Pablo, according to some 'in the know' they have all been screwing each other, yet there isn't a photo or a video to back this up. Yet, as I just saw in the Chat Box right now, when someone asks for proof the accuser gets very defensive and starts throwing accusations at the one asking the question! I always thought the Chat Box was somewhere where a member of this site can came, have some banter, ask a question or two, catch up on what has been happening on the project and have some laughs - guess I thought wrong.
  5. Well take your own advice AND DON'T WATCH THEM - problem solved!
  6. Is there any proof of them receiving cash or is this just another wild arse assumption alone the lines that every girl in that apartment has been a prostitute? And please, don't say you heard from someone, who read a translation on another site - hell i could sit here and say I can translate, write utter bullshit and unfortunately half the members here would not only believe me but start quoting melmao
  7. One of the reasons why I joined this site was the Chat Box. Yes reading the forum posts and catching up on all the gossip was part of it, but originally I enjoyed the repartee and banter in the box. But lately I have been avoiding it like the plague. All it seems to be is negative, who can talk the most shit about tenants. Never a nice word about them, it seems everyone commenting can do a better job as a RLC tenant. And let's not forget all the tough keyboard warriors there who jump down anyone's throat if they dare have anything nice to say about a tenant. Hell according to these experts, every tenant in the Project is either ugly, useless, boring, brain dead or is in some mysterious conspiracy. Here's a hint, if you can't find ONE thing about RLC you like, maybe you should be here, there are plenty of other sites around but all this bullshit is turning people off both RLC and RLCF, make no mistake about it.
  8. Or, going against all the Aida devotees, maybe Danaya thought Aida was feeding her a line of bullshit and trying to destroy Danaya and Adele's friendship! Nah that couldn't be the case, according to most here Aida is the second coming of the Virgin Mary ... lmao
  9. Or maybe she has decided that she only wants her friends to see her social media accounts and not have every detail recorded on them reported on here and CC
  10. That's okay BobZ, the only one that will be at your wedding to Kami is your obsessive imagination .....
  11. We know, hell everyone knows, that you think Kami is perfect and a virgin and that one day she will be the mother of your children ...... The ONLY person that needs to be concerned about the reasons Kami had the operation on her ears is, wait for it, KAMI. We don't know the reasons behind the operation, we don't even know if it was for cosmetic or for health reasons.
  12. If you listen - well read - those who think they know everything, Hector is apparently fucking Pedro, and Pedro is apparently fucking Suzan - yet there has never been any proof, i.e. photos produced. I think a lot here are thinking with their small brain and not the one on their shoulders.
  13. Kind of confused here, there is already an apartment like you described: Nina and Kira (and even to a lesser degree, Carina and Sabrina). Starting to think a lot here don't know what they want.
  14. I see the green eyed monsters is still at large - must be devastating to some to see their fantasies destroyed.....
  15. Maybe they are sick and tired of obsessive fans misinterpreting everything they say or just making up blatant lies!
  16. I can't believe how a grown man can be so totally obsessed with an image on a computer screen.....
  17. I think Paul would piss himself laughing if he read a bunch of keyboard warriors stating they were all sexual gods compared to him. Especially since he gets to do it for real and those complaining only sit behind a monitor and wank.
  18. I fully agree with what BTR is trying to do. The problem, however, is going to be harder to police. We have a small core of ShoutBox users who assume it is their civic duty to give blow by blow 'interpretation', 'guesses' and wild suppositions based on rumour, innuendo - or worse, third person reporting of what someone heard someone else say some other person said on another site. For the more cynical of the SB users, me included, we tend to take these REVELATIONS with a grain of salt and sometimes can't help ourselves to put up a differing viewpoint. We are then called bullies etc. for basically asking for some semblance of proof. I have imposed a wait and see rule for myself in ShoutBox. If I see someone on there that I know will upset me, I will just lurk and not participate. Do I really need to listen to how one member is only interested in one tenant, and what he thinks she is doing when not in the apartment, what she is doing when in the apartment, and what every person she has ever met is doing? Do I need to read how the girls are really escorts simply because they went out for the night? I know I will make a smart arse comment and be crucified as being a big bad meanie for having an opinion that differs to some, so I shut the hell up. I don't need that kind of agro (I have already been threatened once with physical and cyber harm for daring to ask for proof), I will let these people live out their fantasies and they can feel all important for those few seconds longer. So if you see me online in here but not participating in chat, you can hopefully understand why.
  19. Why can't RLC have more than one girls apartment? Who deemed the Barcelona apartment the ONLY girls apartment? Who says that the girls have to be a couple? As for Rita, happy for you she is back but personally I think she is a bigger waste of bandwidth that K and K, adds nothing to the apartment! You want to know why K & K are back - it is simple, enough members on this site (and probably on other sites) jumped up and down and threatened to hold their breath and stamp their feet if Kami and Kristy weren't returned. So they were returned, and those same people are now calling for their removal. Talk about a fickle audience ....
  20. Glad I wasn't the only one thinking that. When K & K were in Barcelona, they were okay, yet they didn't do anything there, zip, nadda, nil - not a damn thing. Then they left, and suddenly they were the best, the most beautiful, the sexiest, the most virginal (add whatever crap these guys came up with) and there were pages pleading with RLC to come back. So they bought them back and guess what, they are still boring - what a fucking surprise! What isn't funny is those that were the loudest crying to bring Kami back are now the ones bleating for her removal. Funny shit isn't it.
  21. Kind of agree but a lot of the complaining is not justified. They complain if the girls go out, they complain if the girls stay inside, they want action but if one of them brings a BF over the whole world ends. They expect the tenants to behave like their fantasies and when that doesn't happen they jump either on the forums or the SB and tell the world how fucked RLC is. The way I see it, a lot of RLCF members don't quite know what they want, they do know they aren't apparently happy, so they bitch in the ShoutBox. Unfortunately, some of the more well known members (and even a mod or two) are some of the more vocal in the complaints department and it seems that some of the more junior or inexperienced members take the lead. Add to the fact a lot that do the complaining aren't even paid members on RLC, they don't contribute to the site but expect the site to bend over backwards for them. Add the fact there are a lot of 'experts' who could not only run the site better, but apparently make far better lovers than all the males in the Project. Then add the conspiracy guys who just love making up stories (and believing them to be true), jump on here to tell us all the latest 'gossip' - always with zero proof. Just don't ask where they got their information, they will turn on you rather viciously!
  22. My random thought of the day: If a person is born deaf, what language do they think in?
  23. why do you think so many have pets in an apartment, same thing, get those little lights flashing so us poor numpties madly click on their rooms lol
  24. Christ how embarrassing, and subsequently corrected (got to love the edit button)
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